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Thread: To those of you who said the healthcare bill isn't going to affect us

  1. #121
    Senior Member xxbckiexx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vteckidd View Post
    yes hes a progressive, they are not satisfied until the govt has total control over every social aspect of your life in the name of social and economic justice. If its good for you the govt must provide it, is their mantra.

    They dont believe in capitalism , or "the rich". They believe in a star trek utopia where everyone is happy and equal in all facets of life from money to housing to cars to personal possessions.

    Progressivism is not that much different than Communism or Marxism.

    Edit: The fact that he says the banks are under a close eye , the Auto Industry is saved, the economy is getting better shows the complete disconnect he is experiencing. None of those are true in the slightest
    beat me to it. Not to mention you can't even make an Obama joke around this clown. He gets offended and starts defending him. SO WHAT IF HE THROWS LIKE A GIRL, HE CAN STILL PRESIDENTMORE BETTAR THENBUSH EVAR CAN. lolololool.
    Way Too Big

    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

    (ಠ_ృ) Riveting tale, chap.

  2. #122
    Senior Member xxbckiexx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Total_Blender View Post
    V-teckidd, thats exactly the kind of crap Glenn Beck has been spouting all week. I know this because I actually watched his show from 3/23.

    Progressivism and capitalism can and do exist side by side. Places with socialized healthcare like Canada, Great Britain, and France all still have capitalist classes. London has more millionaires than anywhere else in the world.

    Its not about eliminating the people at the top and making everyone "equal," its about making sure that people have adequate resources to cover their most basic needs and that all human life is treated with a basic minimum of dignity and respect.
    All human life is treated that way in the US. Those who don't have enough to cover their "basic needs" choose to live their life this way. They choose to be in the fry line at mcdonalds, not graduate college, or maybe even high school. They choose to be that way. Stop feeling so sap for everyone else. Everyone has equal rights in this country, it's up to you to afford the extras.
    Way Too Big

    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

    (ಠ_ృ) Riveting tale, chap.

  3. #123
    Gods Chariot Vteckidd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Total_Blender View Post

    Its not about eliminating the people at the top and making everyone "equal," its about making sure that people have adequate resources to cover their most basic needs and that all human life is treated with a basic minimum of dignity and respect.
    So what do you call that? Social Justice LOL do you even know what you are talking about ? Its evident you like to pick out what you like and what you dont like to fit your argument.

    I thought we were already guaranteed all this with the Constitution. Life, Liberty, PURSUIT of HAPPINESS? ring a bell?

    You guys believe there should be no homeless, no poor, no lower class. You believe that legislating things that YOU think are RIGHTS will level the playing field. that is the absolute OPPOSITE of a capitalistic society. Rights do not come from the GOVT, they are protected by the govt which serves the people., or it used too.

    Your theories would have some merit if everyone was truly working and trying to get ahead, etc. But its not like that. Most people that suck on the govt teet, never get off, for some reason, i wonder why. Complacency.

    I mean what about the second bill of rights? what about Single Payer? these are all progressive policies. Its designed to TAKE CARE of the population, not empower it to achieve it on its own.

    I wouldnt know i havent watched Beck in prob 2 weeks.
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  4. #124
    Gods Chariot Vteckidd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxbckiexx View Post
    All human life is treated that way in the US. Those who don't have enough to cover their "basic needs" choose to live their life this way. They choose to be in the fry line at mcdonalds, not graduate college, or maybe even high school. They choose to be that way. Stop feeling so sap for everyone else. Everyone has equal rights in this country, it's up to you to afford the extras.
    progressives dont believe that, they believe that people who are worse off than "that guy" are like that because the system is unfair. Its their job to "spread the wealth around" or dictate what is right to you. I mean look at all the examples

    Van Jones
    Biden saying "we are going to run the insurance companies"
    Takeover of GM
    Cap N Trade

    These are all heavily progressive/communist policies or agendas or agents. Blender is the minority most people didnt elect Obama for the FAR LEFT policies he is exhibiting, they elected him for CHANGE and because he campaigned as a moderate, which we all knew was a lie.

    Obama has said repeatedly that this is just the first step. He WANTS a single payer system but he knows he cant do it over night. This plan will bankrupt the insurance companies and then the GOVT will take them over. Why do you think they stopped pushing for the Public Option? Because Obama said "hey guys, we dont need a public option, this bill will give us control of the insurance companies, we will BECOME the public option through ownership. " hes absolutely right.
    Enterprise Data Resources- Ecommerce Project Manager

  5. #125
    Release the Kracken! Total_Blender's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxbckiexx View Post
    beat me to it. Not to mention you can't even make an Obama joke around this clown. He gets offended and starts defending him. SO WHAT IF HE THROWS LIKE A GIRL, HE CAN STILL PRESIDENTMORE BETTAR THENBUSH EVAR CAN. lolololool.
    If you want to make a joke about him, make one thats actually funny. Then I might laugh.

