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Thread: Question for non believers of christianity

  1. #81
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    ^^ I Like this guy.
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  2. #82
    \m/>_<\m/ dorin48's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoff View Post
    im just curious as to why some of you stick so hard to your belief that there is no God. and to those with other religions as to why its so hard to believe in the Fundamental views and beliefs of christianity? please discuss
    These questions are a tell tale sign of ignorance. Lets apply logic to the questions.

    I exist. Things around me exist and are tangible. God is not tangible mentally or physically. So, in order to make god tangible I need faith. Faith is the direct opposite of tangibility.

    Tangibility vs Faith = God vs Logic

    As for the second question. If you did some research you would see there is plenty of overlap between religions. The differences could come from a multitude of reasons but an easy one is cultural development over time.

  3. #83
    Sarcastic Asshole fivex684's Avatar
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    The problem I have with christianity is you guys pick and choose which bits you believe and practice. It's almost a joke to how hypocritical you (christians) have become.

    Penn & Teller Bullshit gives the gist of some of the bullshit in the bible.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by dorin48 View Post
    I am no longer a Christian due to some experiences in my life. I still feel the need for spiritual fulfillment but my logical side refuses to let me believe. If I went to church now I would betray myself.

    I also have to express my displeasure over the lukewarm stances. If you are a believer, revel in it. Learn everything there is to know, grow and interpret. If you can't do that then you need to ask yourself the hard questions. Am I doing this because I am a coward? Do I need to believe in God simply because non-existance scares me? Am I just doing what is expected? I'll insert Revelation 3:15-16 here.

    I'm getting married next year and my best man is a preacher's son. He is incredibly knowledgeable and intellectual. I pick his brain constantly and we always have philosophical discussions on the nature of faith and existence.

    On the flip side another one of my groomsmen went to Florida Christian College and dropped out because he was unable to complete a research paper. Proving the Bible. He found that, for him, it wasn't possible and logic used in resources seemed flawed. He went to art school instead.

    My wife to be is Pagan. A religion far older than Christianity, yet Christian practices stole greatly from and persecuted this religion. Why should I relate my self to that? She lived in Guam for several years and ,aside from the fact that almost the entire population is devout catholic and learns the will of god, children would spit on her, call her names, and even threw rocks at her simply because she had different skin.

    Do I want to believe in god? sure. Will I believe in god? no. Will I go to church? no.

    It would honestly take something irrefutable "a miracle" at this point in my life for me to return to Christianity.
    sounds like you got hope and faith mixed up at one point.

  5. #85
    wherever God leads geoff's Avatar
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    like i said, i didnt mean to offend anyone on this forum. i see all the time people flaming christianity and just so hellbent on disproving something they dont believe. my purpose was just to find out where these guys are coming from. as far as immature, i wouldnt exactly put it that way. i would say more that my faith is developing just as everyone elses takes time to develop. there is no such thing as reaching the pinacle of faith or the top level in Christ. i try to live my life according to His word, i try and spread the gospel as Jesus commanded, i refuse to be quiet about my faith cuz its not Gods' plan. some people will listen and others will not. has been this way for a long time. but i refuse to keep silent just because someone might get offended, Lord knows there are a few thirsty souls out there seeking truth and dont have anyone to point them in the right direction.
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  6. #86 Tracy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoff View Post
    like i said, i didnt mean to offend anyone on this forum. i see all the time people flaming christianity and just so hellbent on disproving something they dont believe. my purpose was just to find out where these guys are coming from. as far as immature, i wouldnt exactly put it that way. i would say more that my faith is developing just as everyone elses takes time to develop. there is no such thing as reaching the pinacle of faith or the top level in Christ. i try to live my life according to His word, i try and spread the gospel as Jesus commanded, i refuse to be quiet about my faith cuz its not Gods' plan. some people will listen and others will not. has been this way for a long time. but i refuse to keep silent just because someone might get offended, Lord knows there are a few thirsty souls out there seeking truth and dont have anyone to point them in the right direction.
    I have been involved in most of the religious discussions on this forum and IMO they don't go off on an unreasonable tangent. For the most part people are pretty good about stating their opinions and backing them up in a mature way. In all honesty, it seems to me like the religious ones are the ones who get offended when questions are posed. It's easy for us to say why we have questions—that's where the tangibility factor comes into play. There isn't really all that much to defend. On the other hand, humans tend to have a hard time when it comes to "abstract" things and it's "your" job to prove your point and back it up with facts that are understandable to people who haven't been "struck" by God and his miracles yet. That is the hard task. Most of the time the discussion goes back to faith and the Bible. It's a vicious cycle. If we ask about the word, don't refer us back to the word in question. It just doesn't make sense.

    I have no problem with your stance. In all honesty, I have read the Bible and started on the Torah trying to find something to strike me. It's not that I am not open to any of the possibilities—It just hasn't happened for me....yet.
    Val for president!

