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Thread: Girls: Nautural Beauty Secrets

  1. #1
    Nittanys1's Hottie kittychick's Avatar
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    Default Girls: Nautural Beauty Secrets

    I read an article about Beauty Secrets around the world; here are a few I love!

    Give Your Feet a Treat
    Our feet don't get the constant TLC they deserve, especially in the wintertime. Often neglected, our tootsies are usually left to our pedicurist for all the tough work. It's time to give your feet a treat at home and maintain beautiful-looking toes all year round. Here's a tip from our friends in the Mediterranean, using a traditional staple of many European mealtime dishes -- olive oil.

    Beautify your feet by dipping them in warm olive oil for a few minutes, and then buff with coarse salt, and rinse. You'll have soft, beautiful feet in no time!

    Hydrate for Beauty
    Scandinavian women know that beautiful skin is just a splash away. These beauties simply drink at least 1 1/2 liters of pure spring water every day, and begin and end their day with 15 to 20 splashes of ice-cold spring mineral water after cleansing, which is said to encourage the skin's own natural functions. In other words, they can skip spending tons of money on expensive skin-care regimens that exfoliate and rejuvenate. The ice-cold water takes care of that for them! Ice-cold water also helps to reduce puffiness while bringing on a rosy glow.

    Tip: I love using a spray bottle to mist my clients' faces after applying their makeup. Not only does a light mist help set their makeup, but it also hydrates and refreshes the skin! Try the Global Goddess Refresh Revitalizing Spritzer.

    Spanish Stress-Reducing Bath

    • 1/4 cup of sesame oil
    • 6 cloves
    • 2 cinnamon sticks
    • 1 bay leaf
    • Dash of dark rum

      Combine ingredients. Steep for one hour in a dark glass bottle.

      Add three drops to your bath for a lifted mood and conditioned skin.
    Lash Out at Lame Lashes!
    I used to work with an exquisite model who had the most amazing lashes. She told me about a little secret she picked up in Romania -- castor oil. Placed carefully on the eyelashes, it helps to strengthen and stimulate lash growth. It's also good for hair regeneration. Castor oil can rescue your thin, brittle lashes and locks.

    Wake Up Your Feet
    Hard day on your feet? Wake up your tired dogs with mint as the British beauties do. The refreshing oils in mint stimulate the circulation and get your toes a-tinglin'. Soak your feet in warm water, then smooth on peppermint oil. Prop up your tootsies on a few pillows, and feel your hard day ebb away. Or mix peppermint oil into unscented body lotion, and give your entire body a minty, refreshing treat!

    Peppermint Cooling Leg Spray

    • Mix 10 drops of peppermint oil with a few ounces of isopropyl alcohol
    • Pour into a pump bottle
    • Spray on tired legs for a quick pick-me-up
    Get Deeper Color
    Brunette beauties in Romania often maintain their naturally deep, luscious hair color by rinsing with an infusion of walnut tree leaves. The concoction is made by steeping the leaves in hot water and then straining them out, and it helps to bring out the hair's dark reflexes. Their blond counterparts choose a rinse of chamomile tea for golden hair shine.

    For the full article

  2. #2
    Delightfully Creepy Ran's Avatar
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    Imma try this cause I'm a f*cking orge.

  3. #3
    Nittanys1's Hottie kittychick's Avatar
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    also, i'm not sure where I read it- but apple cider vinegar is a good rinse for you hair
    (after or in place of conditioner)
    its supposed to make it shiny

  4. #4
    da ringmasta teggy 2nr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kittychick

    also, i'm not sure where I read it- but apple cider vinegar is a good rinse for you hair
    (after or in place of conditioner)
    its supposed to make it shiny

    i hate conditioner, make your hair all oily...(i have long hair) dove shampoo keeps my hair all nice and shiny!!

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