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Thread: WTBorrow: full size radiator ....

  1. #1
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    Default WTBorrow: full size radiator ....

    like title says i just want to borrow a full size radiator, and or really i'm just checking if it's my radiator that is giving me this problem.. overheating..

    i want to borrow it and if it fixes my problem i'll buy it 8D

    so 1st is borrow,

    2nd if i find out that my radiator is fawked then

    3rd i'll buy yours .. deal
    /Oo ___A___ oO\

  2. #2
    Senior Member | IA Veteran
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    do a compression coolant check and stop all this waste of time throwing parts on a car

  3. #3
    + MAKE EM SAY UHH + Black4DrEK's Avatar
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tech5
    do a compression coolant check and stop all this waste of time throwing parts on a car

    compression coolant checked out fine and everything checked out fine! radiator was checked also.. left it there for a day, and i picked it up because they couldnt' find out what the problem was..

    2morrow I am going to get another shop to check it out and see what they can do .. I mean i'm trying to pin point it out also but .. The shops i took them to are well known in IA, and i dont wanna name there shops.. but they had their chance on it. And couldn't find out the problem..

    But you sir if you have time .. you give me a time/place and i'll let you service it.. and see if you can find out what the problem is.. since your a Certified Tech

    heres what i done so far... riight now i'm running with no thermostat. and it still overheats ... but takes a lil longer now only..
    sometimes the reservoir tank would overflow....
    month ago the radiator hoses calapsed,
    So I replaced both hoses .. fixed that problem...
    then the rear U bend hose popped on me.. and i replaced that problem blocked up the heater core hoses so it doesn't cycle through the heater hoses .. to make sure heater corew was not cloogedd ..outcome still overheats..

    overall drive fine, and everythign but from stop and go traffic it goes up..
    only when it driven hard it would over heat...

    radiator which is new.. but not OEM was bought from a IA member .. which looked exactly the same as original.. but with no stamp no nothing. but was in newnew condition never used blah blah.. & radiator cap was tested also and passed test..

    only thing i'm thinking is water pump,, the original waterpump on my ITR block as a 19T ... went through a few goggles and etc.. but ended up using my new 22T waterpump which is new.. thought newer is better.. so there ya have it .. and so where .. i know this should be in the general tech item .. but ohh wells ..
    /Oo ___A___ oO\

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