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Thread: So SCs = tanks, ran over a curb, damage pics

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    ZOMG ChnkyLao's Avatar
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    Default So SCs = tanks, ran over a curb, damage pics

    Last night it was pouring raining, black ass roads, and I thought I had turned into the turning lane of an intersection, but it ended up being a U turn lane. I was slowing turning into the lane and I noticed there was a cement median. Unfortunately my first thought was there was there shouldn't be a median there, then i ran the median over with the drivers side of the car

    I knew my front tire was gone instantly the rears questionable. Everything else seemed bad at the time. I pulled over to the gas station next to the turning lane. Got out of my car and saw freakin oil leaking under. Turned the car off instantly. The leak stopped after I turned the car off.

    Left the car at the gas station allday and got towed it back with the F250 and my cousins car trailer

    Got home, lifted all four wheels on jackstands and discovered this

    The car survive it, no damage to the motor mounts, engine, transmission, transmission mounts, cv axles, radiator, front bumper nothing, I was amazed. The car still drives just leaks oil. The car has well over 300k on most of the parts in the car.

    The gasket to the oil pan collapsed under pressure and the upper oil pan cracked a lil. Other than the obvious rim damage that was it. This car is freakin sturdy as hell. Of course I haven't removed the oil pan yet to check the real damage, which ill do after finals.

    A chunk of metal was actually ripped from idk what that is really

    The ATB? oil pan gasket pretty much collapse or got squshed under the pressure

    The upper pan has a small hairline crack in it

    unfortunately my bent rims

    How my car sat before the accident

    Plans on fixng?
    *take the oil pan out, check it up and down
    *weld the upper pan if I can
    *change out the gasket
    *bolt the pan back on and hope is doesnt leak anywhere else.
    *change out my springs in my coilovers from supra tts, to hypercoils,
    *the car will be garaged and worked on for the winter, so lots of things if money allows
    *2uz bottom end maybe?

    I do need a diagram to the upper and lower oil pans on a 95 sc400
    Last edited by ChnkyLao; 12-13-2010 at 01:29 AM.

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