Everyone on the news analyzing and criticizing Romney's comments this week and saying he's out of touch with the common man. Even though these comments are being viewed as a mistake, they were true. I've been making the same comments on here for months. There's a group of people who will vote for Obama no matter what he does. Obama could fertilize his lawn with a bag of puppies and orphans that he ran thru a wood chipper and black people will still vote for him. Obama could drop a nuclear bomb on Oakland because he's a Browns fan and people on welfare would still vote for him. Obama could lower the national credit rating and build the highest debt in american history while going on the largest government spending spree in history and people will still vote for him.

Romney just said what we're all thinking.......................................... .......................................

Dumbasses are going to vote for Obama no matter what he does. Black people are going to vote for Obama no matter what. People on food stamps and welfare are going to vote for Obama no matter what. People on section 8 housing are going to vote for Obama no matter what.

​Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Romney wants to hand america a fishing pole, Obama wants to have all you eat fish dinners every night of the week and just put the bill on america's credit card. Some people are too lazy to pick up that fishing pole, i hope those people are not the ones who decide the election.