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Thread: Fs/Ft 19" RH pro evolutions j8's 19x8.5 19x10

  1. #1

    Default Fs/Ft 19" RH pro evolutions j8's 19x8.5 19x10


    Selling my j8's. 2 piece made in Japan wheels, Gunmetal centers with polished lips and barrels. There not perfect, have a couple of scuffs and the wheels could use a polish. There 19x8.5 up front 19x10 out back sitting on Perelli P-zero's. +37 +44. Currently sitting on my lexus sc300 and came off 350z. Rears are 305/30/19 about 30% left i'd say. Fronts are 235/30/19 about 80% maybe more. there a 5x100 and 5x114.3 pattern. Would like to trade for some 18's prefer set of varrstoens 2.2.1 or 2.2.2. 706 339 1167 located in Augusta Ga. Thanks guys.

    Heres how my other set look on my sc300 they were powder coated a blood red but these are j8's as well.

  2. #2



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