Conversation Between FAM0U5 and BluesClues

61 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey when I got your text it was late I didnt recieve it late I didnt look at my phone until after I ran and took a shower and etc. sorry..
  2. you got owned, AWWWWWWWW BLESS UR HEART
  3. Shut up!
  4. GAME. SET. MATCH.....
  5. good morning
  6. you maybe a dream to others, but thats all that will be a dream that only a figment because they are scared to chase. but to those you are more so of a reality...
  7. Don't be mad hun. You know how I feel. Can't wait to see you later. We really need a hug
  8. he needed to tell you again geez..
  9. Ok, so now your 28 to my 25 eh?
  10. I'm waiting for you awake sleeping beauty!

    So I see you now have 27 friends and I only have 24. This means war!!!!!!!!!!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 61
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