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Thread: Religion - Join in the fun!

  1. #41
    step sticky stephen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AirMax95
    You can attempt to discredit religion, but you are not getting anywhere. In the end, man is arguing a theory that man made; which was further "proved" by man.

    that's the best statement i've seen in regards to religion.

    what's ironic is, i was browsing youtube earlier and i ran across a few clips from this of which related to religion/evolution. i found it a little funny.

  2. #42
    peripheral visionary
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    maybe god inserted "imperical evidence" behind everything for those people who might not believe but still left enough mystery for them to question things...

    i think it's dangerous to put so much weight into science...what if we find out in a few years that scientists' attitudes or energy can actually effect the outcomes of experiments? most of the time they research something to prove a theory they have so in their minds the outcome is almost set already.

    In a related note, when someone breaks an "unbreakable" world record, say for the fastest mile ran, how come it becomes easier for other runners to do it after the news gets out? for years people who run for a sport all accept it as unbreakable, but as soon as one guy doesn't and breaks it other runners' minds open and they too can achieve what was once thought impossible...look into this.

    so does that suggest we create our own reality? if so, again i caution into limiting ourselves by investing so much in science...

    And let me also add that God can neither be proven nor disproven and, IMO, never will be. the idea of a creator makes no sense, for who created God? did the chicken come before the egg, you get the idea. i've been asked if I believe in God, and said no. Then if people ask if i can be absolutely certain God does not exist, iwill also say no, putting me into the weak atheist/strong agnostic category.

    i have a problem with all religions because every one that i have done even the slightest bit of research on requires its followers to accept impossibilities as fact. Once more, God, can never be proven or disproven... definitively yeah.. but, intellectually bankrupt people always ask...

    "well who do you think created x? What came before x?" as if there's something substantial in what they're saying and whenever something in their precious religious scriptures is emphatically disproven they just go... "oh yeah, it's not meant to be interpreted literally, you see God was just putting it in terms that we humans could understand, if he tried to explain it to us coherently we'd bleed to death from the sheer awesomeness".

    God can't be dis/proven, but the Christian-Muslim-Jewish model of god is redundant like thousands that came before it.

    Hmmm... my high is starting to subside.

    I've been around since the planet was inhabitable I spit in the ocean and created microscopic animals which evolved into two species, the righteous and the cannibals, but until then, I had alien women suck me off and when God said "Let there be light," I turned it the fuck off and that's the reason earth is only 5 billion years old I made the sun shine, and permitted time to unfold

  3. #43
    Senior Member onebadgt's Avatar
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    i for one cant awnser any of the questions or statements made but i believe that everyone is entitlet to their own beliefs. me personally. i do trust in god, ive been through many things in my life that no science could prove why so i let my faith tell me what happened.

    yes i have many questions that make me wonder, if their is a god how did this happen but in the end i look at it like this

    if you live a good life and except god and you die and there is no god what did it hurt.

    but if you live your life in sin and no exceptence of god, and when you die you find out their is a god then your up a big creek without a paddle.

    i wont condemn ppl for their beliefs no matter what they are, and i hope everyone else is the same and doesnt flame up on my post!

    2006 mustang gt

  4. #44
    Ghost AirMax95's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by onebadgt
    i for one cant awnser any of the questions or statements made but i believe that everyone is entitlet to their own beliefs. me personally. i do trust in god, ive been through many things in my life that no science could prove why so i let my faith tell me what happened.

    yes i have many questions that make me wonder, if their is a god how did this happen but in the end i look at it like this

    if you live a good life and except god and you die and there is no god what did it hurt.

    but if you live your life in sin and no exceptence of god, and when you die you find out their is a god then your up a big creek without a paddle.

    i wont condemn ppl for their beliefs no matter what they are, and i hope everyone else is the same and doesnt flame up on my post!
    Excellent post sir

  5. #45


    this very may sound retarded, but consider religion like car insurance for a moment.

    The majority have car insurance, no one wants to wreck their ride, but if they do, they are covered.

    The ones that don't have car insurance, may be able to get around for awhile, but sooner or later someone will hit you, you will hit someone, or you will get pulled over.

    The majority of the world believes in One God. (Muslims, Jews, Christians) True believers believe in God so much that they are willing to die for it. If they die and go to heaven, they were right. If they die and nothing happens so what?! At least they had a back up plan, just in case.

    So to me it's stupid to not include religion in your life. All forms of humans have always believed in some kind of higher power, until the last hundred years or so. Why would someone risk not having a back up plan?

    It's like not having car insurance, sure you might be right, you may not wreck your car tonight, but what if you do, are you confident you're not going to get in some kind of trouble for it? Of course not.

    Question is are you as confident with all your heart that their is "no God" are you willing to die for that belief? If the religious are right, you will burn in hell for eternity. If they are wrong, nothing happens.

    To sum this up, you have the option to have religion in your life, the same way you have the option to have car insurance, and it goes the same, If you don't have insurance, I hope you don't get caught tonight, and If you don't have religion, may you not die tonight.

