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Thread: McCain finally speaks up against his supporters...

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    Default McCain finally speaks up against his supporters...

    after mass coverage of mccain/palin rallys calling obama a terrorist, yelling kill him, arab, muslim, they fear him, etc.... mccain stepped up today and got boo'd defending obama.

    i think its kinda funny b/c mccain campaign including his own wife were saying obama was running the dirtiest campaign in history yet mccains ad's are calling obama a terrorist and so are his supporters. IMO i think it is from dems side too little too late from mccain but i also see this maverick stuck in a hard spot with his party.


  2. #2
    Moderator BanginJimmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by admin
    i think its kinda funny b/c mccain campaign including his own wife were saying obama was running the dirtiest campaign in history yet mccains ad's are calling obama a terrorist and so are his supporters. IMO i think it is from dems side too little too late from mccain but i also see this maverick stuck in a hard spot with his party.

    The only thing dirty about Obama's campaign is the playing of the race card. Everything else has been politics as usual. Oh yea, not politics as usual, politics with change.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BanginJimmy
    The only thing dirty about Obama's campaign is the playing of the race card. Everything else has been politics as usual. Oh yea, not politics as usual, politics with change.
    i just don't understand this stance... he is black - its pretty obious, but he isn't up on the podium like jesse jackson. race is normally only an issue w/ people who have some form of racial biased IMO

  4. #4
    Curiously Cynical DrivenMind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BanginJimmy
    The only thing dirty about Obama's campaign is the playing of the race card. Everything else has been politics as usual. Oh yea, not politics as usual, politics with change.
    You have to be kidding me man...

  5. #5
    Gods Chariot Vteckidd's Avatar
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    do i think Obama is a terrorist? no

    Do i think he has ties to radical left wing organizations? YES

    This isnt like a one time deal, this is a track record.

    he has LIED about Ayers, point blank. He has worked with him, met with him, and even his own campaign people said he was "friendly with Mr. Ayers"


    Obama also sat in the pews of Rev. Wright for 20 years, was married by him.

    Obama is advised by Frank Raines, Former CEO that drove Fannie/Freddie into the ground

    Johnson is his economic adviser that destroyed Fannie/Freddie

    THe list goes on an on an on

    Look like i said 6 months ago, Obama got his POWER from a largely RACIST and RADICAL LEFT group of people in Chicago. Hell he was a lawyer for ACORN the most RACIST and fraudulent program out there.

    It goes to character, it goes to judge the person by the company he keeps.

    Hannity has a great thing to say about this and i agree with it it goes like this:
    Everytime Obama is confronted with a radical or racist person in his past he does the political expediency thing of sweeping it under the rug and "its no big Deal".

    it IS a big deal. And i hope mccain brings it up in the next debate
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by admin
    i just don't understand this stance... he is black - its pretty obious, but he isn't up on the podium like jesse jackson. race is normally only an issue w/ people who have some form of racial biased IMO

    Your right, I get a little furious when people start pointing fingers at Obama for pulling the race card. Heres how that breaks down: In the back of everyones mind race is something that people associate with Obama, and once he mentions something about race, or answers a reporters question about race, he all of a sudden becomes racist just for dealing with matters. Discussing race is not being racist unless your angle points in that direction. (I'm leaving out the Rev. Wright ordeal purposely because it's a lost argument as well, friends don't just make other friends racist, just by association.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. KiDD
    do i think Obama is a terrorist? no

    Do i think he has ties to radical left wing organizations? YES

    This isnt like a one time deal, this is a track record.

    he has LIED about Ayers, point blank. He has worked with him, met with him, and even his own campaign people said he was "friendly with Mr. Ayers"


    Obama also sat in the pews of Rev. Wright for 20 years, was married by him.

    Obama is advised by Frank Raines, Former CEO that drove Fannie/Freddie into the ground

    Johnson is his economic adviser that destroyed Fannie/Freddie

    THe list goes on an on an on

    Look like i said 6 months ago, Obama got his POWER from a largely RACIST and RADICAL LEFT group of people in Chicago. Hell he was a lawyer for ACORN the most RACIST and fraudulent program out there.

