Conversation Between drewc and MINI

3 Visitor Messages

  1. im in oklahoma i joined the army im looking at deploying in october around that time the car scene up here sucks yea ive done alot of shit to the car since u have last seen it carbon hood trunk i have my turbo kit on im having it rebuilt in a week because i burnt the rings up they have a 1/8 mile up here 5 mins from my house so i guess oklahomas not that bad but it doesnt open to march but ill keep u informed of times when it does open i saw a post u put on srt forums about putting a srt motor in go for it i think that would be bad ass
  2. Dude where have you been?! That hood is sick! I'm about to get carbon fiber fenders because someone backed into me. I need to look at your engine soon too for some plans I have for the cooper.
  3. hey whats up do u remember me im the guy from rome with the srt how u been doing
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
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