ok so as time has gone on since the the attack of 9/11 i personally feel that the ideals that our country is supposed to emboy have slowly started to go by the way say. forgive me for being ignorant if that is not the case and not seeing something, but i feel that it is starting to be this way. our country in this day and age is run by the elite higher class social class people. If one feels sense of rebellion, with good reason, it is immediately taking down. There is not means of taking action when something is wrong by the people. yes we protest to certain degree's but it doesnt seem like it does a damn thing for people anymore, more so just for the government to be able to cover there asses so that the "rights" of people are not taken away. am i the only one that feels that we are truely not a government that was created by the people for the people anymore. that if there was a sense of true wrong doing by our government, no one would truely voice an opinion and try to take action? maybe i am the only one...oh well.