  7. #87
    Family Man ahabion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quickdodge® View Post
    That's the big truth. Pre-judging a book by it's cover is a huge turn off to being a "true Christian." Even though it's taught not to do so.

    About 15 years ago, I was going out with a girl that had two children (girl and boy). I think the little girl was three or so. They were straight up church folks (the parents) and even lived on a church campground. They didn't like me from the time they met me because of my tattoos. I'm not an impolite person by any means. I'm a "yes ma'am" "no sir" person through and through. And it wasn't/isn't an act. It's how I was raised. These people saw my tattoos and immediately ostracized me. And they told their daughter (my GF) that. Told her that I was dangerous and was putting her and her children in danger.

    The fuck??!!

    You know they even went so far as to tell her they had detectives investigating me for molesting he three year old daughter? Said that if she didn't leave me, they would take her children away from her and proceed with the investigation. I ended up leaving her, telling her that that's the best thing right now. And not ever let a man take precedence over her children. If it was mean to be, it was meant to be. Two years later, we reconnected and got back together and then I found out she was strung out on coke and other drugs and lost her children. She told me it was because of what her parents did to us.

    Backstabbing, untrustworthy anyone?

    I was dating a girl from a church in Snellville. I met her through church friends that were dating as well. They ended up getting engaged and all was cool. No it wasn't. Both the dude getting married and my GF ended up cheating on their respective others. For a couple of months. The fuck?? They got married instead and divorced a year later.

    It's shit like this that really gets me thinking about the quality of people I like to get involved with. The last time i went to a church was with that previous girl. Later, QD.
    That is messed up QD, no doubt about it. I'd be ticked off too if I was in your shoes.

    The big but in this is that church didn't do those things... the people did. What I find amusing (and not slamming you or anyone here, Atheist or Christian) is that people tend to think that just because a person may go to church or does attend church/temple and calls themselves [fill in the blank], that they are perfect or any better than anybody else or closer to "perfection"... people inside and outside the church think this. This is the great lie that has been spread across the country and sown into our culture.

    The truth is that church is made of imperfect people. People in an imperfect world doing imperfect things in our imperfect lives. Just because people attend, worship, or do whatever, does not make them any better or worse than the next. There is no promise (at least in Christianity) of a problem-free life nor a promise that things will always go your way. The promise made by God (biblically speaking) is the promise of peace (John 16:33) and the promise that God is always working for you... not against you (Matthew 1, not necessarily the birth of Jesus... but more of the humanity of Joseph and the circumstances surrounding him in all this... can elaborate if need be...)

  8. #88
    Family Man ahabion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoff View Post
    like i said, i didnt mean to offend anyone on this forum. i see all the time people flaming christianity and just so hellbent on disproving something they dont believe. my purpose was just to find out where these guys are coming from. as far as immature, i wouldnt exactly put it that way. i would say more that my faith is developing just as everyone elses takes time to develop. there is no such thing as reaching the pinacle of faith or the top level in Christ. i try to live my life according to His word, i try and spread the gospel as Jesus commanded, i refuse to be quiet about my faith cuz its not Gods' plan. some people will listen and others will not. has been this way for a long time. but i refuse to keep silent just because someone might get offended, Lord knows there are a few thirsty souls out there seeking truth and dont have anyone to point them in the right direction.
    Absolutely don't stay quiet but don't be like Peter. Your heart and passions are in the right place but you are like Peter who would react to their emotions and feelings but fail to seize the true nature of what his teacher was trying to get through to them.

    Calm your spirit and wait upon the Lord. Wait and listen for his voice of the Holy Spirit, and then be obedient when he calls upon you. As human beings, this is our true act of service, love, and obedience to God. Think of the calling when Jesus first met with Peter... what was Peter doing? Even in that instance, Jesus told him to cast his net on the other side... so should you as well if you're not catching anything...

  9. #89
    Senior Member | IA Veteran quickdodge®'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ahabion View Post
    Just because people attend, worship, or do whatever, does not make them any better or worse than the next.
    I understand exactly what you're saying.

    But I have to respond on this line alone. You're right in that doesn't make them better. The problem is, though, that these people THINK they are because they go to church. That's why they look down their noses at people like me. We know they aren't any better, but they don't. Later, QD.

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by quickdodge® View Post
    I understand exactly what you're saying.

    But I have to respond on this line alone. You're right in that doesn't make them better. The problem is, though, that these people THINK they are because they go to church. That's why they look down their noses at people like me. We know they aren't any better, but they don't. Later, QD.

    I can totally agree with this. You (not you specifically, but people in general) shouldn't be judged by Christians - Technically they should serve you no matter your belief.