  6. #46
    ballin on a budget RL...'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG WORM
    this very may sound retarded, but consider religion like car insurance for a moment.
    True believers believe in God so much that they are willing to die for it. If they die and go to heaven, they were right. If they die and nothing happens so what?! At least they had a back up plan, just in case.
    WTF That is the most idiotic thing I've heard in a while. That is a horrible reason to have faith in GOD/religion. LOL For a backup plan!

  7. #47
    Senior Member onebadgt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NissanTun3r
    WTF That is the most idiotic thing I've heard in a while. That is a horrible reason to have faith in GOD/religion. LOL For a backup plan!
    you say that now, but maybe in the end there will be nothing. but if there is a heaven and hell, then you may have wished you had a idiotic back up plan!

    2006 mustang gt

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG WORM
    The majority of the world believes in One God. (Muslims, Jews, Christians) True believers believe in God so much that they are willing to die for it. If they die and go to heaven, they were right. If they die and nothing happens so what?! At least they had a back up plan, just in case.
    Willing to die in so many ways - take suicide bombers. I'm sure they love their God oh so bad now huh? Where are they right now in your opinion? Hell or Heaven? I mean, in their eyes they're not doing anything wrong but to others their evil terrorists. Haha, Big Worm, your religion "analogy" is pathetic.

    Car insurance? Now, we have to pay a fee of X amount of money a month just to be safe and to have a back up plan just in case something goes wrong, eh? Dude, come on.

    Quote Originally Posted by BIG WORM
    So to me it's stupid to not include religion in your life. All forms of humans have always believed in some kind of higher power, until the last hundred years or so. Why would someone risk not having a back up plan?
    And to me, it's stupid to include religion in your life. You don't need it nor do you need to waste your time on some imaginary just to 'be on the safe side.' I for one do believe in something higer, something that we can't comprehend.

    Is it a God? No, is it some guy who walked around 2000 something years ago? No. I don't know what it is so I'd rather not put a name to it. Make sense? Or should I go ahead and post a figure of what I think it is?

    Quote Originally Posted by BIG WORM
    Question is are you as confident with all your heart that their is "no God" are you willing to die for that belief? If the religious are right, you will burn in hell for eternity. If they are wrong, nothing happens.
    I'm not willing to die for shit because I'm not a crazy ass lunatic.

    Only religious nut cases go to that extreme. Why the hell should I do such ridiculous shit just to prove a point? Hahaha, religious people get asked the same question all the time. And what do they answer with? "Uhh, well, Jesus Christ still has a plan for me blah blah." Why can't they just say their a bunch of pussies and move on with their lifes?

    Quote Originally Posted by BIG WORM
    To sum this up, you have the option to have religion in your life, the same way you have the option to have car insurance, and it goes the same, If you don't have insurance, I hope you don't get caught tonight, and If you don't have religion, may you not die tonight.
    Are the "Evil Spirits" the police in this analogy? What if you do have car insurance and you fuck up? You're not covered - you have to pay. So if religion is like that - do you have to pay in, which way? Money, time in hell? Please tell me, I'm curious.

    And also, you have many car insurance companies.
    How do I know I will get covered as good as the other company? Would I be safer with a certain one then I would be with another?

    I don't know about you man but I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.

  9. #49
    Senior Member onebadgt's Avatar
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    i can respect your beliefs, but of course i dont agree with them and i feel sorry for you in the end!

    2006 mustang gt

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by onebadgt
    i can respect your beliefs, but of course i dont agree with them and i feel sorry for you in the end!
    You shouldn't feel sorry for me. I'm happy - I live a pretty good life. I do no wrong, I'm a good son, a good friend. No need to feel sorry for me.

    I'm perfectly happy without religion.

  11. #51
    Ghost AirMax95's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maniacurabus06
    You shouldn't feel sorry for me. I'm happy - I live a pretty good life. I do no wrong, I'm a good son, a good friend. No need to feel sorry for me.

    I'm perfectly happy without religion.
    Cool, but why bash normal people who follow their chosen religion? Im not talking about the loons that blow up stuff in "god's" name either.

    There are just as many idiots that dont follow religion, as ones that do.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by AirMax95
    Cool, but why bash normal people who follow their chosen religion? Im not talking about the loons that blow up stuff in "god's" name either.

    There are just as many idiots that dont follow religion, as ones that do.
    I'm not bashing. What I'm doing is just trying to get a sense of intellect in religious peoples' argument. I wanna test out their knowledge. If they so happen to not know anything then I bash on their stupidity. But others, I end up respecting.

  13. #53
    Ghost AirMax95's Avatar
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    I see your point. Poeple should not follow, or rather accept completely, things which they do not understand.

    I read your OP, and I posted my piece about it.

