Conversation Between ej6kidd and jdmblock

6 Visitor Messages

  1. yo nika wats good where u at come to the crib
  2. this nika
  3. yo i have a 700 hp 4 door civic and i was racin this ferrari, it was crazy as soon as i hit v tec i blew his doors off i was goin so fast my honda emblem flew off luckily i had my red ls rims and that kept me stable... god i love v tec baaaaaaaaaaAHHHHHHHH lol (fuck honda)
  4. lol did u check out that website that guy sent you about them parts
  5. this nika you better shove that gold plated wheel up you ass in the mean time ill stick my gold plate cock in christina mouth lol oooooo this nika
  6. yo i got one LS integra rim for you im askin 657.00 its gold plated lol
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
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