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by trini_gsr View Post
    when i was in college i had a roommate who is probably the best example I've met of how a Christian should live. he was real cool, always humble, never pushy about his faith...but ppl were just naturally curious about him because of how he behaved and found out about his beliefs once they got to know him. And from that he started up a Bible study in the dorm.

    He taught me that if you *really* live your life by the Bible, others will take notice and you'll have your opportunity to preach to ppl who are genuinely interested and might really benefit. ppl are naturally drawn to folks whose lives are guided by real purpose. Jesus said this himself...

    there's no need to beat ppl over the head with your beliefs. you just need to work on being the best example of living the Christian life that you can be...and the rest will fall into place. but this can be said about any religion.
    another interesting thread.

    the only thing you have to remember is that the Christian faith openly says that we cannot live up to the standard which is held before us. This to the person on the outside looking in is always where people like to play the gotcha game. When the truth of the Christian faith is that we all come from a place of where we have struggled and wrestled with our short comings and we will continue to do so.

    In many cases, the legalism that some believers display is another one of these problems. Unfortunately, many of us still act like the Christian faith is about us living our lives to a certain standard and it isn't. It is however about us not being able to live our lives to the standard that is laid out before us and being in desperate need of grace. I often wonder if that is a place where the believer and the non-believer can start to agree? The place that says, no matter the standard I set for myself or the standard that God has set for me, I am going to need grace because I cannot live up to that standard.
    "Their [the new atheists] treatment of the religious viewpoint is pathetic to the point of non-being. Richard Dawkins in The God Delusion would fail any introductory philosophy or religion course. Proudly he criticizes that whereof he knows nothing... I am indignant at the poor quality of the argumentation in Dawkins, Dennett, Hitchens, and all of the others in that group."

    ~Michael Ruse, atheist & author and philosopher of biology at Florida State University
    full article

  12. #92
    Virginity Cure BABY J's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sport_122 View Post
    another interesting thread.

    the only thing you have to remember is that the Christian faith openly says that we cannot live up to the standard which is held before us. This to the person on the outside looking in is always where people like to play the gotcha game. When the truth of the Christian faith is that we all come from a place of where we have struggled and wrestled with our short comings and we will continue to do so.

    In many cases, the legalism that some believers display is another one of these problems. Unfortunately, many of us still act like the Christian faith is about us living our lives to a certain standard and it isn't. It is however about us not being able to live our lives to the standard that is laid out before us and being in desperate need of grace. I often wonder if that is a place where the believer and the non-believer can start to agree? The place that says, no matter the standard I set for myself or the standard that God has set for me, I am going to need grace because I cannot live up to that standard.
    People can live up to the standard that they set for themselves quite easily. Go to a trailer park and have a look around. A lot of those people want no more than what they have. The same can said for CEOs of business. Living to a standard that you set and continually change for yourself is very powerful - bc you can see progress and can even "arrive" if you set your mark low enuff. You don't need "grace" from an invisible character to do so. You don't need words from another "man" (bible) to do so either.
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  13. #93
    wherever God leads geoff's Avatar
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    i have heard the calling my friend. and my net is not empty. some " christians " dont realize the seriousness of the word. Jesus is coming back for a people called by His name, you know the eternity in store for non believers. think about this for a second. every day thousands if not more people die. how many of those would you say are truly Gods' children? i have a burden to tell someone about what God is doing and the plan of salvation. you can call me emotional or whatever you want, thats not going to hinder me from doing what Christ said to spread the gospel to every creature.
    riding for God crew member #1

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  14. #94
    Senior Member | IA Veteran quickdodge®'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoff View Post
    every day thousands if not more people die. how many of those would you say are truly Gods' children?
    According to my understanding, wouldn't every one of those people be God's children? Later, QD.

  15. #95
    wherever God leads geoff's Avatar
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    we are all Gods' children in the sense that He is our creator ( Father ) BUT, those that accept Christ and live according to His Word are His people called by His name.
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  16. #96 SPOOLIN's Avatar
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    this is what i think.

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  17. #97
    \m/>_<\m/ dorin48's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jblizzard View Post
    sounds like you got hope and faith mixed up at one point.
    You're going to have to elaborate. As I see it I am not confused.

    If you want me to take what you have to say seriously don't drop vague one liners and bail on the thread.

    hope (hp)
    v. hoped, hop·ing, hopes
    1. To wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment.
    2. Archaic To have confidence; trust.
    1. To look forward to with confidence or expectation: We hope that our children will be successful.
    2. To expect and desire. See Synonyms at expect.
    1. A wish or desire accompanied by confident expectation of its fulfillment.
    2. Something that is hoped for or desired: Success is our hope.
    3. One that is a source of or reason for hope: the team's only hope for victory.
    4. often Hope Christianity The theological virtue defined as the desire and search for a future good, difficult but not impossible to attain with God's help.
    5. Archaic Trust; confidence.
    hope against hope
    To hope with little reason or justification.

    faith (fth)
    1. Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
    2. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. See Synonyms at belief, trust.
    3. Loyalty to a person or thing; allegiance: keeping faith with one's supporters.
    4. often Faith Christianity The theological virtue defined as secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God's will.
    5. The body of dogma of a religion: the Muslim faith.
    6. A set of principles or beliefs.
    in faith
    Indeed; truly.