    It goes to character, it goes to judge the person by the company he keeps.

    Hannity has a great thing to say about this and i agree with it it goes like this:
    Everytime Obama is confronted with a radical or racist person in his past he does the political expediency thing of sweeping it under the rug and "its no big Deal".

    it IS a big deal. And i hope mccain brings it up in the next debate

    Your typical, I hope you look back one day and realize how brainwashed you are by Hannity. Just the other day I turned on 750 AM news talk radio and listened in, IF that man is not the biggest brainwashing right wing reporter I have ever heard, then I need an adjustment on whats what. Everything you just said is worthless now that I know your a Hannity listener. You obviously can't think for yourself and you need someone else telling YOU what to think. Do yourself a favor, since your already making an attempt at staying current with politics, turn that garbage off, and tune into CNN. They'll tell you the garbage being said, and then show the other sides reaction IN TRUTH, the actual words of the other candidate (I bet you've never heard that on Hannity, him giving Obama's defense or explanation is nothing more than a few words that barely sum up whats true.) CNN is one of the few news networks that enables me to think clearly, for myself.

    But hey, some people that support a certain side enjoy having the garbage of trash talk filter into their daily lives to give them a sense of enlightenment, especially at a time when their side is stretching further away from the majority.

  7. #7
    Curiously Cynical DrivenMind's Avatar
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    FU*KING HANNITY?!?!?!?!?!?! This is a joke right? Hannity has nothing good to offer ever. He's a moron. For as good as you usually are (no matter how determinedly conservative) at debating people on this website, I really would have thought someone as intelligent as yourself would be able to see right through that crock of shit. Hannity is well and by far one of the dumbest, most brainwashed, assholes ever to be placed in the American "news" spotlight.

    I'm afraid you've got your facts FOXed.

    And Blurred, don't kid yourself man. CNN is a little better than the other Media outlets for news, but it's still one of the giants, and objectivity isn't really in their vocabulary. I'd suggest you hunt around the web for news if you want to try and get it unfiltered.

  8. #8
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    Maybe McCain realized that sticking to the issues will actually make him look presidential rather than the attacks.

    I said immediately when Palin started in on this "Palling with terrorist" thing that it was dangerous and putting someones life at risk for the sake of politics.

  9. #9
    Moderator BanginJimmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrivenMind
    You have to be kidding me man...

    what am I supposed to be kidding about? Whether you think the race card has been played or not, I do and so do most white people and many blacks, and we all know that in politics preception is more important than truth

  10. #10
    Gods Chariot Vteckidd's Avatar
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    Ahh the poor left wingers cant come up with anything better than that?

    So your saying Obamas ties to a Domestic Terrorist dont matter to you?

    must be nice to be that shallow

    I love it you see one quote from Hannity (who i said i agreed with him on ONE thing he said, i never said he was my Messiah LOL), an you wont even respond.

    The stuff i posted is FACTUAL GO LOOK IT UP MORONS

    CNN? LOL are you serious? there is a reason they call it the Communist News Network
    Enterprise Data Resources- Ecommerce Project Manager

  11. #11
    IA's Slowest V6 Alan®'s Avatar
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    I still say CNN should change their name to ONN
    Quote Originally Posted by Alan®
    Nah not even. theres not enough alcohol on the planet that would convince me to bang that chick.I wouldn't hit that with Magic Johnson's dick.....on second thought
    Epic Foxbody Thread Crew Member #10

  12. #12
    John Paul II, wat!? blaknoize's Avatar
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    Why ONN, Ohio News Network? That names already taken

    CHASE ->>>

  13. #13
    Curiously Cynical DrivenMind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. KiDD
    Ahh the poor left wingers cant come up with anything better than that?

