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Thread: 95 Cavalier Z24

  1. #1
    IA Member
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    Default 95 Cavalier Z24

    Hey whats up guys.... I have a 1995 Chevrolet Cavalier for sale. it has 199K miles on it but runs great, the car needs a bit of TLC but as for engine VERY LITTLE is needed, Needs a new radiator the one on it has a fine crack in it but has been semi fixed enough not to leak, also needs a new Evap System Solenoid. It also has a lil front end damage due to an accident where the party at fault had no insurance so I got stiffed. Im only asking 1000 for it but I will take Best Offer. Im not pressed to sell the car but It will go to person who makes me best offer. I have pictures of the car and will email them to anyone who wants too see them. This car has atleast another 100K miles on it, I have taken really good care of this car, but it has fallen to unfortunate events, The engine was pulled apart about 15000 miles ago and the head inspected by a machine shop, pulled apart, valves resitted, and cleaned to ensure no damage. All new gaskets were replaced and new water pump installed. Since I bought the car I have replaced several other critcial engine parts. If you are interested please feel free to email me at [email protected].

    thanks guys


  2. #2


    Have everything EXCEPT pictures.

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