• Vintage Class Meet - March 2013

      This article was originally published in forum thread: Vintage Class Meet - March 2013 started by David88vert View original post
      Comments 12 Comments
      1. On_Her_Face's Avatar
        On_Her_Face -
        Bunch of neat cars and great pictures as usual. Victory pipes just don't do it for me, that green Z does though!
      1. gogriz91's Avatar
        gogriz91 -
        Thanks for the pics of the Z, you make that 100 yard paint job look alot better than it really is, that's the mark of a great photographer in my book.
      1. Elbow's Avatar
        Elbow -
        That wagon looks awesome aside from the exhaust.
      1. Dirty Octopus™'s Avatar
        Dirty Octopus™ -
        VERY nice pics David. I see the progression
      1. quickdodge®'s Avatar
        quickdodge® -

        You're welcome, old school crowd, lolol. I'm glad he made it out there. I had went to the auto store down from my house and just happened to spy the car in a car wash bay. I pulled up and talked to the guy for over half an hour and told him about these meets.
      1. bu villain's Avatar
        bu villain -
        Quote Originally Posted by quickdodge® View Post
        You're welcome, old school crowd, lolol. I'm glad he made it out there. I had went to the auto store down from my house and just happened to spy the car in a car wash bay. I pulled up and talked to the guy for over half an hour and told him about these meets.
        I talked to him at the meet and he mentioned he heard about the meet from word of mouth. Since there aren't that many old school guys on this forum and we don't advertise much, we appreciate the evangelism.

        And nice photos from David as always!
      1. Sinfix_15's Avatar
        Sinfix_15 -
        I'm not a photographer, but these pictures appear to be a noticeable improvement over previous ones. Look very good.
      1. quickdodge®'s Avatar
        quickdodge® -
        Quote Originally Posted by bu villain View Post
        I talked to him at the meet and he mentioned he heard about the meet from word of mouth. Since there aren't that many old school guys on this forum and we don't advertise much, we appreciate the evangelism.
        I was supposed to go up there myself (told him I hoped to see him there), but Friday came along and my wife calls and says that one of my grandchildren was coming over at 2pm for the afternoon. This was like the third time I've seen her in the year she's been here so I had to stick around for that. But at least he showed up. That's cool.

        Quote Originally Posted by Sinfix_15 View Post
        I'm not a photographer, but these pictures appear to be a noticeable improvement over previous ones. Look very good.
        I agree. When I was scrolling down to see replies, I did notice that these pictures were quite sharp.
      1. David88vert's Avatar
        David88vert -
        I've changed everything over the last few months - gear, technique, post processing, etc. Everything has changed as I've continuously refined my workflow to get better results, and faster.
        I still have some more improvements that I am working on though.
      1. blake06gto's Avatar
        blake06gto -
        i noticed there is no picture of you in these photos... youre pretty vintage.

        i mean youre car... yea.
      1. David88vert's Avatar
        David88vert -
        We were in Billy's Mercedes - not vintage.
      1. blake06gto's Avatar
        blake06gto -
        Quote Originally Posted by David88vert View Post
        We were in Billy's Mercedes - not vintage.
        i said nothin about the stang.
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