Conversation Between b13zero and ReckLessDC5

5 Visitor Messages

  1. hey my number is 404 552 2430 its mitch
  2. hey dawg, add to my rep points.. sucks not being able to post on the forsale threads... lol
  3. NAH COULDN'T GO, my neighbor needed her car back last night. so now i bought a B18b motor for 588 it still won't be up and running until probly next 2 weeks from now.
    No transportation. Sucks dude.. if you know anybody who's selling LS axles (Dr, Pass and Half Shaft) as well as an altenator, starter, Clutch and Flywhee LMK. 347 522 5692
  4. nuthin much u go to the varsity last night
  5. hey whats up bro.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
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