Well as most of you guys know, I've been having quite a bit of problems with my motor. I blame it on me for being in soooooo much of a rush that I didn't check everything to if they were in operating conditions. Well I pieced this motor together and now I'm pulling it all apart; for your viewing pleasure. So if you've never pulled a motor out before I'll explain it as I go. The main reason for me breaking down the motor is because I have a horrific oil leak, which costs me hundreds in buying more oil lol. This is all being brought to you by my camera phone.....FTW

The first thing that I did was to drain out all the oil, transmission fluid, and coolant.

When I drains the oil from my transmission, I got a good look at what I was spitting out lol

I then pulled out my battery and Intake (Oil going through Intake as seen in pic)

Then I purged the fuel from the filter

After that I started pulling off my wiring harness, so that I don't break a connector or something

Sorry for the pics getting smaller, my phone was trying to be a smart-ass lol, but I then pulled the harness from out the car and started to pull of the hoses, not cutting them.

I then pulled the "Bitch Pin" out along with my axles.

Sorry for the lack of pics on that

To the pulling and mounting on the engine stand

Then I started to pull of everything, so that I'm able to clean it off without damaging anything.

My Gasket Set...... Felpro

My Honda Piston Rings, compliments of Sons Acura (free advertising FTL lol) ,but I have a couple friends up there so it's all good

Some more shots of my randomness

Pics of the black ass oil leaking everywhere....

It's now 10:20 PM, my friend just got in so now I'm able to pull the head off now, so those would soon be up as well