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Thread: Government shutdown.

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    Senior Member | IA Veteran
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    Default Government shutdown.

    Looking for someone to help me understand how this works. During a government "shutdown" why would the government send more government employees than it took to keep a park open, to keep people out?

    During a government shutdown, why would the government open property and send aid for illegal immigrants to protests while at the same time building "barrycades" to keep veterans from viewing monuments dedicated to them?

    It was a real shame how our veterans were treated over the weekend. Met with riot police, batons, tear gas, and snipers..... I guess our president would rather send dozens of riot police, snipers and swat than he would the 0 government employees it took to operate these monuments prior to the "shutdown".

    This was a shameful weekend for America, the actions of our leaders were nothing short of disgraceful.I guess to Obama, this is what terrorists look like.....

    Of course the liberal media completely ignored this event other than to report on the 1 person attending with a rebel flag, that fit their narrative to suggest this was a KKK rally and call everyone racist.

    Last edited by Sinfix_15; 10-14-2013 at 02:26 PM.

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