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Thread: The internets is being regulated behind closed doors this week. What do you think?

  1. #1
    ⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠ RandomGuy's Avatar
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    Default The internets is being regulated behind closed doors this week. What do you think?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vint Cerf
    Starting in 1973, when my colleagues and I proposed the technology behind the Internet, we advocated for an open standard to connect computer networks together. This wasn’t merely philosophical; it was also practical.

    Our protocols were designed to make the networks of the Internet non-proprietary and interoperable. They avoided “lock-in,” and allowed for contributions from many sources. This openness is why the Internet creates so much value today. Because it is borderless and belongs to everyone, it has brought unprecedented freedoms to billions of people worldwide: the freedom to create and innovate, to organize and influence, to speak and be heard.

    But starting in a few hours, a closed-door meeting of the world’s governments is taking place in Dubai, and regulation of the Internet is on the agenda. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is convening a conference from December 3-14 to revise a decades-old treaty, in which only governments have a vote. Some proposals could allow governments to justify the censorship of legitimate speech, or even cut off Internet access in their countries.

    You can read more about my concerns on, but I am not alone. So far, more than 1,000 organizations from more than 160 countries have spoken up too, and they’re joined by hundreds of thousands of Internet users who are standing up for a free and open Internet. On an interactive map at, you can see that people from all corners of the world have signed our petition, used the #freeandopen hashtag on social media, or created and uploaded videos to say how important these issues are.

    If you agree and want to support a free and open Internet too, I invite you to join us by signing the petition at Please make your voice heard and spread the word.
    This meeting: World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT-12)

    Protect Global Internet Freedom | Protect Global Internet Freedom

    Also check out this site: #freeandopen

    I'm honestly curious of some of you folks' stance on this.

    I guess you can weigh cyber crime (eg data theft, fraud, vandalism) vs. (information/idea spreading wider/faster, political ideals meshing, protest/ political dissent, etc)

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    I'd be curious to know exactly what they are talking about because many countries already severely restrict the internet. It wasn't long ago that Syria basically shut down the internet in their country. Syria caused Internet blackout, security firm says -

    I guess I would have to investigate more.

  3. #3
    Moderator BanginJimmy's Avatar
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    The problem with weighing in on these issues is that none of us really know what is being discussed. Is it about metering and censorship? Is it about international cyber crimes enforcement?

    A quick example that may not even be realistic. Internet security firms trace a million cyber attacks in a 1 week period to a a block of IP's, all under a single ISP. That block of IP's also make up 70% of the ISP's traffic. Would it be censorship or law enforcement to shut down that ISP?

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