Quote Originally Posted by speedminded
that pics the center run right? pretty much just a straight smooth shot down with no moguls or anything? On the far right it's fun just to get a "running" start and jumping off...sometimes you can make it feel like your not in NC, lol...until you land on the ice below anyways I've done it in a blizzard several times where you couldn't see 20 feet below you

The left side is fun when there's not a million people sitting on the edges...like cutting the inside corner in the hair pin and jumping...hoping you can cut fast enough not to go off the outside edge

yeah, whoopdedoo is the bigass straight downhill with no moguls at all. you're right about the blue to the left, there are usually a lot of people that don't need to be up there trying to get down to the easier stuff and it gets kind of annoying dodging them... but i can usually make fun out of it .