some people might remember my good friend EricP from the project motorsports car club days and the car scene a few years ago. he used to drive this car....

he isnt as active on IA anymore since he no longer has that car but has been out to many trackdays and events with me in the past few years and still remains a very close friend to me.

this past friday night eric came back home from the gym to tell him brother he had a headache and go into his room. a few minutes later his brother went in to check on him to find erics computer chair knocked over and him unconscious on the floor.

what the doctors are saying is he strained himself at the gym that night which caused a block in the artery in his neck, because of that block his brain started to swell and cause him to have a major stroke.

the left side of his body is paralyzed and he has major brain swelling. they had to shave his head, cut his scalp back and remove 50% of his skull to allow room for his brain untill it goes back down. they have put his scalp back over his brain and he has 60 staples in his head. they are saying he will be like this for 3-6 months untill they can put his skull back together. he is also on a ventilator to help him breath an they have said if he isnt going to be able to do it own his own by thursday they are going to do a tracheotomy (a hole in his throat for a breathing tube). they have also given him a 50/50 chance of getting feeling and movement back in the left side of his body and ever walking again.

this is going to be a very long and very hard time for eric and his family. they said he will be sent home from the hospital in 2-3 weeks and will have to wear and helmet to protect his head for the next 3-6 months along with many months if not years of physical therapy.....and like i said its still a 50/50 chance if he will be able to walk again.

financially they are going to also have a very hard time. eric will not be able to be left home so his mom(the only parent) will not be able to work so bills are going to stack up fast with no money coming in. if anyone would like to make a donation to help eric and his family through this very difficult time im sure they would more more than thankful for any help they can get....they are really going to need it. if you decide you would like to make a donation please paypal me and i will give erics mom the money. my paypal is [email protected]. please mark it as a gift and put in the notes that it a donation to help EricP and his family.

PLEASE keep eric and his family in your thoughts and prayers.