    So your saying Obamas ties to a Domestic Terrorist dont matter to you?

    must be nice to be that shallow

    I love it you see one quote from Hannity (who i said i agreed with him on ONE thing he said, i never said he was my Messiah LOL), an you wont even respond.

    The stuff i posted is FACTUAL GO LOOK IT UP MORONS

    CNN? LOL are you serious? there is a reason they call it the Communist News Network
    It's politics? Obama has terrorist friends, and McCain's a war monger. Your misled if you think any mainstream politician is going to have a clean slate. You conservatives tend to act like anything with the word "terror" attached to it is this huge deal, worthy of serious consideration. I don't think so. The U.S. doesn't actually care about terrorism, we like to pretend we do, but it's more or less a distraction, and usually political leverage used by either party. We invade Iraq after being attacked by mostly Saudis, but not one Iraqi. Now we're talking about putting more troops in Afghanistan, even though we haven't really found shit there, and we think the terrorists are being funded by Pakistan. We get all excited when anyone wants to arm themselves with Nuclear weapons, even though we have thousands. Here's an idea, since we're already on the way to doing it anyway, lets just take over the entire middle east. Cut the foreplay, and the chicken shit games and start invading all of them because we feel "threatened".

    You say it's a big huge FACTUAL deal, I say, I don't give a shit. We're looking at two sides of the same coin, neither of which will have our best interests at heart. If you watch closely you'll see that this entire election has been almost nothing but vague empty rhetoric, slightly more so by McCain who has to rely more on symbolic patriotism, than his education for making speeches, and participating in debates.

    Although asking American's to give up their guns is a pretty touchy subject, especially given that our civil liberties can be violated at any moment.

  14. #14
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    lol The stock market is crumbling and we're going back and forth as to whether Obama sat on the board with William Ayers. Seriously, this late in the game Mike thats all you guys can come with? That stupidity is exactly why Obama will win Nov. 4th.

  15. #15
    IA's Slowest V6 Alan®'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blurred visions
    Your right, I get a little furious when people start pointing fingers at Obama for pulling the race card. Heres how that breaks down: In the back of everyones mind race is something that people associate with Obama, and once he mentions something about race, or answers a reporters question about race, he all of a sudden becomes racist just for dealing with matters. Discussing race is not being racist unless your angle points in that direction. (I'm leaving out the Rev. Wright ordeal purposely because it's a lost argument as well, friends don't just make other friends racist, just by association.)

    Your typical, I hope you look back one day and realize how brainwashed you are by Hannity. Just the other day I turned on 750 AM news talk radio and listened in, IF that man is not the biggest brainwashing right wing reporter I have ever heard, then I need an adjustment on whats what. Everything you just said is worthless now that I know your a Hannity listener. You obviously can't think for yourself and you need someone else telling YOU what to think. Do yourself a favor, since your already making an attempt at staying current with politics, turn that garbage off, and tune into CNN. They'll tell you the garbage being said, and then show the other sides reaction IN TRUTH, the actual words of the other candidate (I bet you've never heard that on Hannity, him giving Obama's defense or explanation is nothing more than a few words that barely sum up whats true.) CNN is one of the few news networks that enables me to think clearly, for myself.

    But hey, some people that support a certain side enjoy having the garbage of trash talk filter into their daily lives to give them a sense of enlightenment, especially at a time when their side is stretching further away from the majority.

    WOW. YOU THINK CNN IS MORE UNBIASED THAN FOX?!!?!?!?!??!!111!!???!

    First of all if CNN is helping you think for you're self than you must . The only way you can use the media to help you discern all the bullshit and I have said this for years and practice what I preach. You have to watch ALL OF THEM. CNN, MSNBC, and CBS are all VERY LEFT. I watch a combination of the three during the day and then at night I watch Fox.

