Ok so someone explain this to me more, Im just sick and tired of reading the biased crap from both sides......

So , Paul Ryan, who is supposed to be this budget hawk, agrees to a budget that spends MORE and adds MORE to the deficit than before? Why didnt we just leave everything as is? I Mean if our goal is to reign in Govt Spending which is clearly out of control, why cave on a budget like this? We just increased spending on both DEF and NON DIS spending? WTF was the point ?

The proposal would restore about $63 billion in funding that had been cut by the so-called sequester. Officials said the increases would be offset by a variety of spending reductions and increased fees elsewhere in the budget totaling about $85 billion over a decade, leaving enough for a largely symbolic deficit cut of $23 billion over the next decade.
23 Billion over 10 years. WOW. WHOOPTY FUCKING DOO DOO

You know HOW they are getting those FEES? They are charging more fees at the TSA.

So the GOP , who claim to be concerned about the budget, increased FEEs and rolled back the 63 billion in sequester cuts, and added in more spending.

DONT VOTE GOP, no backbone