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Thread: Republican congressman introduces universal healthcare coverage... for your pets

  1. #1
    Release the Kracken! Total_Blender's Avatar
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    Default Republican congressman introduces universal healthcare coverage... for your pets

    Republican Rep. Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan has thrown pet owners a bone by sponsoring a bill that would allow them to deduct animal care expenses from their taxes.
    The bill, Humanity and Pets Partnered Through the Years, or "HAPPY Act," would allow taxpayers to deduct up to $3,500 a year. McCotter declined to speak to NPR, saying he is focused on more pressing legislation, but he did explain his motivation for the tax break on DoggyTV, a YouTube channel.
    "Well, we've had reports of people having to turn in pets because of the economic recession," he said. "And when you think about the relationship between people and pets and the humane way that it helps people think, it seemed to me to be a good idea, and we dropped it in" to the congressional hopper.
    To be sure, there are thousands of bills introduced every year, and most of them go nowhere. Then again, this bill has a pretty large target constituency: More than half of Americans own pets, by many estimations. That means there could be a lot of support for McCotter's proposal.
    Mixed Reaction
    Enlarge Chip Somodevilla/Getty ImagesRepublican Rep. Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan is the primary sponsor of a bill in the House that would allow pet owners to deduct animal care expenses from their taxes. He calls it the HAPPY Act.

    Chip Somodevilla/Getty ImagesRepublican Rep. Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan is the primary sponsor of a bill in the House that would allow pet owners to deduct animal care expenses from their taxes. He calls it the HAPPY Act.

    "Are you kidding?" said Beth Selby, a visitor to the National Mall from Georgia, when asked about the proposed tax break. "Pets are an option. You know, when you take on a pet, you take on their care."
    Tom James from Pennsylvania was uncertain. "I'm sort of on the fence with this one." But Pablo Otera, also from Pennsylvania, said, "Hell, yeah." He said he recently spent $4,000 on his dog, Petey.
    "He fell off my truck, needed surgery, needed therapy, needed a whole bunch of stuff," Otera said. "That's $4,000 I could have deducted from my taxes ... and food, too!"
    You could almost see the adding machine in Otera's head. And that's part of the point, McCotter told DoggyTV: Anything that puts cash back in Americans' hands during the economic crisis is a good thing. If the bill gathers enough support, he says, it could actually go somewhere.
    "Obviously, health care is on the front burner," McCotter said. "But when the time comes, if people are letting their members know they like it, they'd like to see them get behind it, I think that will be helpful in this instance."
    But until there is a public outcry of support, it's unclear how doggedly the congressman will pursue the HAPPY Act.


    So yeah, discuss.

  2. #2
    \m/>_<\m/ dorin48's Avatar
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    Its a nice sentiment but I find it a little ridiculous. Although some pets do sprout some seriously nasty medical issues that cost a lot to treat. So, I guess it sounds insane at first but would be really nice in those instances when your dog/cat whatever needs a $1500 surgery >_>. I think it should only be usable for the expensive, unexpected, procedures not day to day necessities or vaccinations.

  3. #3
    Release the Kracken! Total_Blender's Avatar
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    I'll agree with you that its a good sentiment, and with the recession people are dumping off their animals that they can't support while at the same time humane societies and animal controls are operating on drastically reduced budgets.

    Athens has stopped picking up stray animals almost completely. There are stray cats all over the place. I am really kinda scared about rabies and stuff having all these animals loose and scavenging in close urban confines.

    I really think we should fix human healthcare first though, for what its worth.

  4. #4
    Moderator BanginJimmy's Avatar
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    I love it, I think it needs work though. I would have the deductions start at something like 1k and above. This way regular check-ups and vaccinations would not be deductible.

    As far as human healthcare goes, I agree it needs work, but dumping the best system in the world for one that hasnt worked anywhere its been tried doesnt seem all that smart to me.

  5. #5
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    This is nothing but doggy welfare! snoopy communism! Instead of giving government handouts, how about some veterenarian malpractice reform! All I can say is that this better not cover illegal Mexican dogs...oh yeah I almost forgot...this is all Obama's fault!

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