    If Mike's opinion is null and void simply because of the news network he chooses to watch than that has to be the funniest shit I have heard all day. Pull you're head out of your ass they are all biased in one form or another.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alan®
    Nah not even. theres not enough alcohol on the planet that would convince me to bang that chick.I wouldn't hit that with Magic Johnson's dick.....on second thought
    Epic Foxbody Thread Crew Member #10

  16. #16
    IA's Slowest V6 Alan®'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blaknoize
    Why ONN, Ohio News Network? That names already taken
    Obama news network.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alan®
    Nah not even. theres not enough alcohol on the planet that would convince me to bang that chick.I wouldn't hit that with Magic Johnson's dick.....on second thought
    Epic Foxbody Thread Crew Member #10

  17. #17
    IA's Slowest V6 Alan®'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrivenMind
    It's politics? Obama has terrorist friends, and McCain's a war monger. Your misled if you think any mainstream politician is going to have a clean slate.
    Agreed and it's the last time in this post that I will.

    You conservatives tend to act like anything with the word "terror" attached to it is this huge deal, worthy of serious consideration. I don't think so.
    And this is where you are wrong

    The U.S. doesn't actually care about terrorism, we like to pretend we do,
    Care to back this up with any factual evidence?

    We invade Iraq after being attacked by mostly Saudis, but not one Iraqi. Now we're talking about putting more troops in Afghanistan, even though we haven't really found shit there,
    We haven't found shit in Afghanistan for 2 reasons.

    1.We took our eye off the ball. Both canidates agree on this.
    2. The Taliban and Al Qaeida have home field advantage there. Not to mention they are bouncing back and forth over the border of Pakistan. Hell we don't even know if Bin Laden is alive. I highly doubt that he is.

    We get all excited when anyone wants to arm themselves with Nuclear weapons, even though we have thousands.
    Know why? Because countries like Iran will use them as a first strike option. Not a measure of last resort like we do. If we wanted to we could drop one Nuke on Iraq and be done with it.

    Here's an idea, since we're already on the way to doing it anyway, lets just take over the entire middle east. Cut the foreplay, and the chicken shit games and start invading all of them because we feel "threatened".
    Wow seriously?

    You say it's a big huge FACTUAL deal, I say, I don't give a shit.
    Than do us all a favor and don't vote. I believe as Mike does. There is a saying that when you Lye with dogs you catch fleas. . Whether you believe it or not Terrorism is a threat to our national security.

    Although asking American's to give up their guns is a pretty touchy subject, especially given that our civil liberties can be violated at any moment.
    You want to talk about education and yet you have no idea here what you are talking about. LOL. Even I know that Obama is only talking about removing assault rifles off the street. I happen to believe that the only people that really need assault riffles are government agents.

    Why not educate yourself before you post again on anything
    Quote Originally Posted by Alan®
    Nah not even. theres not enough alcohol on the planet that would convince me to bang that chick.I wouldn't hit that with Magic Johnson's dick.....on second thought
    Epic Foxbody Thread Crew Member #10

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    I saw the clip - and it was pathetic.

    I actually feel bad for McCain now. If those type of people supported me I'd feel terrible about myself. Wouldn't you guys?

    And regarding the arab comment, couldn't McCain have said something a little more to actually destroy that rumor? For example, how about if he said "Obama isn't an arab, he's black?" And also "so what if he was arab, arabs aren't all terrorists and they don't all hate Americans, you racist motherfucker, get the hell out of here?"

    I mean at the bare minimum. Maybe he wants the arab rumor to continue...

  19. #19
    jort enthusiast alpine_aw11's Avatar
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    ^I think Obama is actually more arab than black. I know that black definitely isn't a majority of his heritage. Not that it matters, and I could be wrong about the arab part. But I'm pretty sure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by alpine_xj
    ^I think Obama is actually more arab than black. I know that black definitely isn't a majority of his heritage. Not that it matters, and I could be wrong about the arab part. But I'm pretty sure.
    And just because he has some arab heritage that means he's a "terrorizer?" These are the kinds of people who support McCain.

    And by kinds of people I mean retards.

  21. #21
    IA's Slowest V6 Alan®'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maniako
    And just because he has some arab heritage that means he's a "terrorizer?" These are the kinds of people who support McCain.