    I was never waiting in earnest for something. I made a decision because it is not within me to blindly follow.

  18. #98
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    In simple,

    Hope - Going on what God is going to do for you.

    Faith - It's already been done and you have to go out and achieve it (if its a goal your chasing) or conquer it(if difficulty has arose in your path).

    I.E. If you want to be a pro ball player - you hope one day you make it. You think God is going to give it to your if you work hard enough.

    Example of going on Faith - You are already a pro ball player - you just have to go out and work for it.

    People often get this mixed up and get mad when something comes up in life - I am not directly attacking you or asking you to rethink things, I just simply mentioned it appeared to be a confusion. If this is not true for you, cool.

  19. #99
    Senior Member | IA Veteran quickdodge®'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jblizzard View Post
    In simple,

    Hope - Going on what God is going to do for you.

    Faith - It's already been done and you have to go out and achieve it (if its a goal your chasing) or conquer it(if difficulty has arose in your path).
    No way, man. There is no HOPE in religion. You don't hope you go to heaven. You have faith that you will. Faith is not anything that has already been done. At least not factually. Faith is what you call the belief someone has in the Bible, God and religion. Acting on faith is you going for your goals and believing that God is there with you every step of the way. Later, QD.

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by quickdodge® View Post
    No way, man. There is no HOPE in religion. You don't hope you go to heaven. You have faith that you will. Faith is not anything that has already been done. At least not factually. Faith is what you call the belief someone has in the Bible, God and religion. Acting on faith is you going for your goals and believing that God is there with you every step of the way. Later, QD.

    Thats essentially what I am saying - people seem to get those mixed up. By mixed up - I mean replacing one with the other.

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoff View Post
    i have heard the calling my friend. and my net is not empty. some " christians " dont realize the seriousness of the word. Jesus is coming back for a people called by His name, you know the eternity in store for non believers. think about this for a second. every day thousands if not more people die. how many of those would you say are truly Gods' children? i have a burden to tell someone about what God is doing and the plan of salvation. you can call me emotional or whatever you want, thats not going to hinder me from doing what Christ said to spread the gospel to every creature.
    I'm not saying that it is but study the life of Peter and you'll understand where I'm coming from.

    And believe me, I understand completely where you're coming from... I was once in your shoes and in my heart still am; however, I've matured in my faith to understand that God's plan is much bigger than I'll ever begin to fathom and ever imagine. That my work, no matter how great or small, is ever pleasing and accepting to God but never good enough of his glory. For his is his alone, there is nothing greater.

    The danger becomes that as you spread the word, the soils on which it lands on differ depending on who hears it. For those with ears let them hear... the soils will differ but the quality of the seed is the same. Be careful of how you tend the garden, for as you spread the seed, you'll need to nourish it with food and water so it grows. You'll see your harvest more abundant as you grow in your faith maturity.

    Like I said and will continue to say, your heart and passions are in the right place... now you just need to mature and seek wisdom.

  22. #102
    wherever God leads geoff's Avatar
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    thankyou. i got a couple guys on here that wanna meet up soon. we should do a bible study and i would like to have you on board. God bless
    riding for God crew member #1

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  23. #103
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    [quote=geoff;38568957]you wouldnt stand idly by while a man put a gun to his head and shot himself would you?[quote]
    That depends. Is he trying to get a useful conversation out of a topic that has been beaten to death for decades and will never reach closure? In that case, luck is not on his side.
    INSIGHTFUL DIALOGUE ANALYSIS: Actually, Hector, that is not what we call valet parking. Valet parking is where someone parks your car for you. You just pulled your car up to the front of the store and got out. We just call that parking.

  24. #104
    ( . )( . ) inmymouth _Christian_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pulp_Fiction View Post
    @s14unimog: 1/2 Christian? As opposed to a whole one? All that matters in the end is that you are saved and believe in God. You don't get on heaven based on works. Whether you go to church every sunday or not at all it makes no difference. Everyone worships and honors god in their own way. And making statements like the ones you made are all operating under the assumption that someone is capable of being a 100% pure christian. We are all humans and all flawed, religion is about purity in an unpure world and we do the best we can but we are all flawed and no one is capable of being 100% christian, thats kinda the whole point of religion there. Now I am non-demoninational so I just say christian, but this is totally different from a catholic perspective. Don't get me started on them, I'm sure I despise those catholic activists as much as anyone on here. Catholicism consists of way to many man made rituals, so please don't base your opinion of the christian religions on them.
    Of course. It doesn't matter how good or moral you are, just that you believe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pulp_Fiction View Post
    It is also hard to argue faith. Thats what religion is, you put your faith in something beyond yourself. I can't prove to you that I am right but you can't prove I am wrong (religion in a nutshell).
    The underwear gnomes in my dresser just created the universe 5 minutes ago and gave us all memories. Can you prove me wrong?

