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Thread: Individualism, what does it mean to you as an American Citizen?

  1. #1
    Family Man ahabion's Avatar
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    Default Individualism, what does it mean to you as an American Citizen?

    I was listening to the Rush Limbaugh show and heard an interesting quote. (Now, he is usually filled with a lot of crap, but I listen and filter out the junk, propaganda, and things that I don't agree on.) But he stated a few quotes that I thought was all too true and wanted you guys' take on it.

    Please note, lets focus this on the quotes themselves and not that it came from the Rush Limbaugh show...

    The quote goes like this:

    "The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." -Ayn Rand-

    "Liberty is an inherently offensive lifestyle. Living in a free society guaruntees that each one of us will see our most cherished principles and beliefs questioned and in some cases mocked. That psychic discomfort is the price we pay for basic civic peace. It's worth it. It's a pragmatic principle. Defend everyone else's rights, because if you don't there is no one to defend yours." -MaxedOutMama-

    What do you guys think, first as an individual living in America, and second, as an American citizen?

    Stay on this discussion... don't need to talk about current or previous administrations or anything like that... just want your two cents on what Liberty and individual freedoms mean to you.

  2. #2
    Release the Kracken! Total_Blender's Avatar
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    I always laugh when I am in an argument with someone and they tell me I need to "think for myself". Like I am not thinking for myself because I don't agree with them. Rather than by doing research and actually putting critical thinking into formulating an opinion and composing arguments, most people on the right wing seem to insinuate that I don't "think for myself" unless I fall in line with Hannity, Limbaugh, O' Reilly, etc.

  3. #3
    Moderator BanginJimmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Total_Blender
    I always laugh when I am in an argument with someone and they tell me I need to "think for myself". Like I am not thinking for myself because I don't agree with them. Rather than by doing research and actually putting critical thinking into formulating an opinion and composing arguments, most people on the right wing seem to insinuate that I don't "think for myself" unless I fall in line with Hannity, Limbaugh, O' Reilly, etc.

    The mirror image is also true. Unless I agree with Comrad Obama I am just following Hannity, Limbaugh, or O'Reilly.

  4. #4
    Family Man ahabion's Avatar
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    Apparently, its either one or the other... how sad really. Was hoping that we could step out of Groups or Majorities and really talk as individuals. Grouping people into some sort of term makes it simple to make freedoms and rights smaller.

    I'm not trying to side on the right or left, but really just trying to find out what IA thinks about their own individual freedoms. I'll be the first to admit that I was unhappy with G.W. Bush and I'm not feeling that optimistic about the current Obama plan either. So where does that put me, neither agreeing with conservatism nor liberalism?

    As you put it Total, lets think for ourselves for a second and put away the right and left wings and think as individuals.

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