    And by kinds of people I mean retards.
    But you know what they are on both sides of the ticket.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alan®
    Nah not even. theres not enough alcohol on the planet that would convince me to bang that chick.I wouldn't hit that with Magic Johnson's dick.....on second thought
    Epic Foxbody Thread Crew Member #10

  22. #22
    jort enthusiast alpine_aw11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maniako
    And just because he has some arab heritage that means he's a "terrorizer?" These are the kinds of people who support McCain.

    And by kinds of people I mean retards.
    I hope you weren't including me in that description. I don't give two shits about his race, I just don't like him. I haven't looked into it at all, I just remember hearing that and it wasn't just from some toothless inbred shitbag so I didn't write it off. I dislike McCain equally. But this presidential race has led me to hate the American population more than I could ever hate any politician.

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    Quote Originally Posted by redGT
    But you know what they are on both sides of the ticket.
    You're right.

    Which is why this election is gay as hell.

    Quote Originally Posted by alpine_xj
    I hope you weren't including me in that description. I don't give two shits about his race, I just don't like him. I dislike McCain equally. But this presidential race has led me to hate the American population more than I could ever hate any politician.
    I was talking about the mofos in the video.

  24. #24 Tracy's Avatar
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    Generally, I have to agree with the laying with dogs analogy, but I did some thinking while reading this and related some things to myself. I am VERY VERY against racism. I have black people in my family, so I am extra sensitive to it now. I have always been pretty open about my feelings whenever I hear the N word. I have some friends who use it often (some are IA members). I DO NOT AGREE WITH IT, yet I continue to hang out with them. Most of them have come to know that I don't appreciate that word and don't use it around me. The do occasionally slip up and lucky for them they get to hear me bitch every time they do slip up. It's been my experience that some white people automatically think it's ok to use that word around other white people, which has nothing to do with my point, but I felt the need to mention it anyway. So, now onto my point...I don't agree with racism and use of the N word, yet I have people that I would absolutely call my friends that are and do use the word. I wouldn't like it if someone considered me a racist because some of my friends are. I would actually argue it pretty fiercely if it happened.

    I feel pretty split on the topic. Like I said, I would usually agree that birds of a feather flock together. Then when I take the time to think about it n the context I just explained, I can see how it may not always be true.
    Val for president!

  25. #25
    Gods Chariot Vteckidd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony
    The stupidity of AMerica is exactly why Obama will win Nov. 4th.
    Enterprise Data Resources- Ecommerce Project Manager

  26. #26
    Gods Chariot Vteckidd's Avatar
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    Says the guys making a big deal out of troopergate.

    Obama SHOULD win, i have said that all along. I dont think mccain has a chance.

    but all it takes is 2% of the americans going to the polls in NOV in the battleground states to say "you know what, i cant vote for him" and then we will see what happens.

    IF he is the answer why isnt he leading by 20 points?
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  27. #27
    Curiously Cynical DrivenMind's Avatar
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    We loose more hundreds of thousands more people a year due to smoking and alcohol related illness than we do to terrorism. The point of having and enemy you can't clearly define is so that said enemy cannot ever be caught, but perused indefinitely. The point is to make people feel threatened, so they will more readily submit to violations of the constitution.

    The point of the right to bear arms is self-defense. From enemies foreign and domestic. Of course the American military would never start barging into peoples home or declare martial law (exactly like they did in New Orleans), but imagine if for some inexplicable reason they started entering peoples homes without reason. Do you think you could fend off a couple of soldiers with a hand gun? American citizens have just as much a right to assault rifles as soldiers do, provided they are willing to go through the paper work necessary to get them. How would we have ever fought off the British if we were only allowed to have handguns instead of rifles?

