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Thread: S14 Offset. (not a question)

  1. #1
    Green and Gold
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    Mar 2004
    Carrollton, GA
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    Default S14 Offset. (not a question)

    I'm looking into buying a new set of wheels, so I've decided not to go by whatever the website says I need offset wise. I'm going to do a write up of what I find out. Here are the wheels I'm looking at,

    Volk Racing GT-U 18 x 8 front and 18 x 9 rear. I'll find out the offset soon

    Rota Torque R 18 x 8.5 front and 18 x 9.5 rear.

    There's a big difference in price and thats my dilemma, I gotta decide whether to go cheap or wait and buy a nice set of wheels. either way, here are my opinions on what I think will look the best for my personal S14.

    My car has stock fenders.. (not rolled or pulled)
    I want the outside edge of the wheel to be exactly flush with the top of the fender. (possibly 10 - 20mm out in the rear, could be pulled)

    I'll update this tomorrow with my findings.

  2. #2
    SR powered S14 chituntang's Avatar
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    Nov 2005
    ATL, GA
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    If you want your wheels to sit flush with your fenders, you need to at least roll. If you are going 10 wide, I know you will need at least a roll. It also depends on what suspension setup you are going. If you are going coilovers, you will need camber kits to run aggressive camber to make the wheel fit in between (coilovers are bigger, so less space to fit wheel in). Offset wise, at least a +32 or less (stocker are like +40ish). Any higher offset will result in wheel not sitting flush with the fender, or not fit in (hitting suspension, wheel cannot sit on the hub/ brake disc, etc).

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