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Thread: Trade my Wedssport sa70's for varrstoen 2.2.1's or 2.2.2's

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    Default Trade my Wedssport sa70's for varrstoen 2.2.1's or 2.2.2's

    Like the title says, I want to trade my Wedssport sa70's for a set of 2.2.1's, maybe 2.2.2's with tires.

    I'mgoing wide body, need something more aggressive.

    I'm mainly looking for 18x9.5 +0 18x10.5+0... I realize thats a pretty big difference in offset considering my sa70's are 17x9+20 18x10+18( near perfect stock body FD fitment) , but you gotta keep in mind, I am trying to trade real wheels for replicas... Ideally, I'd like a set of matte black 2.2.1's in 18x9.5+0 18x10.5+0, but offer away. or i'll sell out right for $1400

    Pics: not the greatest pics of them, they're not cleaned up or anything. they're actully fairly dirty in the pics, but its just to show all of the damaged areas anyways.

    Last edited by '87 supra; 04-03-2012 at 07:39 PM.

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