    Quote Originally Posted by stay_up View Post
    to add to the op thread i am going to say this.

    to not believe VS to believe in a higher power such as (GOD)

    why i believe in God... why not? I would rather believe that i have a better place to go when i die other than no where.I mean i can't really understand how people don't get it u don't want to believe in nothing thats fine live the rest of your life thinking when u die thats it so what if i believe in god i would like to think that if i was wrong and god does not exist then whoopi doo i loss nothing. BUT!!!! lets say i die and next thing i no here is another world that i have read about in the bible and all this is true.then it was worth every minute i spent learning. as for the people with no beliefs sad sad day...
    Pascal's wager is fundamentally flawed on so many levels. First of all it's a false dichotomy, it ignores all other religions and all other hells to which you could be subjugated for choosing the wrong god. It also makes the claim that belief and worship cost nothing, which isn't true. There are also a couple of underlying that belief is subject to the will, in which case you choose to believe as an insurance policy, and that this god is credulous enough to buy into it.

    Quote Originally Posted by stay_up View Post
    u ask explain in a milder way..

    Ok lets say u was going to cancun for vacation u hit that plane and u have no doubt!! in your mind in 5hr's u will be in cancun and the vacation will be so relaxing.But there is some things the pilot is going to have u do before u leave other wise u want leave,Now that is faith because you believe that u will be there in 5hr's. with faiths comes trust. U trust that the pilot is going to get you there alive.So u put your stuff up and grab the seat belt like your suppose to do.But u haven't even left the airport yet so why do u believe so much that u gonna make it??

    Because u would rather believe,trust and have faith in the pilot that he is going to get you there.Now isnt that better than thinking u going to die on the way there? other wise u would have never jumped on that plane.

    thats how i feel about God id rather trust his word and do what he would have me do so that i can make it to the other side..
    There are two types of faith, testable and non-testable.

    All theists/atheists require testable faith. We use it every day to walk, drive, work, perform any activity.

    Non-testable faith can only be applied to religions that have a divine supernatural entity.

    We all have faith that the sun will rise tomorrow, but that faith is based on evidence rather than a lack of evidence like religious faith. Faith that your plane will arrive safely is based on evidence that there is a very low likelyhood of a crash. This is testable.

    Quote Originally Posted by geoff View Post
    my original post was not to insult non-believers but to try and grasp as to what their reasoning behind not believing is.
    Probably the same as your reasoning for not believing in leprechauns.

    Quote Originally Posted by geoff View Post
    i think the biggest problem non-believers have falls in one of two categories or both. 1. they cant deal with the idea that they dont truly control their own lives. 2. they dont like to think that there are consequences for their actions. which one are you?
    1. I'm fairly certain we have free will. We don't control some aspects of our lives, but that doesn't mean it's controlled by a cosmic universe creator. I have seen nothing in my life to which I needed to attribute to some supernatural cause.

    2. There are plenty of worldly consequences for every action.

    Quote Originally Posted by geoff View Post
    you know what i dont have facts to prove God and you dont have facts to disprove Him.
    The burden of proof lies with those making the claim. You don't have the facts to disprove any other deities, by your own logic that puts the Judeo-Christian god on the same level as any other god as far as provability.
    Quote Originally Posted by geoff View Post
    BUT, science points more towards the God of the Bible than to some random game of chance where everything came from nothing. all of this around here came from something that was not bound by our laws of physics. that means this thing had to be self aware and self conscience and created EVERYTHING for some or was it that nothing got bored one day and said let me roll the dice and see what happens? you may not agree to the God of the Bible and those reasons are your own to keep, but from your own mouth you agreed with me that all this came from something. to take a gamble that the God of the Bible is not Him and bet your eternity on something your not too sure about is not safe
    Nothing is known about what exists outside of spacetime. It's the old god of the gaps argument. We don't have an explanation for a cause so therefor it's god. Creation itself is a causal activity. Causality is contigent upon time. How does a timeless being do causal things?

    Quote Originally Posted by geoff View Post
    i have my belief not from what someone taught or told me. i am new to christianity. i have had my own personal experiences with God that i can not deny. they were miracles and signs and wonders. God has spoken to me through the bible several times. He has answered all my prayers, HE built up my faith not some man. i can say God exists cuz i honestly sought after Truth and found Him at the end of the road.
    I can't question your personal experience, but I hope you can see how your experience isn't valid evidence for another person.

    He has answered all your prayers? If that's true, please pray to end world hunger. I have a feeling it's just confirmation bias, but we'll see.