    "In the size of the lie there is always contained a certain factor of credibility, since the great mass of people will more easily fall victims to a great lie, than a small one."
    -Adolf Hitler

    And we all know guilt by association is bullshit. In this state especially we all have racist friends we aren't proud of, but we don't hate them for it. We just hope they'll grow the fuck up sooner or later. McCain supporters saying Obama is playing the race card, is usually petty reverse psychology used by people who are uncomfortable with the idea of the black president.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. KiDD
    Ahh the poor left wingers cant come up with anything better than that?

    So your saying Obamas ties to a Domestic Terrorist dont matter to you?

    must be nice to be that shallow

    I love it you see one quote from Hannity (who i said i agreed with him on ONE thing he said, i never said he was my Messiah LOL), an you wont even respond.

    The stuff i posted is FACTUAL GO LOOK IT UP MORONS

    CNN? LOL are you serious? there is a reason they call it the Communist News Network
    so he has ties to a terrorist b/c he served on a board w/ him please guilty by association is lame if that is your platform. what about mccains financial scandal in the 80's or now his running mate found guilty of breaking ethics laws. sh!t mccain also employees freddie/fannie top lobbiest that help put us in the home situation.

  29. #29
    IA's Slowest V6 Alan®'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrivenMind
    We loose more hundreds of thousands more people a year due to smoking and alcohol related illness than we do to terrorism. The point of having and enemy you can't clearly define is so that said enemy cannot ever be caught, but perused indefinitely. The point is to make people feel threatened, so they will more readily submit to violations of the constitution.
    In all seriousness you must be a conspiracy theorist. You must think that 9/11 was an inside job.

    You're trying to equate smoking to terrorism. First of all smoking and alcohol related deaths all happen by CHOICE. You think that people that die as a result of terrorism chose to die that way? Any life lost as due to an act of terrorism is UNACCEPTABLE. Period end of story. Where the hell do you get this line of thinking?

    The point of the right to bear arms is self-defense. From enemies foreign and domestic.
    And no one is talking about removing it so what's your point?

    Of course the American military would never start barging into peoples home or declare martial law (exactly like they did in New Orleans),
    Cause their wasn't a reason to do so

    but imagine if for some inexplicable reason they started entering peoples homes without reason. Do you think you could fend off a couple of soldiers with a hand gun?
    The chance of you being able to with an assault riffle would be slim and none anyways because they are trained soldiers. God you're making this too easy.

    American citizens have just as much a right to assault rifles as soldiers do
    Please tell me where in the 2nd ammendment where it says that. My personal opinoin on assault riffles is that they should be they hardest weapons to get.

    How would we have ever fought off the British if we were only allowed to have handguns instead of rifles?
    You do know that most riffles used in the revolution were simply hunting rifles right?

    "In the size of the lie there is always contained a certain factor of credibility, since the great mass of people will more easily fall victims to a great lie, than a small one."
    -Adolf Hitler
    Ok but you still have to be able to prove that credibility which YOU STILL HAVEN'T DONE. YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT RAMBLE ON ABOUT NOTHING.

    And we all know guilt by association is bullshit.

    McCain supporters saying Obama is playing the race card, is usually petty reverse psychology used by people who are uncomfortable with the idea of the black president.
    Please show one time where McCain has used the race issue?

    Please don't post anything again until you have factual evidence and not just your own mindless ramblings.
    Last edited by Alan®; 10-11-2008 at 03:31 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alan®
    Nah not even. theres not enough alcohol on the planet that would convince me to bang that chick.I wouldn't hit that with Magic Johnson's dick.....on second thought
    Epic Foxbody Thread Crew Member #10

  30. #30
    Gods Chariot Vteckidd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by admin
    so he has ties to a terrorist b/c he served on a board w/ him please guilty by association is lame if that is your platform. what about mccains financial scandal in the 80's or now his running mate found guilty of breaking ethics laws. sh!t mccain also employees freddie/fannie top lobbiest that help put us in the home situation.
    Mccain has accepts $150,000 in contributions

    Obama has accepted MILLIONS

    Mccain was cleared of acts in the 80s

    Obama is NOT A TERRORIST, you are missing the point. Its the fact that he has a HISTORY of radical LEFT wing crazy nutjob supporters. and hes associated with them.

