Well when I got my new iPhone I wanted to get a nice case for it. I went online and found a few ok looking ones, but they all looked the same.

I finally remembered a company back in my 3G and 3GS days that made some interesting cases and I decided to see if they were going to do a iPhone 4 case and low and behold the were.

Well after a little over a month of waiting, here is one of the first iPhone 4 Element cases with the dry carbon backing

**please be nice, all photos were done with a Canon SD780 point and shoot camera

for more info on the case, go to http://www.elementcase.com


So far after a day with the case I can say the phone feels more solid (maybe since its a lump of aluminum...lol). but seriously the case fit like a glove and has pads inside to make sure the phone does not get scraped up. Loving the weight and feel in the hand with the nice carved groove.