    Anyway, I think that when it comes to society its all of us or none. The society that doesn't look after its own ends up being a shitty place to live. You can have your material manifestations of success like cars, jewlery, etc if thats whats important to you. Most hardcore right-wingers I've met are selfish pricks who only care about what's theirs or how they can get more.

  6. #126
    Gods Chariot Vteckidd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Total_Blender View Post
    If you want to make a joke about him, make one thats actually funny. Then I might laugh.

    Anyway, I think that when it comes to society its all of us or none. The society that doesn't look after its own ends up being a shitty place to live. You can have your material manifestations of success like cars, jewlery, etc if thats whats important to you. Most hardcore right-wingers I've met are selfish pricks who only care about what's theirs or how they can get more.
    You cant possibly believe that.

    Im not a hardcore right winger at all. I believe in Pro Choice so there goes that argument. I believe in legalizing marijuana so there goes that argument.

    The problem with your way of thinking, IMO, is you dont know when to stop. Saying
    I think that when it comes to society its all of us or none. The society that doesn't look after its own ends up being a shitty place to live
    Is such an ambiguous statement. All or None? Are you serious? How is that any different that what i posted before?

    Society should CHOOSE to look after others on its own, not by legislating people to "care". You guys are about telling people what to do, i choose to let people do it on their own. How did we not take care of our own before? I mean you realize the immense social programs we have already right?

    Its not my responsibility to take care of Shaqueesha and her 4 illegitimate children. Just like its not your responsibility to take care of Darrel and his trailer park wife who live on welfare. Since when did we start trying to take care of people who dont want to take care of themselves?

    Sure there are those less fortunate who do need help, and for the most part, society helps out. Bill Gates does great work for children and education. No one MADE Batlground do a Toys For Tots Dyno day. I never knew Leisa (Bretts wife) and i donated a $200 Wii to his raffle, no one made me do it.

    Its 2 fundamental sections of thinking.

    I believe in personal responsibility with limited government. If you want it, DO IT. I do not believe in this day an age if you want something you cant achieve it.

    You believe that the govt should take care of everyone and coddle them because they are too weak to achieve it on their own. You believe that the Govt should legislate we all care for the less fortunate. You believe that everyone "deserves" success rather than only the few that worked hard to get it.

    Ive said this a million times, the world needs ditch diggers , the world needs failures. The world needs people that make bad decisions and have 3 kids and never make it ahead in life. thats what seperates the WINNERS from the LOSERS or NOT SO WINNERS.

    If you start rewarding failure or trying to bring down the people that truly standout above the crowd, you are making everyone mediocre. When you do that, America is no longer great
    Enterprise Data Resources- Ecommerce Project Manager

  7. #127
    Senior Member xxbckiexx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Total_Blender View Post
    If you want to make a joke about him, make one thats actually funny. Then I might laugh.

    Anyway, I think that when it comes to society its all of us or none. The society that doesn't look after its own ends up being a shitty place to live. You can have your material manifestations of success like cars, jewlery, etc if thats whats important to you. Most hardcore right-wingers I've met are selfish pricks who only care about what's theirs or how they can get more.
    everyone BUT YOU laughed at that. Maybe you're a girly man yourself. Like most liberal douches, you don't find someones lack of manliness (things men do, you know, like hunting, sports, being MEN) funny. I'm all about helping my fellow american, but not helping the fellow American who won't help themselves. There's a difference. Again, you can't have world peace and make EVERYONE happy. Stop being such a sap.
    Way Too Big

    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

    (ಠ_ృ) Riveting tale, chap.

  8. #128
    N/A POWAH! Gorilla Eg!'s Avatar
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    I am totally against this and it wasnt THE best decision or solution to our economic situation, but like its been said before....."you cant fight city hall!"

  9. #129
    Back in GA Bajjani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Total_CockSuckingFaggot View Post
    You regurgitate that crap so well that when I read your posts its like I'm actually watching Glenn Beck. Maybe you could add some bitchin' American flag graphics, and some scrolling talking points to your signature to complete the effect.

    WTF man, Mass. is a state. States don't have mayors, they have Governor's, legislators, and attorneys general.

    Also, it seems the Sonny has appointed a "Special Atorney General" to file suit against the Gov't because Thurbert Baker won't do it.