    Quote Originally Posted by geoff View Post
    im tired and going to bed. gotta wake up early for work. will continue this tom. here is some food for thought tho. some claim that I KNOW GOD ISNT REAL!!!! to those i say in response, do you know or believe that you will wake up tommorow? do you know or believe that you will be here next week, month, year? ( got this from another site. pretty good tho.) sometimes believing is all we have. for in life, there is actually very little that we do know. good night, God bless, and i pray for you all daily...may God Himself build up your faith.
    People who claim to know god isn't real are just as fundamentalist as religious people who claim to know god is real. It's a very closed minded way of thinking as neither can be known since such claims are not falsifiable.

    Quote Originally Posted by stay_up View Post
    Well i tell you this thread is starting to turnout mature again 1 other thing is i have to believe in god because i was raised around a dad that trusted him to the max and did things that would make a no since to a person that doe's not no him in a personal way.I will give u the reasons why i no he is real.

    I was around 8yr old when we was on a church trip back from mexico we had given all our money away to the kids pretty much and had just a few $ the time i was like wow! u got to be kidding me this church stuff is going to get us stranded out here in the middle of no where lost.It was about 4-5 car's all travel together we have enough $ to get to the alabama line by the time we pulled up on (E) for the last fill up the pastor filled every 1 else up with the little money he had and then said lets see if god wil work for us. He pulled out duck tape from my dads old van"which was our work van also" he put tape over the empty gas hand and prayed then drove from the alabama line to out side athens ga on (E) ran out of gas as he was turning in to his house. U can say what ever you like about luck are whatever,But from that moment on i think my belief in god growed because luck would not have ever got him that far on (E) about 121miles
    God isn't the only possible explanation. You really think god used his infinite gas hack so you wouldn't be stranded but won't cure AIDS?

  25. #105
    - - - - - - - - - - ash7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by _Christian_ View Post
    God isn't the only possible explanation. You really think god used his infinite gas hack so you wouldn't be stranded but won't cure AIDS?
    Newsflash: yes, He did cure AIDS.

    "Natural immunity to HIV/AIDS was discovered in some Nairobi sex workers by UM researchers in the 1980s and is thought to be one of the most promising leads for the development of a safe and effective vaccine to prevent HIV, but its rarity has made it difficult to establish a critical mass of data from which meaningful conclusions can be drawn."

    Now whether or not it will be actually pursued by those in charge of making such decisions to develop new medicines is debatable. As with everything in todays world, money is king. They make more money using the cocktails of drugs needed to enhance the immune system than they would if they actually cured the disease.

    To the OP (geoff), it's always refreshing to see someone "on fire" like you. Keep your chin up, and keep up the Good Work bro - i'm praying for your success.

    Jesus Christ is my Savior

  26. #106
    Новак 5speed's Avatar
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    Good thread. I believe that God cant be doubted in my mind and soul. The very fact that we are living is evidence to me. Science is a great tool but it cant prove God exists, nor expel the existence. For example: A very close friend of my fiance had a grandmother who recently was told she wouldnt live for her next chemotherapy. It seemed so true bc she couldnt talk, walk, or much of anything else at all. Her last scans and other tests showed that the cancer had spreaded and her body was to weak to fight any longer. Then recently at the families church they prayed that she wouldnt suffer no longer and that she be blessed by entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Everyone accepted that she was on her deathbed. Then she began to get better until she was talking then walking and then back to normal. She felt good for the first time in a long time. Went to her doctors and tests were done and more scans. NO MORE CANCER!!! No science can explain that! That doesnt just happen by chance, that is the work of God.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dirty Octopus™ View Post
    yeah thats all you got cuz shortly after that picture you accepted tasteful wheels and better fitment into your life as your Lowered and Savior.


  27. #107
    Virginity Cure BABY J's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5speed View Post
    Good thread. I believe that God cant be doubted in my mind and soul. The very fact that we are living is evidence to me. Science is a great tool but it cant prove God exists, nor expel the existence. For example: A very close friend of my fiance had a grandmother who recently was told she wouldnt live for her next chemotherapy. It seemed so true bc she couldnt talk, walk, or much of anything else at all. Her last scans and other tests showed that the cancer had spreaded and her body was to weak to fight any longer. Then recently at the families church they prayed that she wouldnt suffer no longer and that she be blessed by entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Everyone accepted that she was on her deathbed. Then she began to get better until she was talking then walking and then back to normal. She felt good for the first time in a long time. Went to her doctors and tests were done and more scans. NO MORE CANCER!!! No science can explain that! That doesnt just happen by chance, that is the work of God.

