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Thread: fuel problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Middle GA
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    Default fuel problem

    i just bought a mustang and it wont stay runnin cuz it acts like it aint gettin gas thru the carburator from the gas tank but the fuel pump is workin and pushin gas thru but once it gets to the carburator it dont do nuthin so i dont no wut it could be. i cleaned the carburator this mornin and put it back on and it still aint workin so any advise on wut to do.

    if u pour gas into the carburator it will fire up

    any advise

  2. #2


    If you're getting sufficient fuel to the carb, then it sounds as if the carb is bad.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
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    Default hey

    Quote Originally Posted by 93DA Integra
    i just bought a mustang and it wont stay runnin cuz it acts like it aint gettin gas thru the carburator from the gas tank but the fuel pump is workin and pushin gas thru but once it gets to the carburator it dont do nuthin so i dont no wut it could be. i cleaned the carburator this mornin and put it back on and it still aint workin so any advise on wut to do.

    if u pour gas into the carburator it will fire up

    any advise
    my old integra did the same thing an it was an wire that wasnt put together on my map sensor

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