    Obama served on a board with him, helped fund redical left wing programs for his school, had a political sit down meeting at Ayers house, lives in the same neighborhood, i could go on.

    It wasnt like they said Hi and that was it.

    If OBama would come out and just say "Yes i worked with Ayers, im ashamed of it, he is a domestic terrorist that has shown no remorse and im appauled i tried to even work with him to get something done. "

    then i let it slide, but the fact taht he acts like "hey its no big deal"

    Enterprise Data Resources- Ecommerce Project Manager

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. KiDD
    Mccain has accepts $150,000 in contributions

    Obama has accepted MILLIONS

    Mccain was cleared of acts in the 80s

    Obama is NOT A TERRORIST, you are missing the point. Its the fact that he has a HISTORY of radical LEFT wing crazy nutjob supporters. and hes associated with them.

    Obama served on a board with him, helped fund redical left wing programs for his school, had a political sit down meeting at Ayers house, lives in the same neighborhood, i could go on.

    It wasnt like they said Hi and that was it.

    If OBama would come out and just say "Yes i worked with Ayers, im ashamed of it, he is a domestic terrorist that has shown no remorse and im appauled i tried to even work with him to get something done. "

    then i let it slide, but the fact taht he acts like "hey its no big deal"

    i find this funny b/a ayers was also "man of the year" so i guess you think everyone from chicago is a terrorist right

    i find it so funny how the RIGHT likes to tarnish obamas character... didn't mccain cheat on his wife when she was down... hmmm ya. thats ok b/c hes a war hero

  32. #32
    IA's Slowest V6 Alan®'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by admin
    i guess you think everyone from chicago is a terrorist right
    Way to put words in Mike's mouth. The fact of the matter is that Ayer's was a domestic terrorist and Obama associates it. That FACT cannot be refuted. Sorry.

    didn't mccain cheat on his wife when she was down.
    It is ok. Wanna know why? Because that had something to do with his personal life. I am a strong believer in keeping your personal life and you're work life SEPERATE. Hell I didn't care about the fact Clinton was getting dome in the Oval Office. What I DID CARE ABOUT was the fact that he LIED ABOUT IT.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alan®
    Nah not even. theres not enough alcohol on the planet that would convince me to bang that chick.I wouldn't hit that with Magic Johnson's dick.....on second thought
    Epic Foxbody Thread Crew Member #10

  33. #33
    Curiously Cynical DrivenMind's Avatar
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    RedGT please quote complete ideas, so I don't have to waste my time trying to respond to 30 of your "comebacks". I wouldn't say I'm a conspiracy theorist, I just think there's a lot going on that we aren't privy too, and I don't think either of these candidates are really going to do much in the way of advancing American society.

    The revolutionary war was fought using the best weaponry available at the time on both sides. How is that a hard idea to understand? Do you think American's could have resisted tyranny if they had significantly shorter range smaller, caliber weapons than their opponents? And give me a break with that "trained soldier bullshit" it doesn't take that long to "make" a soldier, because the shit they're teaching them isn't exactly difficult to learn. Any simpleton, or criminal can learn how to do it. Look down the sights, account for range, account for wind, if you miss your target, adjust and try again.

    I'm not saying assault rifles should be easy to get, they should be difficult to obtain. But people have the right to the same kind of entry level guns the majority of the infantry uses. I'm not talking about an M203's or any of that shit, just guns.

  34. #34
    IA's Slowest V6 Alan®'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrivenMind
    RedGT please quote complete ideas, so I don't have to waste my time trying to respond to 30 of your "comebacks". I wouldn't say I'm a conspiracy theorist, I just think there's a lot going on that we aren't privy too, and I don't think either of these candidates are really going to do much in the way of advancing American society.

