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Thread: *hit and run* I need a hummer...

  1. #1 speedminded's Avatar
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    Default *hit and run* I need a hummer...

    Whoa, looks like someone wrote a novel, sorry....

    So I stroll over to Decatur because that's where I last saw a self-serve carwash. Instead of getting cash from the ATM at the BP on N. Ave when I just got gas I stoppped at a bank in Decatur then another gas station there to get change and a sobe....baaadd idea. As I'm leaving there is a metallic beige Buick Park Avenue about 1 car length in front of me and instead of pulling out he puts it in reverse to apparently go out onto the other street....right as I lay on the horn he literally slams into my front left wheel, fender, & bumper....hard. We are the only two cars at the gas station and the first thing I notice is the pretty little driveout tag with penciled in numbers then the 3 pairs of white eyes like deer in headlights looking back. He pulls forward and over to the side like he's going to stop then we circle around in the parking lot.....he goes on one side of the pumps while I go on the other then i realize he's not going to stop....

    He pulls out and remains driving the speed limit and all traffic laws as I stay a normal driving distance behind him already talking to dispatch. It has 2 blue braves hats in the back window and I keep seeing a pair of eyes peering over and around them. My camera battery was low but I had plugged it in earlier through the power inverter and mounted it ...I only have 10 minutes of video so didn't turn it on right away because I wasn't sure when I would really need it.... after about a 1-2 minutes of turning on roads I had apparently left the city of decatur so they had to transfer me to county dispatch. I stayed calm, oh yeah bought some whoppers too and I was casually eating them like I was at the movies, while calling out each road i turned on... By this time they told me not to follow and just pull over in....several times, don't follow....i laughed. I explained, it is a drive-out tag there is no way I am stopping, I AM going to stay behind them until I see an's that simple. I said as long as they continue driving I am not a bit worried....

    Soo, after about 7-8 minutes still at safe speeds, still calling out road names, they pull into a park and I stop at the entrance wondering if there is another exit and should follow them through or just wait at the front hoping and officer was somewhere near by...they get about 150-200 yards down into the park and I see they turned out the headlights...ha, they must be trapped! I take off about 200 feet up the road so there is a small building between me and them (they are on the other side of a couple baseball fields) and I turn off my lights, lock it down and pull a 180 with the e-brake, and sit...about 30 seconds later there they are rolling up to the main entrance....this is the first time i get kinda worried because if they don't see me and they pull out right then we have a nice game ofchicken...I don't know if they saw me or not b/c my lights were still off and I was in the shadow of the building but they turn out left and I'm on their ass in about 8 seconds and flip the headlights on. This is where the fun begins....

    He was no longer obeying traffic laws....the harder he drove the harder I drove and i had to stop myself from pushing him too hard...i wanted to spin him but I refrained's not worth more damage or hurting someone else and there should be a cop nearby soon....should be, maybe, please? I'm still talking to dispatch and I tell them we're picking up speed....round a long hard up hill turn and I catch him with seconds then he slows down to a cruising pace in a 1960-70's ranch style long, level, and straight road with houses on both sides... First, I was thinking, possibly outloud to dispatch but not sure, that most people running will always go back to a familiar place...normally the same neighborhood/area they live. So when you're going 10-15mph in a subdivision, that could possibly be where they live, and your already out numbered 3 to 1 this could get ugly real quick. We go a couple hundred feet and I slow down to a crawl to let him get some distance from me....then the car stops. I'm 50-75 feet away and all three guys get out at one time and begin walking towards me, two wide with one shortly behind.... I turn the camera on but apparently pushed the record button too soon because I didn't get shit!

    I told the dispatch this isn't gonna be pretty, they've gotten out and are approaching me (her comment was, "that's not good")...I put in reverse and at the same speed they are walking I am going backwards, just a slow crawl.....closely watching my rearview just incase someone tries to pull a slick one like a vehicle with its lights off tries to ram me from behind or someone sneaks up on me. Not only am I watching behind me, the guys walking towards me and describing exactly every piece of clothing each of the guys has on, watching both sides so no one tries to run out of a house and suprise me, but also reading the address's on the mailbox's hoping an officer will be around or maybe that is where one of them lives and it will help later....the two guys each have one hand in a jacket pocket. First thought is I doubt they have guns otherwise I would have seen them along time ago, probably while I was following them. Seconds thought is what do I do if there is a gun involved...I have no way to return fire.

    I get back about 3 driveways when the 3rd person turns around and sprints back to the car.....I'm watching behind me while watching the two still walking towards me and I'm trying to figure out what the driver's intentions he going to circle around and try to trap me from behind with these two still coming at me or what....Then the two guys start to sprint towards me. They dart left into across a yard and between two of the houses....SHIT, they are gonna get picked up on the other side....

