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Thread: Jasper/Canton Meet anyone?

  1. #1
    Certified Gearhead
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    Default Jasper/Canton Meet anyone?

    anybody up in jasper or the canton area wanna start a meet during the week? nothing to do all the way up here
    99' EM1

  2. #2
    ATLien ATLRoAcH's Avatar
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    I live in Jasper. I've seen you driving around. I have a yellow Del Sol I'm working on now. I also have a red 93 Civic Dx with a turbo DOHC ZC I was driving around in back in 2005. You may have seen it. It's in the garage right now. The turbo leaks oil real bad and needs rebuilt. My Del Sol isn't anything special right now. It has a B16A2 in it. I saved this car from an idiot and am in the process of fixing everything he screwed up. I'd like to look at your Civic sometime. Maybe we can meet up at Kroger or something sometime. There doesn't seem to be many Honda guys up here. I'm really the only one I know these days.

  3. #3
    ASAP Carclub steelmatt6's Avatar
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    I would love to actually! Finally, someone else has the same idea. I have held meets up here before, small turn outs, but they were fun.

    I am really close to both Jasper and Canton, so I'll def. meet up if we can work something out.

    EDIT: I tried to set something up, like a monthly meet at the Jonny's pizza in canton. But it never really took off; it could a second time though
    Last edited by steelmatt6; 05-24-2010 at 11:19 PM.

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