  14. #54
    gone old school C-loS109's Avatar
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    so i need to see it to believe, if theres a god he needs to come to me.

    i dont know where i stand religiously since i was born a catholic but since ive thought for myself i think its just a chain of lies. how do u know the bible wasnt created in somebodys basement as a way of fighting boredom, anybody could make up stories and such. but i do believe there was a jesus but i dont think he was the son of a so called god. i think he was more like to the people of those times like a pope is to us. (i dont know if that made sense)

    here is an example of contradiction between science and religion. "God" created earth in 7 days, but yet science shows that creatures existed million years apart. another one, adam and eve "humans" created the human population (and if u think about it, if this was true, there was a shitton of incest involved in this) and yet again, science shows evolution and "lucy" which is the first hominid which was discover about 4 million years ago shows otherwise. she was 3 feet tall about 30 pounds and resembles what chimpanzees look like today.

    edit ( i left some stuff out )

    i think christians and catholics believe in an end where everybody is pardon for their sins and they pretty much live a happy ever after. what happens to the people who arent catholics or christians, what happens to the people before christ. it makes no senseeee! but i respect ur faith and whatever rocks ur boat is cool.


  15. #55
    Senior Member | IA Veteran quickdodge®'s Avatar
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    Later, QD.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails -moses-jpg  

  16. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by Maniacurabus06
    Willing to die in so many ways - take suicide bombers. I'm sure they love their God oh so bad now huh? Where are they right now in your opinion? Hell or Heaven? I mean, in their eyes they're not doing anything wrong but to others their evil terrorists. Haha, Big Worm, your religion "analogy" is pathetic.

    Car insurance? Now, we have to pay a fee of X amount of money a month just to be safe and to have a back up plan just in case something goes wrong, eh? Dude, come on.

    And to me, it's stupid to include religion in your life. You don't need it nor do you need to waste your time on some imaginary just to 'be on the safe side.' I for one do believe in something higer, something that we can't comprehend.

    Is it a God? No, is it some guy who walked around 2000 something years ago? No. I don't know what it is so I'd rather not put a name to it. Make sense? Or should I go ahead and post a figure of what I think it is?

    I'm not willing to die for shit because I'm not a crazy ass lunatic.

    Only religious nut cases go to that extreme. Why the hell should I do such ridiculous shit just to prove a point? Hahaha, religious people get asked the same question all the time. And what do they answer with? "Uhh, well, Jesus Christ still has a plan for me blah blah." Why can't they just say their a bunch of pussies and move on with their lifes?

    Are the "Evil Spirits" the police in this analogy? What if you do have car insurance and you fuck up? You're not covered - you have to pay. So if religion is like that - do you have to pay in, which way? Money, time in hell? Please tell me, I'm curious.

    And also, you have many car insurance companies.
    How do I know I will get covered as good as the other company? Would I be safer with a certain one then I would be with another?

    I don't know about you man but I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.
    well you're obviously curious, or in search of the truth, otherwise you wouldn't analyze this so much. You even put "banned from heaven" under your name, I guess to stand out, or for attention.

    But let me ask you this, You say you don't believe in God, so does that mean you don't believe in Satan? Religion is all just a joke right? So why don't you yourself challenge Satan? If it's not true you have nothing to loose. Because obviously none of us are going to change your mind.

  17. #57
    Ghost AirMax95's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG WORM
    well you're obviously curious, or in search of the truth, otherwise you wouldn't analyze this so much. You even put "banned from heaven" under your name, I guess to stand out, or for attention.

    But let me ask you this, You say you don't believe in God, so does that mean you don't believe in Satan? Religion is all just a joke right? So why don't you yourself challenge Satan? If it's not true you have nothing to loose. Because obviously none of us are going to change your mind.
    Good point, because with the OP's logic, all of it is mythical.

    Give Satan a ring as ask him, lol.

  18. #58
    Sarcastic Asshole fivex684's Avatar
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    Chris / 97' Volvo 850R Wagon / 86' Porsche 944 Turbo

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG WORM
    well you're obviously curious, or in search of the truth, otherwise you wouldn't analyze this so much. You even put "banned from heaven" under your name, I guess to stand out, or for attention.
    In search of the truth, eh? Not at all. I'm almost positive that I'm close to knowing it already. Using logic is the key.

    Haha, and thanks for pointing out my bFh trade mark. I've used that since 2006. But I never used it in hopes that I'd get special attention... I mean, I don't see where you're going with by bringing that up. But if you think it'll help your case than kept at it.

    Quote Originally Posted by BIG WORM
    But let me ask you this, You say you don't believe in God, so does that mean you don't believe in Satan? Religion is all just a joke right? So why don't you yourself challenge Satan? If it's not true you have nothing to loose. Because obviously none of us are going to change your mind.
    I don't believe in Satan and religion is all just a joke - that's exactly right. Or at least to me it is.

    And challenge Satan? If you read around you'll notice that I have already done research on Satanism and am pretty educated when it comes to it. But I don't worship Satan... I just enjoy reading new forms of religion. To increase my knowledge on the subject ya know.

  20. #60


    Sounds like you just want to argue about all of it. I don't care to argue. To me you're just some guy behind a computer. If you were a personal friend I might be more prone to debate. But I will play a bit...

