Conversation Between MissS13 and EP3Hatch

13 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah oh well, there is nothing that we can do about it.
  2. OH WELL! lol
  3. That may be the reason. If that is the reason I think it is kind of retarded. You can change your signature but can't do anything to the avator until later.
  4. Yea I looked for it, I didn't see it. Iss it possible that I just don't have access to it yet? Cuz i've only been registered on IA now for like 3 days, LOL
  5. My bad I thought that I sent you the message about looking for the Edit Avator thing but I guess that I sent to my buddy. I was just wondering if you had found it yet. It should be right above where you edit your signature.
  6. get what?
  7. Get it?
  8. I want to! How do I fix it??? I looked for "Edit Avatar" or something like it but never found anything...
  9. You going to get that avator fixed??
  10. Anytime!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
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