    Guess what - I don't pray, I make 6 figures a year. Is the God that I don't believe in showing me favor? Tell me about the things that you pray for that you DON'T get --- tell me about those. What about the MILLIONS of people that God is NOT good to. MILLIONS of devout followers who DIDN'T make it through their next cancer treatment. The notion that "well, God is good to ME and that's all that matters" is a CROCK. There are MORE people that She is NOT good too - explain that. The simple fact is that God (if She exists) is NOT good to a lot of the people a lot of the time. So you prayed for a job and you got job offers --- "God" MUST be good right? Well isn't that some selfish shit right there if I ever heard it. There are ALSO people who had a good job and just MAGICALLY lost it, became homeless, cracked out, and died. There are ALSO kids getting pimped and raped in alleys asking for invisible help from "God" that never arrives. "God" is SOO good - let me tell you.

    Look sir... in life you don't always get what you pray for, you don't always get what you deserve... you get what you get... and that's whether you believe in God or not.

    So you say God speaks to you? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? Do you REALLY think that a God capable of creating all the we see and all that we know thinks YOU are THAT special that She is going to take time out of her day to speak to you? LOL. Don't forget --- She also is going to take time out of Her existence to speak to the MILLIONS of other followers too? Interesting. Bill Gates can't take time to speak to a Microsoft help-desk worker in Podunk Kansas, but God has time to speak to you and a million and one other "believers". I find that interesting. You think that every bible-thumper has been created SOOOO uniquely that you have the "stuff" required to 'hear' from such a supernatural being? What SUPERNATURAL antenna or receptive device are you created with that allows such communication w/ this being?? I mean REALLY think about it... if a God that powerful "spoke" to you your head would probably fucking explode.
    "I'm not a gynecologist... but I'll take a look."

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    She? Love it.
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  29. #109
    Новак 5speed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BABY J View Post

    Guess what - I don't pray, I make 6 figures a year. Is the God that I don't believe in showing me favor? Tell me about the things that you pray for that you DON'T get --- tell me about those. What about the MILLIONS of people that God is NOT good to. MILLIONS of devout followers who DIDN'T make it through their next cancer treatment. The notion that "well, God is good to ME and that's all that matters" is a CROCK. There are MORE people that She is NOT good too - explain that. The simple fact is that God (if She exists) is NOT good to a lot of the people a lot of the time. So you prayed for a job and you got job offers --- "God" MUST be good right? Well isn't that some selfish shit right there if I ever heard it. There are ALSO people who had a good job and just MAGICALLY lost it, became homeless, cracked out, and died. There are ALSO kids getting pimped and raped in alleys asking for invisible help from "God" that never arrives. "God" is SOO good - let me tell you.

    Look sir... in life you don't always get what you pray for, you don't always get what you deserve... you get what you get... and that's whether you believe in God or not.

    So you say God speaks to you? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? Do you REALLY think that a God capable of creating all the we see and all that we know thinks YOU are THAT special that She is going to take time out of her day to speak to you? LOL. Don't forget --- She also is going to take time out of Her existence to speak to the MILLIONS of other followers too? Interesting. Bill Gates can't take time to speak to a Microsoft help-desk worker in Podunk Kansas, but God has time to speak to you and a million and one other "believers". I find that interesting. You think that every bible-thumper has been created SOOOO uniquely that you have the "stuff" required to 'hear' from such a supernatural being? What SUPERNATURAL antenna or receptive device are you created with that allows such communication w/ this being?? I mean REALLY think about it... if a God that powerful "spoke" to you your head would probably fucking explode.
    I will start off by saying that I am not a Christian but am learning more about it and opening up to it in a way.

    I know exactly what you mean. I have been in pretty bad situations myself and seen other people go through shit they should have never had to go through. Since this thread was posted in a Christian stance, then I will go in that notion. The Bible does not say that Believers will turn out just fine. Fact is we exist with free will and the only limitations we have are what others set for us and what we set for ourselves. Fortunately and unfortunately other peoples decisions affect our lives. You being successful has nothing to do with God. It doesn't matter to him/her(I don't care what sex, bc I don't think God has one)that you make 6 figures a year. You landed in that pretty good position bc you worked for it and others helped you along the way. You don't need God to do good or have morals. That within itself is something humans have to choose for themselves. To me God isn't God if he/she fits in our heads.

    I have lived a pretty shitty life as a kid, then eventually a pretty good one where I was spoiled with money and whatever else I wanted. And then my father decided to be a fucking dumbass and mess around with CRACK. That poor decision sadly affected my families lives pretty badly. He went from making $23 an hour to nothing. We lost our home, land, and everything my parents worked hard for in a matter of 2 years. Eventually my dad went to jail and my mother became the sole provider. She had to feed three kids on just over minimum wage. We only had one Totinos pizza a day split between my 2 brothers and I. Moved out of a 2 story house built just for us into the shittiest trailer park imaginable. Then eventually she couldnt even afford that bc she had to feed us. Then she got into a car accident which left her disabled but yet she persevered and tried to keep her job which later let her go. Left with no income we were kicked out and then lived out of a car for half a year.

