hey, new to import atlanta that dont matter, i just join a sec ago by looking up imports in atlanta, noticed you had a stolen cars/parts/etc fourm, as im pretty sure most of you hate car thieves as i do. i found this site some might of found its called http://www.baitcar.com/node?page=2 this is not an advertisement, its if you wann see them low life car thieves get busted also just another source of knowledge and then :idb: . it also might help you to protect your car. also give you kinda a "feel" of how a thieve thinks and will put you in the mind of one to keep you from being just another statictic in the car theft rateing. Getting a alarm should be a frist think you even think about if you put aftermarket goodies in your ride. most might know this but every 1 in ever 5 cars get stolen just because you didnt LOCK you doors i mean is it that hard to reach over their and lock a door it can mean the difference. some tips can be laminating your windows making a reinforcing steering column whatever. im tired of hearing stolen cars, me being a victom once and i kno how hard it is to just realized your integra was just stolen because you left to go into the gas station with the doors unlocked and the keys in the ignition, (thats my story) the car was found in new york some how, striped to the very core so sad.... But lets put a end to this car theft bull shit . here is another site with some good aftermarket alarms http://www.clifford.com/ lo-jack,&mymoblieguardian are recommended, some of you guys might already have SOME protection , but and aftermarket alarm may scare thieves but not ALL of them, their are many ways just be creative. "Most cars take just seconds to break into, and burglar alarms attract scarcely a glance, said Gerry Myklebust, a crime-prevention officer for the Tukwila Police Department. A few minutes spent on Baitcar.com, which shows videos of cars being stolen, indicates just how quick and easy it is. "They can reach in, grab things, shut the door and get away before anyone pays attention," Myklebust said." again this is not an advertisment just some reinforced knowledge. their are many way sto stop them so if you got some ideas post them and spread the knowledge. put this car theift bull shit to a end dont forget to bring extra mags for thos "sticky" situation. oh and if you are a car thieve and your reading this BEWARE im looking for your ass's. anyways im new here just join so to start this off i got an 07 chevy cobalt.. automatic... why?... i dont know... but if anyone here knows how to do auto to man swap Messege me! and how much, also any good parts shops around here im in the clayton region. STOP CAR THEFTS and put a end to this shit!