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Thread: injectors wont work help....

  1. #1
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    Default injectors wont work help....

    at first i was having problems with the fuel pump and my injectors at the time were working, but after i fixed the fuel pump problem the injectors stopped working dont know why. im running RC 370 any help is very appreciated

  2. #2
    Super Dave Z U L8R's Avatar
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    i have no idea what kind of car/motor you have, it does help to give that info.

    basically however, the ecu gets the signal that the engine is rotating, via the crankshaft or camshaft position sensor, some motors the cam/crank sensor is built into the distributor, other car's have them on their transmissions also. it just depends on what motor you have, but anyways, once the ecu sees that the engine is rotating, it knows when to give the injectors their ground, which is called a NOID signal. your injectors have 2 wires going to them, one of them is either always 12volts, but usually 12volts when ignition is in the on position, and the other wire is the ground that the ecu gives it. therefore, if the ecu is not giving the ground pulse to the injector, the ECU either A) has no reference for the position of the cam/crank B) not on , C) unplugged, D) fried out, or a very rare E) but i have seen before, they didn't wire in the start signal wire.

    they make a NOID light which basically is a little light bulb that plugs into the injector plug. you can accomplish the same by using a test light. first make sure one wire on the plug is getting 12 volts, once you find that, put the test light on the battery's positive so your test light will light up when the ecu gives the other wire on the injector plug a ground (all this of course when your friend is cranking over the engine), if your test light blinks, then you've verified whether you have NOID signal. check each cylinder this way.

    IF you have noid signal and when plugged in your injectors still don't pulse/click/tick/shoot fuel, then you have a bad's a tip. if that's the case, if you give the injector ground and direct 12 volts, it opens the bitch all the way and if it's stuck, if you keep on jolting it with 12volts, sometimes you can free em up without having to take the s.o.b. out and replace it, sometimes there's nothing you can do.

    if you think your injectors are not firing, this is how you determine whether you're correct or not, and if you are correct this is how you'll narrow down your problem, until you know exactly what you need.

    professionals don't guess, we test oooOOOOOo BUKAKE!! @@
    Last edited by Z U L8R; 04-24-2007 at 06:55 AM.

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