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Thread: fighting a bullshit speeding ticket.

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    IA Member ed1380's Avatar
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    Default fighting a bullshit speeding ticket.

    So a quarter mile before the entrance to silver dollar I see blue lights in front of me. I pull over and he gets behind me. Ok, so maybe I match a stolen vehicle and he's running my plates. He walks up "I got you going 61 in a 40" Everyone in the car was DA FUCK! This is a diesel Jeep BTW, not the fastest thing on the planet. "you have the right to have the radar calibrated" "ok" few minutes later "I calibrated the radar, here is where to pay. this is your court date. sign here"

    Now there's a few problems.
    We weren't going a hair over 55. My buddy behind me confirms 53-54
    I was in the 50 zone when I saw the lights, If he can prove that he got me while still in the 40, what are my chances of still getting it dropped?

    I know small city cops nit pick every bullshit, but as a first time offender what leeway does this buy me? What about lack of signs and assuming a 55mph speed limit on a 4 lane road?
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