Conversation Between StaYdUbiN87 and volk_ef9

6 Visitor Messages

  1. no worries let me know if you need anymore advice.
  2. thanx man ima check all that me lots dude and saved me time
  3. yeah i if it still has a cat on it, then thats what i would go with... it seems like to me it is clogged and is creating too much back pressure and is making it run bad. i would just over view the plugs and wires and take the capf off the dizzy and check the points in it and the rotor button.. if they arent too bad they can be cleaned up with some carb and choke cleaner and a little wire brush. if u take a screwdriver and put it in the spark plug wire boot and put it against the valve cover check the spark color. you want a nice blueish white spark if the spark is yellow it means your getting a weak spark which means it could be a coil.....
  4. fml idk what it is i keep hearing its all these differant things i dont wanna pay extra but your problaly right and idk about rottin eggs but i do get like a differant smell ?
  5. yo man it sounds like it could be your catalitic converter being stopped up. do you ever smell a smell like rotting eggs?
  6. sup man so your a mechanic ? umm my car starts to backfire and loses power and cuts of once i drive it for a lil while wonder what it is people tell me its either the spark plus,distributer cap or spark plug cables any clue on what it can be ? nd thanx
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
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