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Thread: DB8 Taillights

  1. #1
    IA Member
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    Default DB8 Taillights

    I need some help finding some of the all red db8 taillights... If any of u guys know a website right off top, please let me know

  2. #2
    Senior Member iam99x's Avatar
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    Go to Micheal's (arts and crafts store) and buy a can of the red Krylon transparent paint.

    Clean the hell out of the lights with soap and warm water, mask off the reverse light (unless you want it red, too), and spray two light coats, and one heavy coat. If that's not dark enough, spray another light coat to perfect it. Be sure to paint both lights at the same time with equally dense coats, or you'll have one light darker than the other.

    Oh, wait 15 minutes between coats.

    I've done this many times, and it's always turned out great. If you keep trash out of the paint, and do smooth sprays, wet sanding isn't necessary unless you want a perfect finish. I didn't bother with wet sanding on mine.

    Here's a pic of the ones in did I my Integra a long time ago. I like them darker than the OEM ones, so I wasn't too shy with the paint.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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