    The revolutionary war was fought using the best weaponry available at the time on both sides. How is that a hard idea to understand? Do you think American's could have resisted tyranny if they had significantly shorter range smaller, caliber weapons than their opponents? And give me a break with that "trained soldier bullshit" it doesn't take that long to "make" a soldier, because the shit they're teaching them isn't exactly difficult to learn. Any simpleton, or criminal can learn how to do it. Look down the sights, account for range, account for wind, if you miss your target, adjust and try again.

    I'm not saying assault rifles should be easy to get, they should be difficult to obtain. But people have the right to the same kind of entry level guns the majority of the infantry uses. I'm not talking about an M203's or any of that shit, just guns.
    LOL. Ok . SOrry but the stuff that you are coming up with is so ridiculously weak it's not funny.

    Again you have yet to back up any of you're original statements with FACT. What you have continued to do is ramble on about nothing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alan®
    Nah not even. theres not enough alcohol on the planet that would convince me to bang that chick.I wouldn't hit that with Magic Johnson's dick.....on second thought
    Epic Foxbody Thread Crew Member #10

  35. #35
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    Can someone explain what defines someone as a terrorist? If a group of people come together to overthrow their government are they terrorists or radical? Just curious..

  36. #36
    IA's Slowest V6 Alan®'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan®
    Nah not even. theres not enough alcohol on the planet that would convince me to bang that chick.I wouldn't hit that with Magic Johnson's dick.....on second thought
    Epic Foxbody Thread Crew Member #10

  37. #37
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    In America it is defined as:

    activities that involve violent… or life-threatening acts… that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State and… appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and… (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States… [or]… (C) occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States…"
    William Ayers gets the label of a terrorist but he was never convicted of 1 act of terrorism. He was apart of a RADICAL group weather underground. How does an individual get the label of a crime of which he was never convicted.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony
    William Ayers gets the label of a terrorist but he was never convicted of 1 act of terrorism. He was apart of a RADICAL group weather underground. How does an individual get the label of a crime of which he was never convicted.

    Yea, and because Obama knows this person he is automatically viewed as a terrorist. Give it up republicans, you all believed Obama was a terrorist the first time you heard his name.

  39. #39
    jort enthusiast alpine_aw11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blurred visions
    Yea, and because Obama knows this person he is automatically viewed as a terrorist. Give it up republicans, you all believed Obama was a terrorist the first time you heard his name.
    Lol, surprisingly most of the frequently posting republicans in here are actually intelligent and have plenty of facts to back up what they say. So don't say that we all "thought he was a terrorist when we heard his name." pfffft

    And on to Ayers. It is dumb to say that he did not have terroristic associations, I don't know what you all know about the Weather underground but they did bomb several government buildings and banks. And Ayers never denied any of this. Whether he was there or not, I don't know. But he endorsed that group and their actions, it's called guilt by association folks.

    Does this mean Obama is a terrorist? Fuck no. But him having associations with the man is obviously going to be examined, and it should. You "Obama can do no wrong" people seem to not understand he is running for president. You guys are having a field day with troopergate where it's been shown that Palin has done nothing wrong, but whine about it when Obama's association with this man gets brought up. Presidential candidates are going to be thoroughly examined, and in this day and age where the general public is scared of terrorism OF COURSE any association with a man like Ayers will be looked in to. It's perfectly reasonable to do so. If McCain used to chill with the Unibomber I'm sure dems would be shitting bricks exposing it everywhere.

    What I'm getting at is things like this should be examined, but the problem is people are going to draw unfair conclusions. I'm not going to judge Obama at all because of this, his policies alone are enough to make me dislike him. But it's just the fact is he is running for the most prestigious and symbolic political position in the entire world that means this kind of thing will be examined. It is perfectly understandable that it has been, and whatever conclusion you draw is up to you. Sorry for the rant, I couldn't stop.
    Last edited by alpine_xj; 10-11-2008 at 10:32 PM.

  40. #40
    ALL CAPS JITB's Avatar
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    lol terrorists that word gets them fired up everytime...I see they are resorting to old tactics...


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