Quote Originally Posted by Sinfix_15 View Post
Obama is to politics what the backstreet boys were to music. He's a pop culture experiment hand picked to appeal to an audience. He had no experience what so ever. He's never held a job his entire life. He's a professional politician. His resume is probably shorter than your resume. He looks the right way and sounds the right way to appeal to his audience. It doesnt matter that he's terrible. You can manufacture celebrity. Look at Snooki..... a fat ugly alcoholic moron who probably couldnt pass a GED test is now a multi million dollar TV personality. Snooki gets paid to give lectures. Obama isnt much different. His celebrity is manufactured. He has the look and the charisma, which is 10x more important than skills or intelligence for the facebook generation that will be voting for him. Obama should have never been president in the first place and he certainly shouldnt be president for 4 more years.
I understand what you're saying, but I don't agree with all of it.

Obviously getting into a debate about why you don't like Obama would be stupid considering there's 100 threads in here typically having some sort of debate. It has nothing to do with Obama that politics became the new "cool thing" and social networking helped all of that explode, it has also filled MANY heads with BS "statistics" on which way to swing. Have you ever read the I Will Not Vote for Obama Facebook page? So much LIES it's not even funny.

Obama has done good, whether that's just in my eyes I don't know, obviously NOBODY will please everyone, it's impossible, and I'm not looking for someone to JUST cater to my needs, as I see the bigger good is far more important, personally I think Obama has that to offer than any of the other candidates. Like I said though, he's not perfect, but have we ever seen perfect?