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  1. #1
    Senior Member | IA Veteran Elbow's Avatar
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    All you northern people laughing saying "oh down here you all do this and that."

    Up there where it snows often, they have the tools and prep roads. Here they don't do much of shit and when they do it's a shitty job. You don't drive regular on the roads here as you would up north.

    They cancel schools here and not there for the exact same reason.

    You simply can't drive at a decent rate of speed on ice if the road hasn't been treated in which case there is no ice.

  2. #2
    Share the road SLOWR/T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simontibbett View Post
    All you northern people laughing saying "oh down here you all do this and that."

    Up there where it snows often, they have the tools and prep roads. Here they don't do much of shit and when they do it's a shitty job. You don't drive regular on the roads here as you would up north.

    They cancel schools here and not there for the exact same reason.

    You simply can't drive at a decent rate of speed on ice if the road hasn't been treated in which case there is no ice.
    No its people that never drive in snow don't know what to do or how to drive in it. When a line of people are going 25mph on 316 they don't know how to drive. They are the same ones that slam on brakes when a little bit of rain falls from the sky. I saw a dumb ass with their flashers and bright lights on. It was 5:00 and lights did them zero good. It sucked for people coming at them though. I drove 45+mph when I could on the way home and had no trouble. I did slide some in my neighborhood because no one had be through there but I was going less than 25.

    My advice though. Its not something to "play" around in. If you cant drive in it, stay off the road. Its all fun till you're sliding into a ditch at 30+.
    One Big Ass Mistake America

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