Conversation Between FAM0U5 and MissS13

11 Visitor Messages

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  1. well dam Im no were near there lol I wanna clean up my engine bay and redo my sub box..and etc. I spent to much for her not to look on top of her game.
  2. Damn, i lost count, lol
  3. true true... so how much you put in her so far?
  4. LOL, well until I got the money to replace what I "risk", I'm not going after that biscuit any time soon, LOL
  5. I know what you mean, I would like to learn as well, BUT you need to risk it to get the biscuit LOL
  6. Honestly, no...and I'd love to learn, but NOT in my shit. I've spent too much money making my car clean that I don't wanna drift it. Maybe in a HUGE empty lot with no cars, no curbs, no dips, and no, just to see what it felt like. But my bf slides with me in the car and its SO fun. And he's really good, always in complete control of the car(he's also got a 240, but I had mine b4 I ever met him though). Maybe if I had the money to get a shell and just leave the dual cam KA in it, lower it, and get me a good lsd, then I'd play around...but never in my "cherry", lol
  7. so you know how to drift?
  8. haha....x2
  9. nothing being bored hence why im on IA heh
  10. not much...u?
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