    You say you know the truth, but in reality none of us know anything. All we have is history, statistics, and faith...oh, and of course (cough, cough) science.

    What is questioned about Jesus, is the fact that he rose from the grave on the 3rd day. History tells us that Jesus was real, he did exist, he was a great prophet. Even those without religion recognize this. Jesus was far more popular than any L. Ron Hubbard, Charles Darwin, or Bill Maher. So why is it so hard for you to accept that people follow him?

    Earlier in this thread, it was stated that you will not change anyone's faith with this thread, which I agree with as well. With that being said, you (the OP) either created the thread; because you are curious of the truth, or you need attention. Me personally, I think it's both.

    As I stated earlier, statistically the odds are against you. More of the world believes in something rather than nothing. So if you take odds into consideration, you're in the dark. You believing in nothing, is about as smart as someone that put their entire paycheck on the Detroit Lions winning a game last season. The odds are against you. If you accepted that the odds were against you, this thread wouldn't be here. So that leaves you making this thread to "stand out against the rest," to be "different." Kind of like the kid in high school that said he dyed his hair purple because he believed, that chicks dug it.

    In both religion and science, there is one question that can never be answered here on Earth. In religion it's "If God created everything, who created God?" which religion responds with, "That is a question that only God can answer."

    In science, Who, or what created the "ingredients" (for lack of a better word) needed for the big bang? They were not just here! How did it get here? There is not an answer, nor a way to find the answer. No one to ask when you die, because science has no religion, nor can you attempt to communicate with the dead to find out, because that would be a form of religion. So any man with common sense, would not play against the odds, it's stupid.

    And with all of that in mind why don't you denounce religion some more, by giving me all your money, for the simple reason of it having "In God We Trust" printed on it.

  21. #61
    Ghost AirMax95's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AirMax95
    You can attempt to discredit religion, but you are not getting anywhere. In the end, man is arguing a theory that man made; which was further "proved" by man.
    I will quote myself

  22. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by C-loS109
    so i need to see it to believe, if theres a god he needs to come to me.

    i dont know where i stand religiously since i was born a catholic but since ive thought for myself i think its just a chain of lies. how do u know the bible wasnt created in somebodys basement as a way of fighting boredom, anybody could make up stories and such. but i do believe there was a jesus but i dont think he was the son of a so called god. i think he was more like to the people of those times like a pope is to us. (i dont know if that made sense)

    here is an example of contradiction between science and religion. "God" created earth in 7 days, but yet science shows that creatures existed million years apart. another one, adam and eve "humans" created the human population (and if u think about it, if this was true, there was a shitton of incest involved in this) and yet again, science shows evolution and "lucy" which is the first hominid which was discover about 4 million years ago shows otherwise. she was 3 feet tall about 30 pounds and resembles what chimpanzees look like today.

    edit ( i left some stuff out )

    i think christians and catholics believe in an end where everybody is pardon for their sins and they pretty much live a happy ever after. what happens to the people who arent catholics or christians, what happens to the people before christ. it makes no senseeee! but i respect ur faith and whatever rocks ur boat is cool.
    You should read more, enroll in school or have it all wrong.

    The OP is educated enough to argue with, but you statement is too easy to shut down.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG WORM
    Sounds like you just want to argue about all of it. I don't care to argue. To me you're just some guy behind a computer. If you were a personal friend I might be more prone to debate. But I will play a bit...

    You say you know the truth, but in reality none of us know anything. All we have is history, statistics, and faith...oh, and of course (cough, cough) science.

    What is questioned about Jesus, is the fact that he rose from the grave on the 3rd day. History tells us that Jesus was real, he did exist, he was a great prophet. Even those without religion recognize this. Jesus was far more popular than any L. Ron Hubbard, Charles Darwin, or Bill Maher. So why is it so hard for you to accept that people follow him?

    Earlier in this thread, it was stated that you will not change anyone's faith with this thread, which I agree with as well. With that being said, you (the OP) either created the thread; because you are curious of the truth, or you need attention. Me personally, I think it's both.

    As I stated earlier, statistically the odds are against you. More of the world believes in something rather than nothing. So if you take odds into consideration, you're in the dark. You believing in nothing, is about as smart as someone that put their entire paycheck on the Detroit Lions winning a game last season. The odds are against you. If you accepted that the odds were against you, this thread wouldn't be here. So that leaves you making this thread to "stand out against the rest," to be "different." Kind of like the kid in high school that said he dyed his hair purple because he believed, that chicks dug it.

    In both religion and science, there is one question that can never be answered here on Earth. In religion it's "If God created everything, who created God?" which religion responds with, "That is a question that only God can answer."

    In science, Who, or what created the "ingredients" (for lack of a better word) needed for the big bang? They were not just here! How did it get here? There is not an answer, nor a way to find the answer. No one to ask when you die, because science has no religion, nor can you attempt to communicate with the dead to find out, because that would be a form of religion. So any man with common sense, would not play against the odds, it's stupid.

