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Thread: uhhh im not just thinking

  1. #1
    AKA bodydropped THEONE's Avatar
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    Default uhhh im not just thinking

    so now in this time you know men are measured by the amount they make and how successful they are.i wounder,back in the day in the old days would a woman go nuts over the guy with 30 cows and a farm or the guy with 15 cows and a shack?hmm okay im nuts i guess sorry..
    no im not. im just completly convineced a that people man and woman will never truly love another unless there is something to gain. and by gain i mean money. you all call it a plan and perfection ...i call it greed and the oppisite of christianity. you self consumed little bastards... sorry im annoyed. what ever happened to saying "i do" to the person that is now? the person you love now? not saying "i do" to the person who could possibly could be the person who will provide you with a bright future?
    but the person who would eat and live in shit with you love you no matter what. the world is upside down and it seems im the the only one that gets it. you dont measure a man or a woman by thier ability to provide or thier education, you look to thier heart you look deep within... all that other bullshit does not matter., money and success will keep you happy for a short time but is forever...
    if you really look to thier heart not thier things or thier back ground you might just realize who they really are and what they are made of i know im more than paper a person im a child of a man im a father i was a husband do i need to be anything more? you tell me...? have you been asked to be more that you are for the sake of mans twisted ides of whats right? you tell me ... now tell the ones who asked you to be more than what you they are fools..

    you are perfect you are you.......

    i rest my case...
    yes i am....

  2. #2
    KA>SR and $ SR>$for ka-t ka-t_Zenki's Avatar
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    wow, profound yet true in everyway.. kinda relates to the commercialiism of christmas now a days.. over time the perception of things change in the case the tru meaning of love; and sex for the sole purpose of reproducing a family.. THe true meaning was of love and marriage was blurred in that fact that education and financial stability is the basis for an fairly average lifestyle in society today.. without it the success of a marriage is doubtful.. but why..?
    yessir...i even walk sidewayz....

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