Well me and my new 3rd Generation Glock 17 – 9mm hit up the shooting range for the first time in over a year this past weekend (I used to go regularly when I had my old Glock). My buddies Kenny and Ming joined me. Ming brought his HK P30 with him.

We went to Bull’s Eye Indoor Gun Range in Lawrenceville. Had a bit of a wait since we were there on a Sunday afternoon. It was worth the wait though. Had a great time and I did pretty well for not shooting in over a year.

After my first few shots

Not too bad considering how long it's been since I've shot a gun


Could have done better but I'm satisfied with the results

Kenny steps up to the plate

I took like a bazillion pics to catch this little fireball

Some GIF love

Ming's Turn

Not bad at all man!

A few more from me

Some GIF love

didn't miss the target once

We added a new target at the neck for Kenny

Boom Boom

Lol he emptied a whole magazine and missed all of them!

Some more of Ming as he closed out our day there

Another cool capture!

Some GIF love

Thanks for looking!