    And with all of that in mind why don't you denounce religion some more, by giving me all your money, for the simple reason of it having "In God We Trust" printed on it.
    Anyone who claims you can't know - hasn't tried hard enough... and while you can't always claim that the guy who claims to know actually knows what he claims to know - you can always guarantee that the guy who claims you can't know certainly doesn't know... ya know?

    Your babbling about me pretty much being a lunatic for believing in what I believe in is nothing but nonsense. Are you on drugs? Haha, You're right... I have laughed off virtually all other religions. But no one's laughing at Jesus. Even after more than 2,000 years the word of our Lord and Savior still rings true in the hearts of millions upon millions of men, women and children all over the earth!

    ... and if I met someone who claimed to know nothing and someone who claimed to know everything - you better bet I'm talking to the guy who knows everything. After all, you already know the other guy has nothing to talk about! Right?

    So stuff that in your pipe and smoke it.

    I'm offering knowledge and salvation and you just keep babbling on about how people can't know anything - and how I'm an attention whore because I decided to make another thread about religion... that's ridiculous. You should listen to what I'm saying. I'm trying to help you. You sound lost and confused and obviously the drugs can't be helping. Do you have a Bible? If you don't you can PM me your address and I will send you one free of charge.

    On a serious note, I am not seeking attention, truth, acceptance, or whatever you think I am by making this thread. I have been on IA longer than you have. In my online career I've made tons of religious threads. I love 'em, they keep me from killing baby dogs and burning rats alive. You're not posting up anything that makes me shake in my boots.

    You're not educated in this topic - that's obvious. I mean, you actually think religion is just like car insurance. Hahaha, and you think I'm some weirdo because of the way I think. That I do this for attention. Wow...

    I'd rather have a mind opened to other possibilities than be clouded by Jesus and drugs.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG WORM
    The OP is educated enough to argue with, but you statement is too easy to shut down.
    You're not that bad either... haha, I'm actually enjoying myself.

    But work owns me. I'll be back tomorrow.

  25. #65


    Your babbling about me pretty much being a lunatic for believing in what I believe in is nothing but nonsense. Are you on drugs?
    No, Simply stating that you believing in nothing is nonsense.

    I'm offering knowledge and salvation and you just keep babbling on about how people can't know anything -
    You're offering what? Wow, you should start your own church, write your own Bible, you could be the next Joseph Smith...

    You're not posting up anything that makes me shake in my boots.
    Don't care to. I'm just simply evening things out by toning down your atheist image on IA.

    You're not educated in this topic - that's obvious. I mean, you actually think religion is just like car insurance.
    Sometimes you have to break things down for the average IA'er holding a green card...As far as educated, try me.

    I'd rather have a mind opened to other possibilities than be clouded by Jesus and drugs.
    Why's it got to be Jesus, why not Mohamed??

    But you do make some sense.
    I'm obviously a decedent of Father Abraham,
    and you obviously the decedent of some hairy baboon with a red ass in middle Africa...

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG WORM
    No, Simply stating that you believing in nothing is nonsense.
    Which is why you're pretty much losing this argument - because you think I'm atheists.

    Quote Originally Posted by BIG WORM
    You're offering what? Wow, you should start your own church, write your own Bible, you could be the next Joseph Smith...
    Yea, I should write my own bible, huh? It would be called; How to completely own a religious nut-case.

    Just like in our current bible I'd have people talk about stories that are in our bible and have other dudes' come up with a witty remark to totally make the nutcase feel like a total buffoon.

    Lemme give you a taste:

    Nutcase - So have you heard? About Adam and Eve? Our origin and how everything started?
    Witty dude - Dude, If I told you that I just finished having a conversation with a snake... would you believe me?

    If I were to come up to you with that remark would you believe me? You would probably think that I'm either high on acid or that I'm just a delusional retard. Hahaha, you see BIG WORM, I can pretty much disprove a lot of things from the bible and turn it around to look like something completely retarded!

    So you know I should write a book. I'm sure it'd be a hit in the atheist/agnostic community.

    Quote Originally Posted by BIG WORM
    Don't care to. I'm just simply evening things out by toning down your atheist image on IA.

    Just to clear the air for the rest of this post, I neither believe nor don't believe in God (he cannot be disproven but also cannot be proven). I'm not that ignorant lol.

    Here is something I ask myself all the time... If there really was a God, what would it take to convince myself he existed? If God took some special interest in me and really wanted to show me he existed?

    Obviously if he took the form of a man with 8 arms and rolled up to my front door on a magic carpet, I would be convinced. But I'm thinking along the lines if he was to do it more subtle... along the lines of we're just a bunch of fish in an aquarium and he owns the aquarium... (perhaps my understanding of what other people believe is a little off) but you get the point.

    For my own case, I'm really not sure what it would take outside of dying and experiencing an afterlife. What would it take you? Oh I know, some preacher telling you to believe in a god or else you're going to hell.

