Quote Originally Posted by .blank cd View Post
No. Thousands upon thousands of people have died in the war on terror. Why did we suddenly catch feelings for these particular four?

It would seem to me that the right have found some ammunition to smite Obama and they would rather use their efforts on smearing him over this than bringing the culprits to justice. This is what's known as the selective outrage machine. And THAT is despicable. It's not bad for him. He's been elected and he's gonna serve the rest of his term.
It shows lack of leadership. People in the theater of war who are killed, arent involved in a cover up where innocent people were murdered.

Of course you will only choose to see and believe what you want to. There is nothing partisan about the facts, the facts are we had a terrorist attack and the Admin covered it up to protect obama in the election.

Im not saying that Obama is responsible, Im saying someone HIGH up on the administration is responsible. This is BAD for him, and if it wasnt, then they would have put all the facts out by now. They arent interested in catching the culprits because it will prove exctly the opposite of what his regimes message is.