Public transportation is available in many places and could be made available in all place. Do we need cars? over 100 people die in car accidents a DAY in the united states.... in a single day... everyday. There's no mental health screening to purchase car so there's no telling what type of deranged individual is operating a vehicle on your public streets. Cars have historically been assistants to crime related activities. People use cars as get away cars, to transport people illegally, to transport drugs and a variety of other criminal activities. If everyone used public transportation this would be completely eliminated.

The banning of personal transportation would delete many common problems in the united states. A few examples...

It would be more difficult to conceal kidnapping. A child would be seen in the open in distress and obviously would alert public transport if forced to board.

Drug transport would be crippled. A shipment of drugs would not be able to transport from one end of the country to the other.

Drunk driving would be a thing of the past. Public transport drivers would be trained and tested.

Fatality from driver error would cease to exist.

Law enforcement would have a mobilization advantage over any criminal activity.

You could go on and on and on.......

So, defend your right to own a car? i say "right"..... but truthfully... you do not have the right. The constitution said nothing about cars..... our forefathers didnt intend for you to own a corvette that did 0-60 in 3 seconds or a motorcycle that does 190 mph. You are allowed this privilege by your government and we clearly abuse it since 100s of people die a day as a result of cars.

As a nation, we cant sit back and watch our kids continue to die. If we can save just 1 life..... just 1 child.... then we have to try.