Quote Originally Posted by JokerTypeR
Damn, QD. Qwn3d to the max. However...you don't know what the fuck I do or am into. I'm not here to flame...and I didn't get a ticket for the headlights. I was simply wondering if anyone knew anything of it, seeing as I'm not the only out there who has had them as I've seen quite a number of cars with them. As for the five finger discount...dude, it's a warehouse. 3$ headlights missing won't be noticed. Not to mention the company can more than afford it, seeing as it's a BMW/Mercedes Benz warehouse who deals direct with Germany for parts, and brings in approximately 23M$ a year before paying it's employees and buying additional parts and such. The woman makes approximately 3M$ profit yearly. As stated...she's not gonna miss them. If she does...what gives. They'll be written off as a tax writeoff, which means it won't cost her anything. You're right...the alcohol issue is of my blame. I never said the cop was in the wrong for writing the ticket. I never said the court systems were wrong for bending me over...did I? I don't recall any such accounts. I was simply (yet again) wondering if anyone knew of similar instances. Yes, I do drink underage. How many people haven't? It's not like I get wasted and go out there and wreck...fuck that. It's not like I get wasted and even drive. I've never been medically injured by it, never been to a hospital, never hurt anyone, never not-remembered the night before...the ONLY thing that I've done wrong is been underage when drinking...of which I'm certain all but just a handful on this site have done the same.

So really...I don't know what to say to you. And you shouldn't have anything to say to me. So...to sum it all up? Suck a cock. If you don't like my posts, you don't have to read them, let alone post in them. You must have missed the other posts where I've asked for information on seats, searched to purchase seats from people, asked about where I can autoX, where people are meeting up, invited people on mtn runs with my and my club. Did you miss that part? Or were you too busy bitching about something else?

Thanks, BL

Oh, my mistake. I see where you got the inference that I had a ticket for this. Yes, I posted I had received a ticket in the past. I won in court for that. When I was last pulled over...I didn't get a ticket. I should have put it in plain writing for you. My mistake. Although I should have assumed this on your post with ignorance on the topic and not knowing what was going on, I'll make it clear now as to help you in making your online-life a bit shorter as you won't have to type as much.


If its $3 why not just pay for it? Or atleast ask if you can have it?