Lets take a look at what he has done in real terms.

Notable Promises kept.

Send 2 brigades to Asscrackistan.
VA budget is now Must Pass legislation
Make military aid to Pakistan results based
Extend unemployment and suspend taxes on them

I lost count at about 25 more govt agencies and positions.
I didnt bother trying to count all of the govt expansion programs. I did count 6 just on page 1.
There are also quite a few BS promises kept on there, such as getting his daughters a puppy.

Now look at the promises he broke. You will notice that nearly all of them were his major campaigning points.

CSPAN was barred from healthcare debates and negotiations.
Ending Income taxes for seniors making less than 50k
End no-bid contracts over 25k
Allow 5 days for public comment before signing bills.
Tougher rules for lobbists.
reduce earmarks to 1994 levels.

As you can see, while be has made and kept a lot of promises, the weight of those promises arent equal.