    Or hey, maybe you've experienced some form of 'miracle' and now you're some hardcore believer. When, in reality it was most likely just a coincidence. But religious people don't see it as a daily coincidence... they see it as a miracle LOL.

    Quote Originally Posted by BIG WORM
    Sometimes you have to break things down for the average IA'er holding a green card...As far as educated, try me.
    Okay, explain a few things to me.
    If there was an omnipotent God, I don't think he'd need a fancy method to make an atheist believe. Poof, you believe. So why is it that only people who've been through some hard times seem to get hooked on religion?

    Hah, I don't need you to answer that - simple answer is... they're seeking for motivation to keep them from drugs, house problems, ect. They need guidance and when they find it they hold on to it and see it as truth.

    Si or no?!

    In all seriousness - God would simply appear on TV as a talking cat if he was for real. He would jump on the news desk of CNN and tell the news anchor man to fuck off and then proceed to read the news in a posh Oxbridge accent.

    The news cast would end with a bit of a discussion with the rest of the news crew about what shit he was going to sort out now that he had appeared at long last... then he would lick his small furry balls and ask for a bit of fish.

    Maybe he would be a bit more polite and save licking his balls for later, and instead he would just eject 5,000 loaves of bread and a further 5,000 fish from his ass. If he was questioned for acting a bit odd, he would just say he could do no wrong because he was god and he was purrrrrfect.

    Quote Originally Posted by BIG WORM
    Why's it got to be Jesus, why not Mohamed??

    But you do make some sense.
    I'm obviously a decedent of Father Abraham,
    and you obviously the decedent of some hairy baboon with a red ass in middle Africa...
    Jesus, Mohamed, Santa, whoever.

    Heh, look. I'm agnostic. Atheists like to give agnostics a hard time about sitting on the fence all the time. However, most people in this world will continue to believe in some sort of Aristotelian 'unmoved mover' and for lack of anything better, call it God, and will therefore never feel comfortable being categorized as "atheists."

    I guess I would consider myself an atheist in many senses of the word, but I continue to be agnostic about some ineffable deistic source of all that exists or perhaps some sort of pantheism in which the whole universe is deified. I cannot put those ideas on the same level as unicorns or pink fairies because they are of a completely different nature. Unicorns are just "things", while the other lends answers to deep existential questions. However, I have thus far rejected any definable notion of a revealed theistic God, and especially a personal one.

    I gotta hand it to you man, your powers of deduction are astonishing. Why don't you put that into good use and rake my leafs or something?

    ETA: Haha, sit down and give your mind a rest before you decide to click on the 'quote' icon and start dissecting my posts' you should first maybe take your head out of your ass, because I think it's been awhile since your brain has gotten any oxygen.
    Last edited by Maniacurabus06; 01-10-2009 at 03:30 PM.

  27. #67
    HEY! you there. Thighs's Avatar
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    as far as im concerned, both of you are retarded. im sorry to say to both of you, that there is NO WAY of proving either case to ANYBODY. on one hand, we have BIG WORM who is obviously a christian, doesnt seem to know quite as much about it as maniac, but can hold an intelligent argument nonetheless. then tehres maniac, who knows what hes talking about but cant seem to control his bashing to actually form the "intellectual debate" that he claims he wants.

    BIG WORM - so basically you think of religion as some form of life insurance that prevents you from a really shitty afterlife, and dont necessarily believe what you claim to. isnt that like having car insurance only because you are required by law, and not necessarily because its a good thing to have? just like everyone else, you arent 100% sure that its real. there is no factual evidence that eve talked to a snake, that god created all of this in 7 days, etc, but you recognize that there IS real factual evidence favoring science, right?

    maniac - for the most part i agree with your opinions, but not the way you go about forcing other people to believe the same thing as you. its no different than the preacher guy at that one sonic meet who was screaming bible verses at the top of his lungs, trying to force his religion down everyone elses throats.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thighs
    as far as im concerned, both of you are retarded. im sorry to say to both of you, that there is NO WAY of proving either case to ANYBODY. on one hand, we have BIG WORM who is obviously a christian, doesnt seem to know quite as much about it as maniac, but can hold an intelligent argument nonetheless. then tehres maniac, who knows what hes talking about but cant seem to control his bashing to actually form the "intellectual debate" that he claims he wants.

    maniac - for the most part i agree with your opinions, but not the way you go about forcing other people to believe the same thing as you. its no different than the preacher guy at that one sonic meet who was screaming bible verses at the top of his lungs, trying to force his religion down everyone elses throats.
    Bashing? Me? Haha, I can't help but to throw out some smartass comments in every post I make.

    I'm not trying to disprove Gods' existence nor am I trying to convert someone into thinking the way I do. I'm just trying to see who here is capable of keeping up with me.

  29. #69
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    there are so many questions out there..........that we just dont know and can never understand. we have been asking "WHAT" is that and "WHAT" are we for hundreds of years... we don't know... and these guys didn't know either.

  30. #70
    gone old school C-loS109's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG WORM
    You should read more, enroll in school or have it all wrong.