    Sonny says he has a team of attorneys who will work for free, but I am sure this will end up costing the state a shitload of money with no real results. For one thing, an attorney's time is never free. These guys are getting something form Sonny, probably either political patronage appointments or financial backing and endorsements to run for public office. Secondly, it will cost us the salary that will be paid to the "Special Attorney General." There are also court costs, and the time and resources that will be spent on this that could be diverted to other things like the HUGE ASS HOLE IN THE BUDGET.

    The GOP's mantra is that there are "no free lunches," so does Sonny really think he can pull a fast one on us and act like this isn't going to cost anything? It seems like all he's trying to do lately is just save whatever political capital he's got left with the Teabagging set.

    My bad, wasn't 100% there today like I said I've been sick..

    I fixed your name for you (it was purely because you can't seem to click quote and not change my name, so I changed yours, not because of your views)

    Of course I own this.

  10. #130
    Im French! Frög's Avatar
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    1. IA is not the place I want to discuss politics.. The average IQ is lower here than anywhere I can think of.
    2. We are in GA, so I doubt my political POV will align with most hicks here.
    3. Fox news? Really? Talk about using a bias source.

  11. #131
    ALL CAPS JITB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frög View Post

    1. IA is not the place I want to discuss politics.. The average IQ is lower here than anywhere I can think of.
    2. We are in GA, so I doubt my political POV will align with most hicks here.
    3. Fox news? Really? Talk about using a bias source.

    i know right the Us doesnt care what georgia as far as they know we still have dirt roads everywhere!

  12. #132


    Quote Originally Posted by JITB View Post
    i know right the Us doesnt care what georgia as far as they know we still have dirt roads everywhere!
    Wrong. Roads with holes everywhere.

  13. #133
    Release the Kracken! Total_Blender's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vteckidd View Post
    You cant possibly believe that.

    Im not a hardcore right winger at all. I believe in Pro Choice so there goes that argument. I believe in legalizing marijuana so there goes that argument.

    The problem with your way of thinking, IMO, is you dont know when to stop. Saying
    You presented a one-sided explanation of my point of view, I presented a one-sided explanation of yours. There you go.

    Bagjanji, fuck off ya worthless snot. I can call you whatever I want because you posted this in the Whoreslounge instead of politics. So... go suck a camel's dick.

  14. #134
    Back in GA Bajjani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Total_Blender View Post
    You presented a one-sided explanation of my point of view, I presented a one-sided explanation of yours. There you go.

    Bagjanji, fuck off ya worthless snot. I can call you whatever I want because you posted this in the Whoreslounge instead of politics. So... go suck a camel's dick.
    Sure, you can look retarded because you can't spell a 7 letter name thats posted 5 posts above yours on the same screen, but I'm going to call you whatever I want as well because you're a worthless cock sucking faggot, like I said above.

    Of course I own this.

  15. #135
    Slowest Car on IA David88vert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy Asian View Post
    Wrong. Roads with holes everywhere.
    We have steel plates for those holes.....
    "Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting." - Steve McQueen

  16. #136
    Release the Kracken! Total_Blender's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bajjani View Post
    Sure, you can look retarded because you can't spell a 7 letter name thats posted 5 posts above yours on the same screen.
    Your momma should have swallowed you when she had the chance. Anyway, keep running your cocksucker, it makes no difference to me.

  17. #137
    Gods Chariot Vteckidd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Total_Blender View Post
    You presented a one-sided explanation of my point of view, I presented a one-sided explanation of yours. There you go.
    you dont get off that easy. You cant make an ambiguous statement like that and then say i was wrong. What do you believe then?

    Youve said/posted/inferred NUMEROUS times that you agree with the hardcore lefts agenda, which is progressive, which is Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Emmanuel, etc. You believe in spreading the wealth, making everyone equal, its societys duty to take care of the less fortunate EVEN if the less fortunate dont help themselves.

    How many of these statements do you believe in:
    • You think health care is a basic human right, and that single-payer national health insurance is a worthwhile reform on our way toward creating a non-profit national health care service.

    • You think that human rights ought always to trump property rights.

    • You think U.S. military spending is an obscene waste of resources, and that the only freedom this spending protects is the freedom of economic elites to exploit working people all around the planet.

    • You think U.S. troops should be brought home not only from Afghanistan and Iraq, but from all 130 countries in which the U.S. has military bases.

    • You think political leaders who engage in "preemptive war" and invasions should be brought to trial for crimes against humanity and judged against the standards of international law established at Nuremberg after World War Two.

    • You think public education should be free, not just from kindergarten through high school, but as far as a person is willing and able to go.

    • You think that electoral reform should include instant run-off voting, publicly-financed elections, easy ballot access for all parties, and proportional representation.

    • You think that electoral democracy is not enough, and that democracy must also be participatory and extend to workplaces.

    • You think that strengthening the rights of all workers to unionize and bargain collectively is a useful step toward full economic democracy.

