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Thread: Palin could be a 72 year olds Heartbeat away from being PRESIDENT?!

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    Default Palin could be a 72 year olds Heartbeat away from being PRESIDENT?!

  2. #2
    drives a beat up 626 blackshine007's Avatar
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    Good ol' Joe, don't ya know Gee gosh guy I tell ya....... Epic failure. But according to polls, they're slipping.

    K series 626. That's right. It's got a K in it.

  3. #3
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    Yea that was obvious. Some people are too stuck on being a Republican that they forget about taking some realization of the content of their candidates. They just need to look inward in their party and there they will find their reason to support Obama.

  4. #4
    Powered by 4G63 willum14pb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blurred visions
    Yea that was obvious. Some people are too stuck on being a Republican that they forget about taking some realization of the content of their candidates. They just need to look inward in their party and there they will find their reason to support Obama.

    The same can be said for democrats.

    She may not know a whole lot about every bill passed through senate and congress.. but what governor does? Lets throw you in the hot seat out of no where and see how you fair. However, she stands for exactly what mccain does and if she sticks to their plan if she does end up becoming president then i will back her fully. She's by no means stupid, or a two faced/bad person, so im not mad that she's not 100% up to date on everything in politics. If anything, she's genuine and un corrupt and hopefully she can stay that way and see past all the bull****. People need to cut her a little slack and ease up. Id rather have her in office than a senator who received sweetheart loans from fanny and freddie and failed to vote for regulation on these two companies when they well knew they were going down. Talk about corruption.

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    Quote Originally Posted by willum14pb
    The same can be said for democrats.

    She may not know a whole lot about every bill passed through senate and congress.. but what governor does? Lets throw you in the hot seat out of no where and see how you fair. However, she stands for exactly what mccain does and if she sticks to their plan if she does end up becoming president then i will back her fully. She's by no means stupid, or a two faced/bad person, so im not mad that she's not 100% up to date on everything in politics. If anything, she's genuine and un corrupt and hopefully she can stay that way and see past all the bull****. People need to cut her a little slack and ease up. Id rather have her in office than a senator who received sweetheart loans from fanny and freddie and failed to vote for regulation on these two companies when they well knew they were going down. Talk about corruption.
    cut her slack

    that is the lamest sh!t you've posted to date; really. how about i give you a box of tampons for that bleeding heart of yours? she is a f*cking moron and possibly could of been the worst VP pick of the century. she can't answer anything w/o regurgitating her nominee speach or mccains garbage. sorry but even republicans think mccain should of done better.

    i find it so funny how mccain/palin are going after obama for experience and "ON THE JOB TRAINING"... hello even your statements prove she is a nobody w/o any washington experience. running our administration isn't a PTA meeting in wassilla, al. epic fail on mccain for his choice. polls are what they are b/c rep ticket is weak. republican ticket = grandpa + hockey mom

  6. #6
    Go Gators! BB6dohcvtec's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by admin
    cut her slack

    that is the lamest sh!t you've posted to date; really. how about i give you a box of tampons for that bleeding heart of yours? she is a f*cking moron and possibly could of been the worst VP pick of the century. she can't answer anything w/o regurgitating her nominee speach or mccains garbage. sorry but even republicans think mccain should of done better.

    i find it so funny how mccain/palin are going after obama for experience and "ON THE JOB TRAINING"... hello even your statements prove she is a nobody w/o any washington experience. running our administration isn't a PTA meeting in wassilla, al. epic fail on mccain for his choice. polls are what they are b/c rep ticket is weak. republican ticket = grandpa + hockey mom
    couldn't have said it better lmao classic +

    The University of Florida Gators 2008 Football National CHOMPions.

  7. #7
    IA Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by willum14pb
    The same can be said for democrats.

    She may not know a whole lot about every bill passed through senate and congress.. but what governor does? Lets throw you in the hot seat out of no where and see how you fair. .
    I'm not a potential Vice President of the United States of America, she is, so I would hope that having the second most important position in American government you would know quite a bit about current events in Washington within the last 8 years.

    Quote Originally Posted by willum14pb
    However, she stands for exactly what mccain does and if she sticks to their plan if she does end up becoming president then i will back her fully.
    You couldn't have said it better, she is a PUPPET. McCain tells her what to say and she says it.

    Quote Originally Posted by willum14pb
    She's by no means stupid
    Yes, she is.

    Quote Originally Posted by willum14pb
    , or a two faced/bad person, so im not mad that she's not 100% up to date on everything in politics. If anything, she's genuine and un corrupt and hopefully she can stay that way and see past all the bull****.
    Because she hasn't been in Washington makes her qualified? Your saying that because shes a nice lady, she doesn't have to know **** for **** about current events, because shes nice. Really?

    Quote Originally Posted by willum14pb
    People need to cut her a little slack and ease up.
    No way Jose, with people like Hannity talking trash 24/7 about Obama there is no way I would let up off Palin. Besides, with McCain so old WE NEED to very well be looking into Palin and thinking of her as a potential President.

    Quote Originally Posted by willum14pb
    Id rather have her in office than a senator who received sweetheart loans from fanny and freddie and failed to vote for regulation on these two companies when they well knew they were going down. Talk about corruption.
    Oh give me a break, your buddy McCain is no angel and he has more **** dug up than anyone could on Obama.

    Check the polls, McCain is going down.

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