    The OP is educated enough to argue with, but you statement is too easy to shut down.
    how so, well do me a favor and explaing all the things i mentioned in my post. do it. "shoot down" my statement.


  31. #71
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    The thing with other people that also think like me is... that I can also dis 'em with religious scripture and other religious retorts just to prove that they're a bunch of idiots.

    If people are out to bash on religion they need to at least be a little educated on the subject and not just throw out retarded ass comments in hopes of making other people "think" they're intelligent.

  33. #73
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    Mankind as a whole fears death, and religion presents a way of negating death. According to the bible if you follow the 10 commandments your final reward is eternal life in heaven free of suffering and pain, the alternative to not following the commandment is still eternal life only this time you are doomed to suffer.

    So in other words,

    If your good and follow the “rules” you will live happily ever after, break the “rules” and you shall be severely punished.

    It all seems to be a way of controlling people.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by qwick
    Mankind as a whole fears death, and religion presents a way of negating death. According to the bible if you follow the 10 commandments your final reward is eternal life in heaven free of suffering and pain, the alternative to not following the commandment is still eternal life only this time you are doomed to suffer.

    So in other words,

    If your good and follow the “rules” you will live happily ever after, break the “rules” and you shall be severely punished.

    It all seems to be a way of controlling people.
    No offense man, but thats not at all what the Bible says. It states that if you believe in Jesus and believe he is God's Son and our Messiah. Then You will have eternal life.

    The Ten Commandments are just a list of rules to follow to keep your life in line. Most governments are based off these rules. Plus its not that hard to follow them. Dont murder, dont steal, dont commit adultry, and dont have any false gods before the one true God. I dont think this is a way of controling people. These are really just good basic rules to live by in any society. But it also states that our God is a forgiving God. Not like a magical Genie, but if you truely repent of your sins, then God will forgive you no matter what.

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by 99hatch
    No offense man, but thats not at all what the Bible says. It states that if you believe in Jesus and believe he is God's Son and our Messiah. Then You will have eternal life.

    The Ten Commandments are just a list of rules to follow to keep your life in line. Most governments are based off these rules. Plus its not that hard to follow them. Dont murder, dont steal, dont commit adultry, and dont have any false gods before the one true God. I dont think this is a way of controling people. These are really just good basic rules to live by in any society. But it also states that our God is a forgiving God. Not like a magical Genie, but if you truely repent of your sins, then God will forgive you no matter what.
    1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.
    2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure that they want to hear them.
    3. When in another's lair, show him respect or else do not go there.
    4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.
    5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.
    6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the person and he cries out to be relieved.
    7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have used it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.
    8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.
    9. Do not harm little children.
    10. Do not kill non-human animals unless attacked or for your food.
    11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.

    Seems to make sense to me. A hell of a lot more sense than the 10 commandments.
    Except for the bit about magic, of which I have no opinion.

    If you didn't know these are the 11 Satanic commandments. Also, I don't think 'destroy him' necessarily means 'rip his fucking heart out of his chest if he doesn't stop asking you for some change' but more of a 'I'll fucking punch you in your face if you continue to bother me.'

    So before you go and attack that part - don't, I've already cleared it out for you.

    But when it comes down to it Good and Evil are both man made institutions. There cannot be one without the other, but in actuality - neither exist independently. I'm neither a Satanist nor a religious nutcase. But I do enjoy reading parts of both. Building my knowledge on them helps me out understanding them to a point where I'll have enough data to be able to argue 'em in a discussion if I need to.

    If you must know, I have broken all twenty-one commandments.

    I am The Mecha-Super Evil.

    Also, does anyone else find it ironic that the "Satanists" - who are self proclaimed anarchistic hedonists require even more laws telling them what to do than the Christians?

    The Maniac's Two Commandments.
    I. Fuck all commandments
    II. Fuck you

  36. #76
    Banned trundog's Avatar
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    but maniac don't you have to have the satanist's card! its like $25 and you become a REAL satanist.

    (i wish this was a joke)

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by trundog
    but maniac don't you have to have the satanist's card! its like $25 and you become a REAL satanist.

    (i wish this was a joke)
    I don't buy the cards. I print 'em, bitch.

    And also If a Satanist tried to sell me a membership card I would fucking mug him.

    Without mercy.

    While laughing.

  38. #78
    Banned trundog's Avatar
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    how evil of you............
    he'd probably cast a magic missile on you though

  39. #79
    That T-Shirt Guy stillaneon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maniacurabus06
    Okay, who here is a member of a religious institution? Who believes in the Judaic-Christian-Muslim model of God, or a higher being who has a direct personal relationship with humans? Answer me these questions;

    Do you believe in the periodic table of elements?
    Do you believe in Evolution?
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory?
    Do you believe in the Universe?

    If you've answered no to any of the questions above with any sort of decisiveness than I don't believe you're worthwhile.

    If you've answered yes to the questions than think about this:

    You believe this God created us through a series of highly elaborate near impossibly random series of events?