    • You think that as a society we have a collective obligation to provide everyone who is willing and able to work with a job that pays a living wage and offers dignity.

    • You think that a class system which forces some people to do dirty, dangerous, boring work all the time, while others get to do clean, safe, interesting work all the time, can never deliver social justice.

    • You think that regulating big corporations isn't enough, and that such corporations, if they are allowed to exist at all, must either serve the common good or be put into public receivership.

    • You think that the legal doctrine granting corporations the same constitutional rights as natural persons is absurd and must be overturned.

    • You think it's wrong to allow individuals to accumulate wealth without limits, and that the highest incomes should be capped well before they begin to threaten community and democracy.

    • You think that wealth, not just income, should be taxed.

    • You think it's crazy to use the Old Testament as a policy guide for the 21st century.

    • You believe in celebrating diversity, while also recognizing that having women and people of color proportionately represented among the class of oppressors is not the goal we should be aiming for.

    • You think that the state has no right to kill, and that putting people to death to show that killing is wrong will always be a self-defeating policy.

    • You think that anyone who desires the reins of power that come with high political office should, by reason of that desire, be seen as unfit for the job.

    • You think that instead of more leaders, we need fewer followers.

    • You think that national borders, while sometimes establishing territories of safety, more often establish territories of exploitation, much like gang turf.

    • You are open to considering how the privileges you enjoy because of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and/or physical ability might come at the expense of others.

    • You believe that voting every few years is a weak form of political participation, and that achieving social justice requires concerted effort before, during, and after elections.

    • You think that, ideally, no one would have more wealth more than they need until everyone has at least as much as they need to live a safe, happy, decent life.

    • You recognize that an economic system which requires continuous expansion, destroys the environment, relies on rapidly-depleting fossil fuels, exacerbates inequality, and leads to war after war is unsustainable and must be replaced. Score a bonus point if you understand that sticking to the existing system is what's unrealistic.

    I can already pick out 5 you will agree with
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  18. #138
    Gods Chariot Vteckidd's Avatar
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    guys keep the name calling out of here it really accomplishes nothing
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  19. #139
    i drive a giant blueberry preferredduck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vteckidd View Post
    progressives dont believe that, they believe that people who are worse off than "that guy" are like that because the system is unfair. Its their job to "spread the wealth around" or dictate what is right to you. I mean look at all the examples

    Van Jones
    Biden saying "we are going to run the insurance companies"
    Takeover of GM
    Cap N Trade

    These are all heavily progressive/communist policies or agendas or agents. Blender is the minority most people didnt elect Obama for the FAR LEFT policies he is exhibiting, they elected him for CHANGE and because he campaigned as a moderate, which we all knew was a lie.

    Obama has said repeatedly that this is just the first step. He WANTS a single payer system but he knows he cant do it over night. This plan will bankrupt the insurance companies and then the GOVT will take them over. Why do you think they stopped pushing for the Public Option? Because Obama said "hey guys, we dont need a public option, this bill will give us control of the insurance companies, we will BECOME the public option through ownership. " hes absolutely right.
    obama is becoming more of a dictator i have noticed. soon they will censor the internet.
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  20. #140
    Back in GA Bajjani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Total_Blender View Post
    Your momma should have swallowed you when she had the chance. Anyway, keep running your cocksucker, it makes no difference to me.
    If it makes no difference, don't say shit. Do me a favor go bust your ass and make a few million and start paying for these lazy fucks that want free healthcare, welfare money, and food stamps so I don't have to.

    Of course I own this.

  21. #141
    i drive a giant blueberry preferredduck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frög View Post

    1. IA is not the place I want to discuss politics.. The average IQ is lower here than anywhere I can think of.
    2. We are in GA, so I doubt my political POV will align with most hicks here.
    3. Fox news? Really? Talk about using a bias source.
    lay it out there my friend i can handle the truth!!! whoever cannot we will see no online activity as their fuzzy little heads will explode, to the other poster the rest of the country thinks we have not changed here in 100 years or so.
    Check out my for sale threads!! 15" competition speakerbox, 1TB External hard drive, and plenty of car parts!!!

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  22. #142
    i drive a giant blueberry preferredduck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Total_Blender View Post
    Your momma should have swallowed you when she had the chance. Anyway, keep running your cocksucker, it makes no difference to me.
    wow i think a potato might have a higher IQ, atleast a potato can make electricity unlike total mater. i really am thinking you probably are not even old enough to drive let alone think on your own!!!
    Check out my for sale threads!! 15" competition speakerbox, 1TB External hard drive, and plenty of car parts!!!

    I Need some WRX, 350Z, 240SX, Really any car owner to let me do R&D for Ground Kits, Please Let me See the layouts!!!

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