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Thread: S14 Price quote

  1. #1
    IA Member
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    Canton, Ga
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    Default S14 Price quote

    I own a 1995 s14 zenki in red. I would like to get it painted in the new 2011 scion tc "cement" color. The outside of the car I.e. window moldings: front, rear, rear quarter windows, sunroof etc will be getting replaced so all of the glass on the car will be removed before it gets to your shop. It does not have a body kit. It has a wing on the trunk. I would like the door jams, doors, outside of car, front part from under the hood...basically a very extensive paint job. I would like to do this once and only once, I want the paint to last another 15 years like the current paint. The lights on the car front and rear and side will all be removed as well. I would probably like to remove the doors and paint in there as well. I will be interested in doing this after the holidays due to the time factor and I'm getting quotes from other places as well.

    P.s. if I were to get rear over fenders would you be able to mount and "flush" those in with the car? And if so how much?


  2. #2
    Spraypainter Gabe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    United States of Atlanta
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    for a complete makeover with a full teardown and a basecoat clearcoat paintjob it would put you around 2500bucks. overfenders we would have to charge you accordingly im gessing around 600 bucks a side

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