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Thread: What to eat and what NOT to eat while "training"/"working out"

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    B5 S4=problems Reaper's Avatar
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    Default What to eat and what NOT to eat while "training"/"working out"

    It's simple science. If you burn more calories a day than your body takes in, you LOSE WEIGHT. If you burn the same amount of calories your body consumes, then you stay the same weight, and if you CONSUME more calories than your body burns in the long run, you gain weight.

    So the best method(Although it seems hard) is to diet and exercise, wait no scratch that, I hate the word DIET, because DIET's fail and are a quick fix for quick results that are soon lost there after.

    Eat Healthier, CARBS: your body's main source of fuel, and provides the brain, with the fuel it needs to think and react quickly, so the good carbs are the following.....(COMPLEX CARBS)
    Oatmeal(Plain, No Instant, Add Natural Honey or fruit to make taste better)
    Sweet Potato
    Brown Rice
    Fiber one cereal(Provides your whole days worth of fiber if you eat 1 cup of it a day)
    Whole grain wheat bread(Watch out for imitations, read labels, if there is ONE ingredient that says HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP....Do NOT eat it, , it is a man made sugar syrup that your body has a hard time breaking down and , metabolizing and it SPIKES your insulin levels leading to fat storage.

    Broccoli, asparagas, anything green that's a veggie, is LOW CAL, contains, tons of vitamins, minerals and FIBER, FIBER makes you feel full longer.

    PROTEIN: Protein,Proteins are large organic compounds made of amino acids, basically what this is, it is the BUILDING BLOCKS OF LIFE! It repairs and rebuilds muscle tissue and is also vital for proper BRAIN function.

    When I first started lifting weight and trying to gain muscle, I would eat Steak burgers from steak and shake, and justify eating it, because of the 40 grams of protein it had. But the one thing is, when you eat protein with HIGH saturated FATS, it slows down the body's process of breaking down protein, meaning it basically hinders muscle growth for the guys tryin to put the size on.

    Best sources of protein include: Eggs, Skinless Boneless Chicken Breast, Tuna, Salmon(Also High in essential fats), Lean ground turkey and Whey protein drink/shake.
    NOTE: although beans and peanut butter do contain protein, they are whats called "Incomplete Proteins" because they do not contain the 18-20 amino acids that are found in other foods and supplements. It has been said to make these protein's complete, eat with whole wheat bread(Real bread) and you should get more amino's with that combo.

    FATS: People think fats are bad, NOT ALL FATS ARE CREATED EQUAL!!!
    Olive Oil, Raw Nuts(Of any kind really), Saflower oil, flax seed oil and the fats found in FATTY fish like SALMON are really good fats for you and help lower risks of heart disease.

    Think of it like this. Saturated fats at room temp are SOLID, and Poly, Mono, etc are liquid at room temp. Which one do you think will hurt your body??? Water goes down your drain in your bathroom sink just fine, but keep clogging it up with HAIR and you will need to get it repaired DOWN THE LINE!

    Stay away from trans fats, added sugar, high fructose corn syrup.

    The reason US (Humans) have such a big sweet tooth, is due in fact to SURVIVAL purposes!! Are body's evolved a sweet tooth in the begining stages of life, to seek out high vitamin and high CALORIE food like Fruits, veggies, Honey, Maple syrup, etc.

    It helped us survive when we could not eat for days, eating high calorie fast acting foods like honey, maple syrup, etc.

    So next time you want to eat a snickers or a cookie, grab some honey, fruit, etc. it will satisfy the beast within, and your body will thank you for it.

    Not only eating healthy helps you lose weight, gain muscle, etc. But it makes you feel better. You'll have more energy, your mood will be better and you'll think more clearly.

    When you eat good, your blood sugar levels stay normal, but when you skip meals, and eat BAD, your Pancreas secretes a lot of INSULIN making you feeling tired and foggy minded.

    Also the more INSULIN you secrete the more FAT STORAGE your likely to have, along with the long run risk of getting diabetes.

    Why, you make sure to eat 4-6 meals a day, I can GUARANTEE you that you will have more energy, be more alert, and have better days.

    Not to mention REV up your METABOLISM, think of your body like a BON FIRE, everytime you throw wood in the fire the fire ignites more and more, the same goes for your body, You eat and your metabolism ignites. NOW this is not saying to go out and BINGE on whatever every 2-4 hours, but eat real, nutrient dense calories.

    If you bought a brand NEW CAR, that you have always wanted and you LOVED this car so much, Would you FUEL it with PISS? No you wouldn't, you would want the best fuel for the car, the same goes for your body.

    Here's what I eat everyday...with some stuff added here and there but nothing "outside" my food choices from the group listed above

    (my goals are to gain 15-20lbs of muscle and get down to 3% body fat, I'm already @ 200lbs, I wanna be between 215-220...but be ripped as hell!)

    1 cup of regular oatmeal(not instant) w/almond butter
    egg whites
    apple sauce
    low fat milk

    Mid-morning snack:
    Protien bar

    Grilled chicken and a salad w/lite dressing
    or Tuna wrap(albacore tuna)

    Mid-Afternoon snack:
    Protein shake or protein bar or apple w/almonds

    broiled fish(preferably samon) w/veggies
    or broiled chicken
    Water or Milk

    Lmk if ya'll have questions

    btw, I work out 6 days a week twice a day...different groups each day, cardio in the AM and lifting in the PM (its therapeutic for me)

    *I forgot to metion*
    The diet was borrowed from ryan reynolds (blade 3, smokin aces, van wilder) who gained 20lbs of muscle and got down to 3% body fat in 3 months time on this diet and a 6 day a week workout plan.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails -blade3-32-jpg   -ryan_reynolds_blade3-jpg   -ryan-reynolds-gif   -thenines_243x201-jpg  
    Last edited by Reaper; 04-29-2008 at 09:06 PM.

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