    He created a fabric of space-time on which a singular element managed to concentrate enough to create a massive explosion and from this developed a hundred other elements and the interaction between those elements formed millions of galaxies which each contained thousands of solar systems which contained millions of suns each with several planets rotating around it's gravitational pull and on one of these miniscule planets there was an ideal amount of water and oxygen to sustain life.

    And on this miniscule planet some bacteria formed and that bacteria adapted to it's environment and manifested into various forms, one of which had an ancestral link to human beings then through tens of thousands of years of evolution it transformed into the modern human being.

    This god that created that highly elaborate complex series of events which incidentally produced some life on a tiny little planet in a tiny little solar system in one of billions of galaxies... This god cares about us? He created us in his image?

    Does that not seem a little far-fetched to you? How can you honestly say you believe in the idea of a personal god who's managed to transcend conventional physics to create an ethereal alternate universe for us to exist in and say you also believe in or understand fundamental scientific concepts? They both logically contradict.
    Alex, I will play Devil's advocate here.

    I am an Atheist. But I would never try to push my beliefs on anyone. And I expect the same respect.


    Yes, I believe in the periodic table, evolution, Big Bang and the Universe.

    Big bang says nothing about the universe being in one element. In fact some theorist suggest that it could have been the size of an egg or even bigger.

    It's not all farfetched to think that it could have happened. Technically, a black hole's gravity is strong enough to condense major amounts of mass into the size of a needle head; so what's to say that all that mass wasn't finally released somewhere.

    Like I previously stated, I don't believe in God but for arguments sake let's say I do. You ask,"You believe this God created us through a series of highly elaborate near impossibly random series of events?"

    What's so elaborate? God created the world in the order it would have had to be created scientifically. Light, atmosphere, land, water and flying animals, and then mammals. And while it says 6 days, how long was a day for someone who wasn't on the earth and dealt with revolution? There were people who lived for 900 years but the standard calendar wasn't invented then.

    Evolution is pretty much standard. Maybe not the way that you are referring to it but everything evolves.

    Evolution is a fancy name for adaptation. Fish in caves evolved to not being born with eyes, because they had no need for them. Virus' become immune to vaccines every year, and even humans adapt to their surroundings.

    To say that you contradict yourself for being a Christian and believing in evolution is not correct.

    You say on one of the planets had enough oxygen and water to sustain life. How do you know it was just one? It's been proven that the was water on mars, and that at one time, Mars may have been able to sustain life. But like you said, millions of planets out there. Are you really naive enough to think that only on planet can sustain life? And we only classify life by what lives here. But there may be another life form that does not need what we need to survive.

    Back to evolution. You are asking a Christian, who, for the most part do not take part in Dawin's theories of evolution, to argue that a micro-organism started it all. Most Christians practice creationism, which states that god made man from the ground. So, there isn't really a way to argue that point as a christian.

    And after all the circles in your post, can you honestly say that you don't believe in a higher power? That question is just as elborate and thought out as yours. The question is, WHY WOULDN'T A GREATER POWER KNOW ENOUGH TO COVER ALL THE BASES IF HE WAS GOING TO MAKE AN INTRACATE UNIVERSE? You post for the entertainment of "putting Christians' in their place" but you haven't really asked anything that would prove Christianity wrong.

    Yes, it is feasible that if there is a higher power, he could do this. And yes, if he wanted to choose this planet out of the millions/trillions of other planets, that is his prerogative. And furthermore, who are you to question the decisions of something so almighty that is can be everywhere and no where at the same time?

    No matter how farfetched it sounds to you or I, there are people who believe it whole heartedly.

    Unfortunately, I envy them. I wish I could be so brainless to believe something that there is no proof besides for a book written by men, and translated by even more men over the course of thousands of years. I wish I could find the pure and blind faith to never ask for proof and ask questions. But I don't. But these questions should do nothing but make any knowledged person laugh.
    I'm just that guy that spends all his time printing.... T-shirts, banners, vinyl, etc.

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  40. #80
    That T-Shirt Guy stillaneon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 99hatch
    No offense man, but thats not at all what the Bible says. It states that if you believe in Jesus and believe he is God's Son and our Messiah. Then You will have eternal life.

    The Ten Commandments are just a list of rules to follow to keep your life in line. Most governments are based off these rules. Plus its not that hard to follow them. Dont murder, dont steal, dont commit adultry, and dont have any false gods before the one true God. I dont think this is a way of controling people. These are really just good basic rules to live by in any society. But it also states that our God is a forgiving God. Not like a magical Genie, but if you truely repent of your sins, then God will forgive you no matter what.
    And this is true for the most part.

    But the problem most people have with this is, If I am Muslim, but I live a wholesome life, why will I be condemned to Hell? What merciful God would send anyone who lived a wholesome life without major sin to hell because of one technicality
    I'm just that guy that spends all his time printing.... T-shirts, banners, vinyl, etc.

    "Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary.... that's what gets you"

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