    Things eventually got better. Fact is we and other choose what happens in our lives. Anything else unexplainable is left up to God imo. I dont understand it and wont until the day I die. I believe in a higher being and thats it. All I can do in this lifetime is help others and myself. I just wanna chill and learn everything I can about this world, and cars too! lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Dirty Octopus™ View Post
    yeah thats all you got cuz shortly after that picture you accepted tasteful wheels and better fitment into your life as your Lowered and Savior.


  30. #110
    wherever God leads geoff's Avatar
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    i will be praying for you and your family 5speed. you seem like someone that is searching for something. if you have any questions about faith you can pm me any time bro.
    riding for God crew member #1

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  31. #111
    ( . )( . ) inmymouth _Christian_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ash7 View Post
    Newsflash: yes, He did cure AIDS.

    "Natural immunity to HIV/AIDS was discovered in some Nairobi sex workers by UM researchers in the 1980s and is thought to be one of the most promising leads for the development of a safe and effective vaccine to prevent HIV, but its rarity has made it difficult to establish a critical mass of data from which meaningful conclusions can be drawn."

    Now whether or not it will be actually pursued by those in charge of making such decisions to develop new medicines is debatable. As with everything in todays world, money is king. They make more money using the cocktails of drugs needed to enhance the immune system than they would if they actually cured the disease.

    To the OP (geoff), it's always refreshing to see someone "on fire" like you. Keep your chin up, and keep up the Good Work bro - i'm praying for your success.

    I like how you only responded to one half of a sentence in a way that had nothing to do with the point. You're also wrong. Until an effective vaccine is developed and administered to the infected, HIV/AIDS has not been cured.

    Edit: ...And even if/when AIDS is cured, what reason would one have to believe that it's the work of god(s) and not man?
    Last edited by _Christian_; 12-26-2009 at 11:01 PM.

  32. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by ash7 View Post
    "Natural immunity to HIV/AIDS was discovered in some Nairobi sex workers by UM researchers in the 1980s and is thought to be one of the most promising leads for the development of a safe and effective vaccine to prevent HIV, but its rarity has made it difficult to establish a critical mass of data from which meaningful conclusions can be drawn."

    Wouldn't natural immunity be a force of evolution working here? Just like when brown/black bears started living in the polar regions their coats would change to a white/lighter shade to blend in with surroundings giving the bears a better chance of living, survival of the fittest. How are the workers evolving, they are resistant to the AIDS/HIV virus and giving these workers a better chance to survive in the area.
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  33. #113
    wherever God leads geoff's Avatar
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    you dont see how a natural immunity that has never been known to suddenly develop not be a work of God?
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoff View Post
    you dont see how a natural immunity that has never been known to suddenly develop not be a work of God?
    So a work of god in your eyes, is him creating down syndrome children and children with autism when they first started appearing?
    1999 Corolla CE & 1988 Pontiac Fiero

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    Quote Originally Posted by geoff View Post
    you dont see how a natural immunity that has never been known to suddenly develop not be a work of God?

    So you're saying god believes in evolution, but Christian's as a whole do not?
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    I believe in creationism in but also along with evolution. I think things just eventually work out so that we may suit our environment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dirty Octopus™ View Post
    yeah thats all you got cuz shortly after that picture you accepted tasteful wheels and better fitment into your life as your Lowered and Savior.


  37. #117
    wherever God leads geoff's Avatar
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    i believe that evolution could be the explanation of how God works. i think were christians have a hard time with this is where some evolutionist believe life originated.
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoff View Post
    i believe that evolution could be the explanation of how God works. i think were christians have a hard time with this is where some evolutionist believe life originated.
    Well in my opinion the whole big bang theory just doesn't make sense

    If a watchmaker takes a bunch of parts and puts them in a box and burns

    them or explodes them they don't just make a watch do they???

    So how could things colliding and combusting create a planet that just so

    happens to be habitable by humans?

  39. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by EuroTra$h View Post
    Well in my opinion the whole big bang theory just doesn't make sense

    If a watchmaker takes a bunch of parts and puts them in a box and burns

    them or explodes them they don't just make a watch do they???

    So how could things colliding and combusting create a planet that just so

    happens to be habitable by humans?
    Another Science vs God debate going to insue shortly.... I can tell!

    Science is a gift from God. All evidence and facts is not without a leap of faith further down the line. Science is facts plus faith. The Bible is facts plus faith. Whereby all the facts may point to some thing but then a "leap of faith" or "big bang" or "the missing link" to come to a conclusion later on (e.g. global warming).

    One thing is certain for me however: All things point right back to it's creator.

  40. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by ahabion View Post
    One thing is certain for me however: All things point right back to it's creator.
    And this is what sucks. The FACT that we don't know what that creator is. Later, QD.

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