You know what I've found in common with both of these shows on MTV?



These people tried every diet known to man to lose sit there and lose weight.

1) The guy cut his diet down to under 400 calories a day, quits school, quits work, gave up all his friends and family....just sits alone in an apartment eating iceberg lettuce to meet his goal of losing 120 lbs. His highlight of the day is to going to bed to wake up to weight himself once more and sit all day eating one meal per day to do it all over again. He met his goal. He went from 340 lbs. to 215 lbs. and I bet he can't even do a single curl with a 15lb. barbel or bench anywhere near half his weight. What does he do when he finally reaches his goal? He eats for 3 days straight until he's lethargic and can't even complete sentences then feels guilty about it and says he needs to find a happy medium of gorging himself and being content. Really? A $10 exercise bike from a yard sale just an hour or two a night and eating NORMAL meals all day, go to work and going to school would be far more beneficial. Lose the weight, have friends, have a job, and learn something in the process.

2) The chick(s) try every diet, every pill, everything known to man BUT lifting a finger other than when eating. She wants to lose 30 lbs? Then SWEAT it off. Raising your heart rate by popping pills is not exercise. Never once were they shown doing any type of exercise. Sheet after sheet of writing what exactly she ate and how it made her "feel" afterwards, lolol...what? She gained weight...really? Imagine that. Nothing was changed so she started popping diet pills again. How about walk up and down stairs until there's blisters on her feet? How about walk around the outside of the house until there's sweat pouring from underneath her rolls.

I know there's thyroid problems and other medical issues that fluctuate weight uncontrollably, NO issues were ever mentioned for any of the people on the show. Just 100% lazyness.


1) Fat chick that can't sleep. Fat chick doesn't do anything but fall asleep in class, go home, eat, stay up all night tossing and turning, to fall to sleep in class the next day. By the looks of her I bet if she got on an exercise bicycle or treadmill or ANYTHING while doing her homework instead of sitting there watching TV all night she would pass out instantly.

2) The dude suffering from sleep apnea is a special case. $500,000 over a decade worth of surgeries on his mouth so his breathing isn't interrupted is absurd. Do you know how much oxygen $500,000 would buy?! I'm no doctor but never ONCE did they mention attempting a nasal cannula/respirator, they just keep cutting parts of his jaw out so his mouth gets more air. Really? If it didn't work the first 2 or 3 times lets try 10 more? Surgeries just mean more pain and more drugs, you really think the dude can sleep after all that? I'm proud of him for going out and hiking and it's unfortunate none of the 10+ surgeries worked. Try something else, like a respirator.