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Thread: Is this news article telling a lie?

  1. #1
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    Default Is this news article telling a lie?

    copied from article, not my own writing.

    Hurricane Sandy hit the town of Staten Island. We’ve all heard stories of people being so affected that they are panicking. We hear of the halls of “Housing projects” being used as toilets. We are told there is still no electricity for almost 2,000,000 after a week’s time. We hear of no water, no food, no flashlights, and needs for clothing, and blankets.
    What is wrong with this picture? We have become a majority of government dependents.
    Many have learned to rely on the government for their transportation needs. So, if the buses and subways are not running, people are prisoners at their location. Personal responsibility has been forgotten. When people are constantly told to store food and water, most of America ignores the warnings. We have stopped depending on family and friends in our time of need, as we historically have done. We now look to “Father Government”.
    If we move away from the victims of Hurricane Sandy, we can see other government dependents everywhere. In California, we have encouraged a hoard of immigrants to enter our borders. These uneducated workers are quickly educated in “the ropes” of the money stream. They have babies; they have no insurance; they unfairly compete for jobs; money is spent in large amounts to pay for their housing, their transportation needs, and their hospital needs. This helps to create another victim – the California taxpayer.
    In the Tuesday’s election, we saw the power of a new voting bloc, the ‘moocher class.’ The people getting the free goods have now joined with those giving the free goods.
    The number of government jobs keep increasing and the number of people living off the government is also increasing.
    Those paying the taxes to cover these two groups are decreasing. We now have no representation for the taxpayer. Even the President keeps touting, “The rich need to pay their fair share.” And yet, half of our country pays no tax.
    We have set the stage for some dire times ahead. There is an old saying, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” But there is another saying, “You can run, but you can’t hide.”
    In an article recently about Americans in Nicaragua, there was an offering about a class tax regulation that Obama has put in place. The writing warned that if appropriate taxes were not collected by our government certain incomes, jail time would be the outcome.
    Our government is rewarding those that don’t produce, and punishing those that do.
    In Barry Goldwater’s words, “A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have.”

    Moochers-n-Looters: Newest potent voters for Obama <<< source link
    Last edited by Sinfix_15; 11-09-2012 at 10:25 AM.

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    magical negro/photog .blank cd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by .blank cd View Post

    Not even clicking on the page
    I honestly give a fair amount of thought to how its possible that we disagree so much. I've come to the conclusion that some things are just ingrained in your DNA. I'm the type of person who would rather starve to death than beg for food. Maybe that's wrong of me, but i dont know how to be any different than i am. From the depths of my soul, i cannot relate to those who rely on and support excessive government assistance. I feel like so many things that should be viewed as last resorts are currently being viewed as common. It's not normal that you cant pay for own food. I understand that people need help, but these services should not be a part of people's lifestyle as they currently are.

    If im viewing the opinion in this article in the wrong context, please shine some light on it and help me see it a different way. I have emergency kits in every vehicle i own. Even in my motorcycle, i have a kit with emergency first aid and survival supplies. If i crashed my bike in the middle of an african jungle, i thought about that possibility and have supplies to start a fire and tools to do emergency first aid ect if i had to. I own a generator and am prepared for things that could potentially happen. Why is this mindset not what is expected of people? Why is the answer to everything the government? The government should be there to assist you if something unplanned derails you, but the government should not be part of your plan for survival.

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