    I probably do the best launch ever and apparenlty fly right past the small road the car turned down...I catch the next one and it doesn't circle back around like I wanted....I still wasn't going to give up...I turned down a couple more roads going in the direction they went, telling the dispatch where I'm at, but can't find them anywhere...I pull into a small school, turn out the lights, and turn around facing the road hoping they will drive by and I can give chase again.....I tell the dispatch the name of the school and within 15-20 seconds a car comes around the corner....the same color and similiar size as the suspect but with a lightbar....I turn my parking lights on then off just to make sure he sees me and he pulls in.....

    I get out to see the damage for the first time...the front bumper has been flexed and the new paint is splintered in several places, the fender is mangled up resembling a fruit rollup, and the wheel has toe-in problems like a retarded penguin with camber that would envy a formula car. What do I get for it....a business card with the police report number and an apology for not catching them. That's what I call Decaturown3ge but I think worse than anything is I didn't have a single second of footage.

    I continue to drive around searching for the vehicle seeing several officers in the process but no luck in seeing the order to drive straight I have to keep the steering wheel about 10 o'clock. I'm like fuckit, I'm meeting some friends in a few to go to MJQ and insurance will cover the damages. So I meet the 4 friends and leave the car at my house. It's time to party fuck worrying about anything....I ask if everyone has there ID's and me and another person pay, walk in, then I turn around and see the rest aren't coming person is just a few months from being 21 and nobody knew...he even had a fake ID that he could have used and I think his friend had 2 he keeps for other people to use....If we only knew he wasn't 21 there wouldn't have been a problem but we have to leave there then we cruise over to hit up eleven 50...i was worried about dresscode but didn't really care about anything at this $5 each to park and walk up and can't go in because one person has on "tennis shoes"...they were even like brown suede with dark laces and still couldn't get in....fuck it. I go back home, hit up a party down the street, and practice breathing fire with everclear.

    It's now 5am, i knew I should've gone to Commerce lat night, maybe I'll get the car washed today....

  2. #2
    Senior Member | IA Veteran DJ XtRaKŠ's Avatar
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    um...not reading all about some cliff notes?
    IA OG

  3. #3
    ///M :) wannab20hatch's Avatar
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    Sucks about your car jason. Good luck with it.

  4. #4
    Something Else Kevykev's Avatar
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    Something similar happend to me in Gwinette.

    Except there was no long adventure

    mine involved a 40 year old Marta Stuart lookin' Woman that Bumper into me

    Got out agreed on pulling into the gas station....then she just took off as i pulled in...

    Sorry about your car bro...mines wasn't even marked.

    Leisa and S. 4 Life NM?

  5. #5
    Senior Member | IA Veteran quickdodgeŽ's Avatar
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    You were a fucking idiot for following them out of Decatur at night and unarmed. Later, QD.

  6. #6
    corvette chick at heart kilpatty43's Avatar
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    welcome to my about your car though

    "Yeah, I'm cocky and I am arrogant. But that doesn't mean I'm not a nice person." ~Jeremy Roenick

  7. #7
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    that sucks to hear jason and yea like QD said i am surprised it ended up so "well" for you...

  8. #8 speedminded's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quickdodgeŽ
    You were a fucking idiot for following them out of Decatur at night and unarmed. Later, QD.
    oh yeah, i knew that when I was doing it but I don't have much to lose and no one was with me so I wasn't endangering any friends. Honest to God, the entire time I remember you saying you had been jumped with a gun a couple times...wondering what QD would do. Dammit I really wish i had some footage.

  9. #9
    Senior Member | IA Veteran quickdodgeŽ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by speedminded
    oh yeah, i knew that when I was doing it but I don't have much to lose
    So you would die for your car?

    Quote Originally Posted by speedminded
    Honest to God, the entire time I remember you saying you had been jumped with a gun a couple times..

    Yup. I've been robbed at gunpoint a few times. I was at work and they came up to me, obviously, because I had money on me. I didn't go to them.

    Quote Originally Posted by speedminded
    wondering what QD would do.
    Well, as far as I can tell, you didn't know where you were. You stated you didn't have any weapon. I carry my shit wherever I go. I also know Decatur and surrounding areas very well. So I would probably have went after them. Now, how you handled it(staying back, not going into that park, backing up when the dudes got out and started walking towards you) was exactly how I would have done it.

    You should never go into unknown areas, especially at night, unarmed while you are chasing down someone who just did a hit-an-run on you and outnumbered. One other thing. You're a white dude traveling into a black neighborhood at night. I hate to say it, but reality knows that isn't smart. I won't even do that too much unless I know I'm going somewhere I'm expected. Later, QD.

  10. #10
    A day late, a buck short BufordŽ's Avatar
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    Good story, and good luck with it.
    My 2001 Acura 3.2CL Type-S

    Val for president!
    Yes, I would have voted for her.
    In loving memory of Valerie Antranikian.

  11. #11 speedminded's Avatar
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    Due to yesterday mornings events i wasn't expecting it not to last long since there were so many more officers on duty than the average night...the main problem was not being familiar with the area and only being able to call the roads names as I saw them.

    I've always debating on the use of a gun and the value of carrying it. I've grown up with them, very familiar with all differant types, but don't carry one....the only time you pull a gun is when you are willing to shoot to kill and are willing to take the responsibility for this case it would not have done me any good because I could not see that any of them were armed and there is no way I would pull a gun on someone that is not...i was instigating the problem by following them and I would probably be hung by any jury.

    I just wish I had the idea at the time to close the gate at the park entrance...i was worried about them going out another way and it didn't occur to me until right after the chase. Most likely there would be a lock there too and it would have been funny as hell to see them trapped with no way out but through a steel gate or try to attempt to go through the fence around it. oh well, better luck next time.

  12. #12 Tracy's Avatar
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    Jason, I tried to call you back last night but someone picked up and then hung up. I ended up going home because we didn't find anythng to do.

    Sorry about the car
    Val for president!

  13. #13
    Senior Member | IA Veteran quickdodgeŽ's Avatar
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    Still stupid decisions made. Later, QD.

  14. #14
    Your Mum loves me. Ace's Avatar
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    OK, I know none of ya'll know me, I just thought that I'd share my thoughts about it. Yes, I actually read all that. Very suspenseful. Anywho, the way you handled it is prolly the same way I would have handled it. I think you did a decent job handling it. I probably would have done something stupid like run over them as their walkin towards me or somethin. lol

    That reallly sucks that the cops were just barely too late, it seems that's how it always happens. The cops are always just barely too late. If they would have showed up maybe 1 or 2 mins sooner, I'm sure they would have got those guys.

    I doubt those guys actually had a gun, otherwise they would have been "gangsta" about it and waved it all around and made sure you knew they had a gun. Oh well...That really sucks about your car and about the lack of footage. Good luck dealing with your insurance company about this. Later.
    Last edited by Ace; 03-13-2005 at 03:37 AM.

  15. #15
    Senior Member | IA Veteran quickdodgeŽ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ace
    I doubt those guys actually had a gun, otherwise they would have been "gangsta" about it and waved it all around and made sure you knew they had a gun.
    VERY unwise words, dude. I can't say if you've been in that kind of atmosphere before, but take it from someone who has. You never know what is in the mind of a "gangsta" or even a wannabe G. Why would you take a chance in approaching, or letting them approach you, 2-3 dudes, in their hood and out of yours, at night and with their hands in their pockets, knowing what has already happened. They hit you and ran. They kept running. They tried to lure into a park where who knows what may have happened.

    Dude, NEVER assume that, in that situation, someone does NOT have a gun or weapon. Especially if you don't have one. Never put your life out there like that. Wow, you folks are willing to die for your car. Sorry fellas, but my life is worth more to me than my car. I don't care if I had a Ferrari. I wouldn't take a chance on losing my life over it. Later, QD.

  16. #16
    Your Mum loves me. Ace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quickdodgeŽ
    VERY unwise words, dude. I can't say if you've been in that kind of atmosphere before, but take it from someone who has. You never know what is in the mind of a "gangsta" or even a wannabe G. Why would you take a chance in approaching, or letting them approach you, 2-3 dudes, in their hood and out of yours, at night and with their hands in their pockets, knowing what has already happened. They hit you and ran. They kept running. They tried to lure into a park where who knows what may have happened.

    Dude, NEVER assume that, in that situation, someone does NOT have a gun or weapon. Especially if you don't have one. Never put your life out there like that. Wow, you folks are willing to die for your car. Sorry fellas, but my life is worth more to me than my car. I don't care if I had a Ferrari. I wouldn't take a chance on losing my life over it. Later, QD.

    hmmm I understand what you're saying. And I agree with you, I'm just saying that I probably would have been done something stupid. Cuz I do a lot of stupid things. lol

  17. #17
    Senior Member | IA Veteran quickdodgeŽ's Avatar
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    Lolol. Just be careful, dude. Later, QD.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by quickdodgeŽ
    VERY unwise words, dude. I can't say if you've been in that kind of atmosphere before, but take it from someone who has. You never know what is in the mind of a "gangsta" or even a wannabe G. Why would you take a chance in approaching, or letting them approach you, 2-3 dudes, in their hood and out of yours, at night and with their hands in their pockets, knowing what has already happened. They hit you and ran. They kept running. They tried to lure into a park where who knows what may have happened.

    Dude, NEVER assume that, in that situation, someone does NOT have a gun or weapon. Especially if you don't have one. Never put your life out there like that. Wow, you folks are willing to die for your car. Sorry fellas, but my life is worth more to me than my car. I don't care if I had a Ferrari. I wouldn't take a chance on losing my life over it. Later, QD.
    agreed. i always assume someone has a gun, a boxcutter, something... i guess living in new orleans, and now dowtown atlanta has changed me, lol.

    edit: glad you ended up ok speedminded. sucks about the car. it can be replaced, but you can't.

  19. #19
    The People's LLLLLLLLL B16a2 Civic's Avatar
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    did you make it out alive?

    i know you love my swagger
    OG Black Delegation member
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  20. #20 speedminded's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by B16a2 Civic
    did you make it out alive?
    holy shit this is old...if you're gonna bring any of them up try the accident witness one...that one was gooood

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